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80 Cards in this Set

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Dislocation of head of femur could lead to
Disruption of blood supply with avascular necrosis
Nerve to avoid during intermuscular injection
Location for intermuscular injection
Upper outer quadrant
Procedure for distinguishing piriformis syndrome from sciatica
-Resist foot against something in attempt to reproduce pain
-Rectal exam - palpate piriformis
Gluteal gait
Weakness in glut med
Dislocated hip usually only occurs:
car wreck
Presentation of dislocated hip
Extremity looks shorter, medial rotation
Important consequences of femoral fracture
-Blood loss
-Pulmonary embolism
-Compartment syndrom
Presentation of femoral neck fracture
-Relationship to glut. m.
-Shorter leg, lateral rotation
--Most glut m. are lateral rotators, pulling trochanter laterally
Gluteal gait indicated by:
Positive Trendelenburg sign
Positive Trendelenburg sign
Pt. falls toward raised foot b/c loss of muscle strength in medius holding the femur stable
Important consequence of femoral fracture
Thrombosis leading to pulmonary imbolism
Compartment syndrome in thigh related to
Femoral fractures
7 Ps of Compartment Syndrom
1. Pain
2. Pressure
3. Pallor
4. Poikilothermia
5. Paresthesia (numb)
6. Paralysis
7. Pulselessness
Earliest sign of compartment syndrom
Pain out of proportion to injury, especially with passive movement
Which veins are more likely to have embolus (deep/superficial)
Varicose veins
Blood pools just superior to valve, causes wall of vein to expand
Iliotibial band syndrome
-Characterized by
-Can be associated with
-Common in:
-Pain/tenderness at lateral knee
-Weak hip abductors
-Repetitive friction between band and lateral epicondyle
Oblique fracture - at an angle to
The axis
Comminuted fracture
many relatively small fragments
Spiral fracture
Runs around the axis of the bon
Compound fracture
-Breaks the skin
Gradation of strains
1. Minor tear within muscle
2.Partial tear in muscle
3. Sever or complete rupture of muscle
Groin injury is usually injury to:
Adductor muscles
Cause of quadricep contusion
-Can lead to
blow to anterior thigh
-Compartment syndrome
Quadriceps hernia result from
Fascia rupture
Myositis ossificans
Calcification of tissues inside the muscle
-usually develops when:
-Common locations
-Propensity for metastasis to:
-Malignant bone tumor that
-usually develops during period of rapid growth
-Leg near knee
-Thigh near knee
-Upper arm near shoulder
Usual chest pain cause
Non-cardiac (muscles, etc)
Costochondritis commonness
Often sited hard to proof
Usual pluritis presentation
Poster viral pain with inspiration
Supernumerary cervical ribs may compress
Inferior trunk of brachial plexus
Subclavian a.
Surgical creation of opening through thoracic wall to enter a pleural cavity
Flailed chest
Fracture of 3 or 4 ribs
-Lung collapses away from:
-Pressure on cavity cokes off:
-Air into pleural cavity
-Pleural cavity
-Venous drainage
-Fluid level can be measured/seen because:
-Build up of blood or other fluid
-Lung floats on fluid
-Always enter costal space at _____ margin of rib
-Taking fluid out for diagnosis
Thrombosis in ___ or ___ veins have high risk of embolus to the lungs
Femoral or deep femoral
Hamstring injury characterized by
-Sudden sharp pain in back of leg
-Popping or tearing sensation
-Pain upon stretching
-Inability to put weight on leg
Bleeding into anterior compartment indicative of
Quad contusion
Difference in Baker's Cyst and Plantaris tendon rupture
Baker's cyst only blood to back of knee
Blood in knee effusion along with anterior drawer sign means
Anterior cruciate ligament tear (ACL)
Foot drops indicates damage to ____ n.
What nerve crosses the leg about the same height as car bumpers?
Shin splits caused by
Strain and irritation of Crural fascia/tibialis anterior
Most commonly injured peripheral n.
Fracture of the base of the 5th metatarsal
Jone's Fracture
Stress fracture of 2nd or 3rd metatarsal
March fracture
Bone disintegration results from
-Loss of neural innervation
Diabetic lose ____ in feet
Infection of periosteum & calcification of it
Piece of dead (previously calcified infectious) bone
When doing short leg cast, be mindful of:
Fibular n.
Salter Harris classifies:
Growth plate fractures
Salter Harris 1:
Slipped plate fracture (epiphysis slips off)
Salter Harris 2-5
Crushing of growth plate
Any child or elderly with knee pain, also think about
-Hydrocele/hematocele of testicle (location)
Cavity within tunica vaginalis
Can feel epididymis etc in back of testicle, but front is swollen
Obliterated processus vaginalis leads to
Direct inguinal hernias traverse anterior abdominal wall _______ (location)
-Medial to inferior epigastric a. (through inguinal triangle)
Indirect inguinal hernia traverses anterior ab. wall ____
-Lateral to inferior epigastric a.
Which hernia is considered acquired & why
Direct; it doesn't take path of processus vaginalis
Which hernia is considered congenital & why
Indirect because it follows processus vaginalis into scrotum
Which hernia is considered acquired & why
Direct; it doesn't take path of processus vaginalis
Which hernia is considered congenital & why
Indirect because it follows processus vaginalis into scrotum
Trimalleolar fracture
Dislocation fracture of medial, lateral malleolus & posterior tibia
Sprained Ankle
-Usual cause
-Usual ligament affected
-Inversion of ankle
-Anterior talofibular ligament
Fracture of phalange
-usual cause
-Stubbing toe
-Buddy tape
"I feel like I'm stepping on a ball"
Plantar fascitis
Treatment of plantar fascitis
Stretching achiles to stretch plantar
Pes Planus
Plat feet with loss of arches
Infection in or near bone results in
Bone degeneration
2 Common Growth Plate Fractures of the Femur
1. Slipped capital ephiphysis
2. Femoral head necrosis (Leg Calve Perthes)
Slipped capital epiphysis
-Seen in ___ pt.
-Pain in:
-Obese, young
-Knee, hip
-Slipped capital epiphysis - head of femur slipped off growth plate
Leg calve Perthes
-May be related to
-Seen in ___ pt
-Avascular necrosis of femoral head
-Round ligament
-Skinny young pt.
-Hip or knee
-Lab findings
-Crystalline arthopothy
-Abnormal urate crystal depostion
Gout -
Crystalline arthropothy
Urate crystals usually deposit in:
thumb and first toe
Deposition of calcium