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51 Cards in this Set

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Who was Robert Goddard?

Father of American rocketry

- 100 static flights

- 48 flight tests

- Conceived multi-stage rocket and pump feed system for liquid fuel rockets

- Multi-stage rocket patented in 1914

- Dev/launched liquid fuel rocket in 1926

- Dev'd attitude control methods in 1937

Who was Konstantin Tsiolkovsky?

Father of Russian cosmonautics

- deaf/uneducated, taught himself Newtonian Physics

- Calculated velocity a rocket needs to reach space

Who was Werner von Braun?

- Led German Army V series rocket program

- Surrendered to US Army, Operation Paperclip

- Developed Saturn V rocket that took US astronauts to the moon

When did USSR launch Sputnik 1?
October 1957
When did US launch Explorer I?
January of 1958
Who was the first human in space?
USSR's cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin in 1961
When was National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) founded?
July of 1958
What was the Mercury Project?

- Est. to launch US astronauts into space

- Tested physical/cognitive effects on humans

- First 2 flights were suborbital

- Used Atlas rocket

- John Glenn was first American to orbit Earth during Mercury-Atlas 6 mission in 1962

What was Gemini?

- Launched 2 years after end of Mercury missions

- Purpose was to perfect hardware & procedures for moon landing

- Used Titan II ICBM

What was Apollo?

- Moon landing mission

- Lunar Orbit Rendezvous (LOR) module used for landing

- Apollo 11, commanded by Neil Armstrong, landed 20 July 1969

- Apollo 17 was last moon landing mission

Name the four Space Stations

1. Skylab (first US station)

2. Salyut (first USSR station 1971 - 1982)

3. MIR (redesigned Salyut, 1986 - 1991)

4. International Space Station (1998 - present)

Name the two Shuttle disasters with dates

1. Space Shuttle Challenger - 28 Jan 1986

2. Space Shuttle Columbia - 1 Feb 2003

Name the two commercial ventures

1. Space X

- Founded in 2002 by Elon Musk

- Dragon Capsule delivers cargo to Int'l Space

station in 2012

2. Orbital Sciences Corporation (OSC)

- Sm/Med-class space lift

- Taurus & Pegasus rockets

Who were our military space leaders?

- Robert Goddard

- Theodore von Karmin

- Cal Tech professor

- Director of GALCIT (Guggenheim Aeronautical Laboratory, Cal Tech)

- Led rocket research under Air Corps Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL)

- General Henry "Hap" Arnold

- CC of AAF and Chief of the Air Corps (WWII)

- Secured $10,000 for GALCIT

When did the Germans successfully develop/launch a liquid fueled rocket?
When did the Nazi regime develop the operational V-2 rocket, capable of reaching the UK from France?
When did President Truman decide to use the Atomic bomb and what were the effects?

August 1945

- Japan surrendered

- Put Soviets on defensive

- Climate of distrust btw US and USSR

- Arms Race began

What was the Army Air Forces (AAF) Advisory Group? (later to become AAF Advisory Board)

Created by Hap Arnold, focused on R&D to ensure future Air & Space superiority

- AAF Advisory Group/Board determined that long range missiles with highly destructive payloads were essential to future air superiority (22 Aug 1945)

What was project RAND (Research and Development?

- Awarded contract to Douglas Aircraft Company in 1945 to conduct theoretical studies on many capes to include Space

- Led to formation of RAND Corp in 1948

When did General Hoyt S. Vandenberg take over as Chief of Staff and what was his vision?


- R&D focused- called for AF MAJCOM for R&D

- Focused on strategic msn & effects

- Sought to have AF leadership control all future strategic missions including ICBMs and satellite surveillance

List the early rocket and ICBM programs:

- Project Bumper (German V-2 rocket tests)

- Hermes Project (led by von Braun)

- ICBM development begins in 1946

- warheads too large w/ low yield

- accuracy requirements too high

President Truman authorized H-bomb research. When were the first tests conducted?

US tests H-bomb first in 1952

USSR tests one in 1953

What was President Eisenhower's Open Skies Policy?

- Attempt to address lack of intel

- Goal to establish freedom of overflight for satellites, high altitude balloons and aircraft

- US committed to develop aircraft and satellites for the collection of Intel

When did the USSR declare the worlds first ICBM as operational?

May of 1957

- after the successful test of the SS-6 (Sapwood ICBM)

The Killian Panel in 1955 identified US was vulnerable to Soviet surprise attack. How did the US respond?

- Constructed Thor IRBM as an interim solution before Atlas reached operational capability

- First Thor Squadron operational in 1958 at RAF Feltwell, UK (Thor's 1750mi range capable of striking Moscow)

When was the International Geophysical Year?
15 July 1957 - 31 December 1958
When was Sputnik I and II launched?

- Sputnik I on 4 Oct 1957 (SS-6 booster used)

- Sputnik II in Nov 1957

When was Vanguard disaster?
December of 1957 (one month after Sputnik II launch)

The ( ) committee in 1957 determined the US was extremely vulnerable to surprise attack due to in ability to detect incoming missiles

The Gaither Committee

In 1957, which command was established?

North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD)

Which Command performs the following three missions:

1. Ballistic Missile attack warning

2. Manned bomber warning

3. Space surveillance


Name the discoverer program which:

- Began in 1955

- Had first successful launch Aug 1960 from VAFB

- Used Thor IRBM as a booster

- Allowed for photos of entire Soviet landmass

- Detected construction of missile sites and airfields

Discoverer Program: Corona

Name the agency established in 1961 who had the sole purpose of managing spy satellite programs

National Reconnaissance Office (NRO)

What year did the AF begin construction on the Phased Array RADAR at Eglin AFB?

Oct 1962

Name the ICBM that was:

- first true 2-stage liquid fueled rocket

- first underground silo-based ICBM (operational late 1950s)

Titan I

Name the ICBM that became operational in 1962, was silo-based, and used solid rocket fuel

Minuteman I

Name the ICBM that was the first to use storable hypergolic fuel (hypergolic fuels used two substances which ignite on contact)

Titan II

Name the ICBM that was strictly used as a launch vehicle

Titan III

President Kennedy called these ICBMs his "Ace in the Hole" during the Cuban Missile Crisis (16 - 18 Oct 1968)


- First group of ICBMs placed on alert

- located at Malmstrom AFB, MT

(SATCOM) These events describe this program:

-Dev'd from Army designed & built Courier satellite

-Joint ARMY/AF project

-Required 26 satellites, 4 launched at a time onboard Titan IIIC

-Provided strategic communication btw CCs in theatre and national leadership

-Project Compass Link transmitted high resolution photographs btw Saigon and Washington D.C.

Initial Defense Communications Satellite Program (IDCSP)

(SATCOM) Due to the need for higher bandwidth to enable tactical communications post IDCSP, this system was launched in 1971

Defense Satellite Communications System II (DSCS II)

The AF developed weather satellites under the Defense Satellite Applications Program, later renamed (blank) in 1973

Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (DMSP)

This treaty banned atmospheric detonation of nuclear weapons in 1963

Limited Test Ban Treaty

-Vela Hotel satellite monitored compliance

Name the system:

-R&D began early 1960s

-Provided world-wide coverage for all launches & detonations of nuclear weapons

-Increased warning time to allow more SAC bombers to take off

-Ruina Report declared system too complex after several failed flights in 1962

-Led the way for development/launch/use of Defense Support Prgrm

Missile Defense Alarm System (MIDAS)

Name the system:

-Req'd heavy lift vehicle due to large size

-Titan III launched first satellite into geosynchronous orbit in 1970

-Initial capability in 1973

Defense Support Program (DSP)

This was the first collaborative effort between the Navy and AF for GPS, starting in 1974

Navstar GPS

-Goal to have operational by 1984

What is being described:

-Pres Reagan called for system to defend against ICBMs with his 'Star Wars' speech in 1983

-Intended to replace Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD) with an active defense policy

-Increased military spending, R&D programs

Strategic Defense Initiative

AFSPC declares (blank) operational on 15 January 1991 -- only 1 day prior before Desert Storm's air campaign begins

This was also the first war where this capability was widely used by the US military


This capability provided fast, reliable weather data to plan air missions

DMSP (Defense Meteorological Satellite Program)

The (Blank) was activated in Nov 1993 and:

-Fostered improved space sup't to warfighters

-Now part of the Air Warfare Center (AWC)

-Now under Air Combat Command (ACC)

Space Warfare Center (SWC)

It was during this operation where:

-Afghani forces attempted to disrupt GPS signals

-US destroyed ground-based satellite communications site

Operation Enduring Freedom