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46 Cards in this Set

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Where does the femoral pulse pass?
deep to the inguinal ligament
How do we find the femoral pulse?
palpate inferior to the ligament between the pubis and ASIS
What does the femoral artery course to?
the posterior aspect of the inferior thigh and changes into the popliteal artery
Where does an injection go in a supragluteal injection?
in the gluteus medius muscle
Who is the supragluteal injection common for?
healthy adults
What is beneficial of a supragluteal injection?
it avoids major nerves and arteries
the main nerve being the sciatic nerve
What is the proper location and technique to give a supragluteal injection?
place and on the greater trochanter, spread fingers up towards iliac crest, inject between pointer and thumb
When is a vastus lateralis injection used?
in children
What causes trendelenburg gait?
weakness of hip abductors, the gluteus medius and gluteus minimus, often from injury to the superior gluteal nerve
What is trochanteric bursitis?
inflammation of bursa between greater trochanter and gluteus maximus tendon.. due to friction
What is avascular necrosis a result of?
tear of the artery to the head of the femur often a result of a fall
What is avascular necrosis?
ischemia leading to bone necrosis and possibly necrosis of the joint surfaces , often occurring in the hip joint
What is the mortality rate within one year of hip fracture
What is involved in a hip fracture?
fracture of the proximal end of the femur: femoral neck, femoral head, intertrochanteric, or subtrochanteric
What is piriformis syndrome?
irritation of sciatic nerve by piriformis muscle
What is sciatica?
compression, irritation of sciatic nerve
What does sciatica cause?
pain radiating along lower limb and hip

muscular weakness-difficulty using lower leg
What is a hamstring pull?
pulled, partial or complete tear across musculotendinous junction or insertion
What causes an ACL tear?
deceleration followed by rapid direction change, heavy landing, twisting knee
What does a meniscus tear cause?
meniscus rupture
What does the unhappy triad include?
medial collateral ligament tear
ACL tear
medial meniscus tear
What does a sprained ankle involve?
one or more ankle ligaments is torn or partially torn
What does a bi and trimalleolar fracture include?
pulled deltoid ligament, broken lateral and medial malleolus, sometimes broken distal tibia
What is plantar fasciitis?
inflammation of the plantar fascia
What causes plantar fasciitis?
long periods of weight bearing
What are the syndromes of plantar fasciitis?
pain beneath heel, sometimes extending to the knee
What is the treatment of plantar fasciitis?
anti inflammatory meds, stretching, night splints, surgery as last resort
What is ankle impingement?
pinching of ankle ligament or tendons between bones
What is the causes of ankle impingement?
bone spur from repeated dorsiflexion (footballers)
What pulse can be found between the medial malleolus and calcanela tendon?
posterior tibial pulse
Which pulse can be found lateral and parallel with the extensor hallucis longus?
dorsalis pedis pulse
When the uterus is tilted toward the bladder it is
anterverted typical condition
when the uterus is tilted toward the rectum it is
retroverted uterus
When the uterus drops, the cervix falls into the vaginal canal after pelvic muscles and ligaments are weakened it is called...
uterine prolapse
What is the outpocketing of a hernia of the bladder toward the vaginal canal and what can it cause?
leakage of urine from the bladder
When the top of the vagina sags into the vaginal canal it is what?
what is it caused by?
vaginal vault

When the rectum pushed against or into vaginal canal it is what?
caused by what?

weakening of rectal muslces and connective tissues
benign tumors of the uterine muscular wall are called?
uterine fibroids
What is enometrial ablation?
use of heat on the endometrium to stop excessive bleeding
What are fluid filled follicles?
ovarian cyst
What type of cancer is the most lethal?
What type of infection is a yeast infection?
What is a kidney that has growth of numerous cyst?
polycystic kidneys
What do kidney stones consist of?
insoluble calcium salts
What is a malignant tumor of the epithelium that takes on glandular form or an epithelial cancer that spreads by lymphatics?
adj. moderate in appetite