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25 Cards in this Set

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A deficiency in either HEME or GLOBIN chain synthesis resulting in decreased Hg production results in what type of anemia?
Hypochromic Microcytic Anemia
Iron deficiency and Thalassemia are associated with what anemia?
Hypochromic Microcytic Anemia
Kiolonychia and Pica can be seen with what?
Hypochromic Microcytic Anemia
What is Ferritin?
Primary storage form of Iron, readily released

found in BM, spleen, and liver
What is hemosiderin?
Long term storage of iron, slow release

water insoluble and stains with Prussian blue
What is the carrier protein of iron?
In Iron Deficent Anemia, is it hypo or normochromic and what is the RDW like?

Increased RDW
Total iron binding capacity is Increased of Decreased in iron deficiency anemia?

what is TIBC?
the Fe concentration necessary to saturate the iron-binding sites of transferrin
what is Total iron binding capacity like in (Anemia of Chronic disease) ACD?
what is decreased in all stages of iron deficiency and is often the first indicator of iron deficiency?
Serum Ferritin

note: if there is some kind of infection or immune process it will be falsely elevated
What is a good screening test to find Thalassemia? what will the levels be like?
Free Erythrocyte Protoporphyrin or Zinc Protoporphyrin

in every form EXCEPT Thalassemia, it will be increased

in Thalassemia, the levels will be normal

Serum ferritin quantitation: ?
Serum Iron: ?
%Saturation: ?
Free erythrocyte protoporphyrin: ?
Zinc protoporphyrin: ?
increase or decreased
Serum ferritin quantitation (decreased)
Serum Iron: (decreased)
TIBC: (Increased)
%Saturation: (decreased)
Free erythrocyte protoporphyrin (increased)
Zinc protoporphyrin (increased)
What is Sideroblastic anemia?
Either a block in the incorporation of iron into the protoporphyrin ring to form heme
What is a defect in iron reutilization?
Anemia of chronic disease

aka abnormal iron metabolism
In sideroblastic anemia, what will be 2 characteristic findings?
Increase in total body iron

Presence of ringed sideroblasts (eryhtrocell has large chunky iron forming in rings around it)
Acquired Sideroblastic Anemia is normally due to what 2 things?

Alcohol and Lead
What causes Anemia of Chronic Disease? what mediates this? how?
Results from a normal physiologic immune response to protect the host from microorganisms and/or tumor cells

Cytokines release results in iron deprivation to proliferating cells (organisms/tumor cells)
what type of cytokines cause anemia of chronic disease? how?
Inhibitory cytokines (TNF-B, IL-1/6, INF-gamma, hepcidin) adversely impact erythropoiesis

Cytokines effect disturbances in iron homeostasis
Shunting of iron into macrophages compounded by decreased macrophage release of iron (impaired iron recycling)
Inhibition of erythroid progenitor cell proliferation and differentiation
Decreased erythrocyte survival time
Rheumatoid arthritis
Systemic lupus
Inflammatory bowel disease

can be associated with what?
Anemia of Chronic Disease Disease Associations
What will TIBC be like in Anemia of Chronic Disease Disease ?

What will TIBC be like in Anemia of Chronic Disease Disease ?

Where is iron absorbed?
How does iron anemia initially present?
Initially, N/N anemia followed by classic Hypochromic, Microcytic Anemia
What is the HALLMARK of ACD?
Increased Ferritin