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31 Cards in this Set

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2 muscles that are part of the posterior lateral compartment
brachioradialis and the extensor carpi radialis longus
10 muscles are posterior to the radius and ulna. they are divided into what two sections? what separates them.
5 deep and 5 superficial.separated by the intermuscular septum
"carpi" means the muscles has something to do with....?
the hand
"pollicis" means the muscle has something to do with....?
the thumb
"digita" means the muscle moves the....?
name the 3 pollis muscles that extend/abduct thumb?
abductor pollicis longus,
extensor polllicis brevis
extensor pollicis longus
3 extensor carpi muscles that extend hand at the wrist
extensor carpi radialis longus
extensor carpi radialis brevis
extensotr carpi ulnaris
3 digiti muscles extend fingers
extensor digitorum
extensor digiti minimi
extensor indicis
3 muscles with differ functions, cross elbow join but not wrist joint
the 7 superficial posterior muscles originate from the
lateral epicondylelateral and the suprachondyle ridge of the humerus

(opposite of the anterior side-they all originate from the medial epicondyle
the thumb is always lateral or medial?
brachioradialis muscle.

goes from where to where (origin and insertion)


innervated by?

brachium to the the radius

doesnt even cross the wrist=no action at the wrist! only at elbow joint. is a FLEXOR. odd man out

helps us get our arms to the midprone position, the position that we usually walk in=the beer drinking muscle

inervated by radial nerve C5, DEF C6, andC 7. reflex tests for C6. strike near insertion. test for C5=biceps tendon
Extensor Carpi Radialis longus



innervated by?
originates from lateral supracondylar ridge (like the brachioradialis) but this time, the muscle crosses the wrist joint to insert at the 2nd metacarpal.

extends/abduct the hand at the

radial nerve, C6/C7 BEFORE it branches

can get wrist drop if

lateral side of limb=abduct
if there is any injury to the deep radial nerve (before it branches), you will lose innervation to many ______but not the _______, this is signified by _____ because....

if the the radial nerve is wrecked in the spiral groove=_______
extensors of the forearm, but not the Extensor Carpi Radialis Longus, signified by a weaked extension the ECRL is earlier on in the nerve and is still being innervated.

complete wrist drop
extensor carpi radialis brevis



lateral epicondyle to 3rd metacarpal

abducts hand at wrist

deep branch of radial nerve (C7/C8)
Extensor Digitorum



lateral epicondyle (common tendon)

large muscle with broad belly that gives rise to 4 tendons of the fingers

insert at the both base of the middle phalynx and distal planlynx= 2 distal phalanges

deep branch of radial nerve
extensor digiti minimi



little finger!

originates at common extensor tendon on lateral epicondyle

thin muscle ulnar side, contributes to the 4th tendon of extensor digitorum for extension little finger

deep branch of radial nerve
extensor carpi ulnaris



on the medial side

from common extensor tendon on lateral epicondyle

inserts on base of 5th metcarpal

extends/ADDucts the hand at the wrist

deep branch of radial nerve



triangluar shaped muscle originates at lateral epichondyle (not from common tendon)

inserts onto lateral olecranon process of ulna

assist the triceps in extension of forearm at elbow joint (considered part of the triceps muscle)

Radial Nerve-C7/C8
extensor digitorum tendons turn into the _________ which give rise to 3 what 3 insertion points?
extensor expansion hood.

1 point at the base of the middle phalynx

thens it split into 2 lateral tendons that run parallel to each other where it inserts twice more in the distal phalynx=extensor digitorum inserts at 2 places!
the extensor expansion hood. what is it and why is it important?
extensor digitorum tendons broaden into a connective tissue hood called the extensor expansion hood at the metacarpal-phalangeal joint

important because has lateral connections to ligaments that help to stabilize the knuckle.
hyperflexion injury injury causes what?
the lateral 2 bands are hyperflexed and break, sometimes pulling bone with it=avulsion injury (cant happen anywhere where a tendon pulls away small fragment of bone)

the flexor then takes over->>>mallet finger (bent finger)
breaking of central band of extensor digitorum tendons instead of the lateral bands-->
boutonniere (button hole) deformity

lateral bands move anteriorly along sides of the finger and the PIP joint pops thru both of them like a button

the reinforces the action of the flexors and produces a flexion deformity
tennis elbow!?
inflammation around the common tendon of the lateral epicondyle (lateral epichondylitis)


extensor darpi radialis brevis
extensor digitorum
extensor digit minimi
extensor carpi ulnaris
posterior deep muscles of the forearm
abductor pollicis longus
extensor pollicis brevis
extensor pollicis longus
extensor indicis



originates in posterior lateral epicondyle, wraps around the radius to insert on the neck and shaft of the radius

supinates the forearm duh!

Deep Branch of Radial Nerve: C5 and C6
what two muscles contradict the supinator muscle? what do they do?
the pronator teres and pronator quadratus muscles pronate the forearm
when the elbow is flexed, what acts as a strong supinator?
the biceps brachii via the tendon on radial tuberosity

the supinator and biceps brachii muscles contract, "unwrapping" the radius=supination motion

screw drivers because supinators are strong
abductor pollicis longus
finish! stopped here. page 8
Dequervain's Syndrome
aggrevation btw the abductor pollicis longus and the extensor pollicis brevis.swelling, fibrosus of synovial sheath

test via finkelstein's test=thumb in the fist, then abduct wrist. can also have resistance via trigger thumb
what makes a strong grip?
the interphalangeal joints are flexed, but the wrist joint is extended by the 3 carpi muscles. without this extension=weak grip