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91 Cards in this Set

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Identify the property shown:
a + b = b + a
ab = ba
commutative property
Identify the property shown:
(a + b) + c = a + (b + c)
(ab)c = a(bc)
associative property
Identify the property shown:
a + 0 = a
(a)(1) = a
identity property
Identify the property shown:
a + (-a) = 0
inverse property of addition or opposite
Identify the property shown:
a * 1/a = 1, a cannot equal 0
inverse property of multiplication or reciprocal
Identify the property shown:
a(b + c) = ab + ac
distributive property
What is the definition of whole numbers?
All counting numbers plus zero
What is the definition of integers?
All counting numbers, their negatives and zero.
What is the definition of rational numbers?
All numbers that can be expressed as a ratio which when written as a decimal terminate or repeat.
What is the definition of irrational numbers?
Numbers that are not rational and when written as a decimal neither terminate or repeat.
Show an example of unit analysis to convert inches to miles using feet and yards as intermediary steps. (1760 yards = 1 mile)
12 inches/feet * 3 feet/yard * 1760 yds/mile
The exchange rate for 1 Thai baht to the US dollar is 1:0.0325. How many dollars will you get for 72 bahts?
720 * .0325 = $23.40
The exchange rate for 1 Thai baht to the US dollar is 1:0.0325. How many bahts will you get for 100 dollars?
100 / .0325 = 3077
You want to exchange $625. The exchange fee is 1.5%. How much is the fee?
625 * .015 = $9.38
What is the name for a letter that is used to represent one or more numbers?
Simplify the expression:
4(3 - x) + 5(x - 6)
x - 18
Define like terms
Terms that have the same variable raised to the same power.
When a term is the product of a number and variable like 2x; what is the name for the number?
Define constant.
A term that does not have a variable and does not change.
2 is called the base and 4 is called the exponent
Simplify the expression:
x(3x + 4) - 7(x - 7)
You buy a used card with 37,148 miles on the odometer. You drive an average of 15,000 miles per year. Write an expression for the number of miles that appears on the odometer at the end of each year. Define your variables.
y = miles on odometer
x = number of years since I bought the car
y = 15,000x + 37,148
Solve the equation.
(2/3)n - 5 = 1
Solve the equation
3/5x + 1/10 = 2
Solve the equation:
2(x + 3) + 6 = 5x + 20 - 3x
no solution
Solve the equation:
3x - 5(x + 2) = -2x - 10
infinite solutions (equivalent equations)
Rewrite the equation for y.
3y + xy = 14
y = 14/(x + 3)
Solve the equation for y (i.e., y = ):
x + 4y = 8
y = -(1/4)x + 2
The normal temperature for a dog is 38 degress Celsius. Your dog's temperature is 101.1 degrees Fahrenheit. What is your dog's temperature in Celius? Does your dog have a fever?
101.1 degrees Fahrenheit is about 38.4 degrees Celsius so the dog does not have a fever.
What is the formula for distance? Define variables.
d = rt where d = distance, r = rate and t = time.
What is the formula for simple interest? Define the variables.
i = Prt where i = interest earned (money earned), P = principle (money invested), r = rate converted to a decimal and t = time.
What is the formula for Temperature (F to C)?
F = 9/5 C + 32
Solve the equation for y (i.e., y = ):
x + 4y = 8
y = -(1/4)x + 2
The normal temperature for a dog is 38 degress Celsius. Your dog's temperature is 101.1 degrees Fahrenheit. What is your dog's temperature in Celius? Does your dog have a fever?
101.1 degrees Fahrenheit is about 38.4 degrees Celsius so the dog does not have a fever.
What is the formula for distance? Define variables.
d = rt where d = distance, r = rate and t = time.
What is the formula for simple interest? Define the variables.
i = Prt where i = interest earned (money earned), P = principle (money invested), r = rate converted to a decimal and t = time.
What is the formula for Temperature (F to C)?
F = 9/5 C + 32
What is the formula for the area of a triangle?
A = (1/2)bh where A is area, b is the base and h is the height measured at right angles to the base.
What is the formula for the area of rectangle?
A = lw where A is area,l is the length and w is the width.
What is the formula for the perimeter of a rectangle?
P = 2l + 2w where P is perimeter, l is length and w is width.
What is the formula for the area of a trapezoid?
A = 1/2(b1 + b2)h where A is area, b1 is the length of one base, b2 is the length of the 2nd base and h is the height at right angles to one of the bases.
What does a share of stock represent?
Ownership or equity in a company.
Netflix stock was selling for $119 yesterday and is now selling for $75 dollars. What is the change in dollars?
Netflix stock was selling for $119 yesterday and is now selling for $75 dollars. What is the percent change?
A stock is selling for $10. An analyst believes the stock will be selling for $12 next year. Will they recommend Buy, Sell or Hold?
Buy - greater than 10% increase is anticipated.
A stock is selling for $50. An analyst believes the stock will be selling for $52 next year. Will they recommend Buy, Sell or Hold?
Hold - stock is neither increasing or decreasing.
A stock is selling for $15. An analyst believes the stock will be selling for $10 next year. Will they recommend Buy, Sell or Hold?
Sell - the stock is decreasing in value.
A circle has an area of 230 square inches. What is the radius?
8.55 inches
A circle has a circumference of 18 cm. What is the area of the circle?
25.78 square cm
A forager honeybee's flight muscles last only about 500 miles; after that the bee dies. some forager bees fly 55 miles per day. About how many days do these bees live?
about 9 days
Write the expression: You spend $68 on x shirts. How much does each shirt cost?
Write an expression: A ball bearing weighs 2 ounces. A box contains y ball bearings. What is the weight of the box?
You work at a clothing store earning $9.50 per hour. You averaged 5 hours of overtime per week which paid time and a half. Assume a 40 hour work week. How much did you make for the entire year?
Total = 52[(40*9.50) + 5(1.5)(9.5)] = $23,465
Your sister is selling girl scout cookies that cost $3.50 per box. Your family bought 6 boxes. How many more boxes must your sister sell to reach her goal of $500 in sales?
y = total sales
x = number of boxes sold
y = $500 - [$3.50(6) + $3.50x) = 136.85 so 137 boxes because you can't sell partial boxes.
Solve the linear inequality:
4x - 16 < 44
x < 15
Solve the linear inequality:
0 < -x - 7 < 5
7 > x > 12
3a + 1 < -2 or 3a + 1 > 7
a < -1 or a > 2
Solve | x + 1| = 15
x = 16 or -16
Solve |x - 5| - 8 = 22
x = 35 or -25
Solve |x - 6| + 15 < 54
x < 45 or x > -33
Solve |10 - x| - 8 > 9
x < -7 or x > 27
Label the quadrants of a coordinate grid.
Give an example of a vertical line test.
Graph the function y = -4x + 2
How can you tell if a function is linear?
The exponents of all the variables will be equal to 1.
Does the following set of points define a function? Why or why not? (0,1)(52,1)(2,67)(100,3)
It is a function because every input has a unique output.
Does the following set of points define a function? Why or why not? (100,1)(100,1)(2,67)(100,3)
It is not a function because the input, 100, has more than one output.
Evaluate the function f(x) = 3x + 4 when x = 2
f(2) = 10
Evaluate the function h(x) = x^2 - 10 when x = -3
h(-3) = -1
Identify the domain and range of the function defined by these points: (1,0), (2,3), (4,2), (6,10)
domain is all the x values = 1,2,4,6 and the range is all the y values = 0,3,2,10
What two things did we discuss in class that slope measures.
Slope measures steepness of a line or rate of change.
Find the slope of the line passing through points (3,5) and (6,-7)
m = -4
Draw an example of a line with positive slope.
Draw an example of a line with a negative slope.
Draw a graph with a line that has a zero slope.
Draw a line with an undefined slope.
John started out with $300 in savings. Twelve months later he had $1260 in savings. What was his average monthly savings rate?
Determine if the lines are parallel, perpendicular or neither. Line 1: (4,4) (11, -3) and Line 2: (-4,3) (-2,1)
Determine if the lines are parallel, perpendicular or neither.
Line 1: (-3,1) (4,-2) and Line 2: (-3,-3) (0,4)
Building code requires the pitch of asphalt roofs to have 12 feet of horizontal run for every 3 feet of rise. What is the slope?
3/12 = 1/4
What is the slope and y-intercept of y = 5x - 6
slope = 5 and y-intercept = -6
Graph the line y = (1/2)x + 2
Graph 2y - x = 4
Graph y = 4
Graph x = 1