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28 Cards in this Set

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cell structure of muscle tissue from smallest to largest
myofibril<myofiber<fasicle<multiple fasciles<gross muscle (bicep)
in embryo, ____fuse together to form extremely large muscle _____ which is _____
myoblasts fuse together to form extremely large muscle fiber, which is multinucleate.

cells that remain in reserve for tissue replacement=satelllite cells
endomyosin wraps around what?
bundle of muscle fibers
perimyosin is in between what?
inbetween different groups/bundles of muscle fibers that are wrapped up by endomyosin
epimyosin wraps around what?
wraps around peri and endomyosin and muscle fibers
Z disc to Z disc= what?
a sarcomere
M line is where in the sarcomere?
the middle! M for middle.
how to remember H zone, M line, A band?
M, H, A. My Hot Ass. Small-large
I band. how much of it is in the sarcomere?
1/2 on each side
A band vs. I band
A band=thick filaments (A is thicker letter)
I band=thin filaments (I is thin letter)
titin is a molecule that extends from ___ to ____
from the Z disk to the M line and is anchored at both end.
nebulin is a ______filamentous protein that does what?
non-contractile protein that keeps the actin filaments in line and regulates their length
what is the role of desmin?
intermediate filament that keeps myofibrils together and to the sacrolemma

plectin assembles desmin filaments into network btw myofibrils
what shortens during contraction?
the H zone
muscular dystrophies are cause by a defect in.....
dystrophin=weakinging/loss of link btw cytoskelton and ECM-->>>disarray of myosin and actin filaments=myofiber degeneration
muscle cell (smallest)
-had to stop
during contraction, what band/zone disappears
I band disappears
how to remember parts of the sarcomere
from the middle: MHAIZI

"AI Band" Artificial Intelligence Band

"A" is thicker than "I"
what makes up a triad?
one T-tubule and 2 terminal cisternaue of sarcoplasmic reticulum
in skeletal muscle, located at the junc of the A and I band=2 triads per each sarcomere
______magnify the influence of one stimulus by forming a NMJ with more than one myofiber.

used in what kind of muscles?

postural muscles which require multiple recruitments to maintain upright posture
how to remember extrafusal vs. intrafusal?
extrafusal fibers do "extra" work, actually DO the work of contracting muscle spindles

intrafusal fibers "fuse/look within themselves, to monitor the level of their contraction/load bearing" they are all zen-like with their gamma fibers. (proprioceptors)
what are the 2 types of intrafusal fibers?
nuclear bag fiber

nuclear chain fiber
myosin vs. actin. which is thick and which is thin?
ac-"thin" vs. MY-you have thick filaments-osin
smooth muscle. cells are what shaped?

use the same binding protein that make up Z-discs, called what?

what is functional syncytium?
fusiform, not a sarcomeric pattern


smooth muscle behaves like one cell. gap junctions btw cells conduct AP, adhering junctions integrate force across all cells=function syncytium
how does calcium get inside the smooth muscle cell?
caveolae form from surface lipid rafts-invagination/endocytosis brings in Calcium. spread via gap junctions
in smooth muscle, what are the plasma membrane dense bodies?
the "Z discs" of smooth muscle. the actin-myosin budnles radiate from the dense bodies which are usually anchored into the membr of the smooth muscle cell. made of alpha-actinin
smooth muscle cells do not have a ____

smooth muscle innervation
no NMJ! influenced by autonomic nervrous system. an release componaent than can enhance or suppress contract

contractile ability of Smooth muscle cell is not innervated!

ability to contract is an inherent ability of the smooth muscle itself
calmodulin sequence and caveolae important in what?
smooth muscle contraction. endocytosis. research more about this!