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13 Cards in this Set

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5. What does a domain name server (DNS) do?
Domain Name Server (DNS)
maintains table of domain names and related IP addresses
converts domain names to IP addresses
6. Be able to label and point out the parts of a URL.
1. http://www.thisisthedomainname.com
1. thisisthedomainname.com – domain name
2. the whole thing is the URL
7. Who owns and controls the Internet?
1. There is no dedicated owner, public intrastructure
Web 2.0
Refers to a second-generation of Internet-based services that let people collaborate and share information online in previously unavailable ways
1. Examples: social networking sites, wikis, communication tools, and folksonomies
It has become a popular buzzword
Del.icio.us is one example
1. What’s a client? What’s a server?
1. You are the client at your desk, the server is something you assess through your web-browser (Server-computer made for specialized task)
2. What’s the benefit of client/server computing versus single tier (client only; e.g., Word) computing?
1. Client – no need for internet access
2. Client-server – dynamic updating stuff, great for group work (Google Docs)
3. Provide an example of client/server computing. Describe how a Web site serves as an example of client/server computing.
Google Docs – from this website you can change the document
4. Describe how cookies get put on your machine. What is their purpose? Who can put them there? Who can access them (remotely)?
1. Holds information on the times and dates you have visited web sites. Websites put them on your machine (anyone can do this).
2. Cookies cannot access personal data or files from your hard drive.
3. Cookies can only be read by the website that created them
1. What are the four parts of the PAPA framework? Describe each one of them.
Privacy, Accuracy, Property, Accesibility
What information about one’s self and one’s associations must they revel to others, under what conditions and with what safeguards. What things can people keep to themselves and not reveal to others.
Who is responsible for the authenticity, fidelity, and accuracy of information? Who is responsible for errors in information and how is the injured party to be made whole?
Who owns information? What are the just and fair prices for exchange? Who owns the channels, especially the airwaves, through which information is transmitted? How should access be allocated?
What information does a person or an organization have the right or privilege to obtain, under what conditions and with what safeguards?