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27 Cards in this Set

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When was the Birmingham campaign? What was it for?

1963, because of the lack of progress for equality in america since the Emancipation proclamation in 1863 and the Brown vs Board of education decision in 1954

1960's ish, equality, E.P, BvB

What were other reason for the campaign?

To save itself from the failure of the Albany campaign and to take advantage of an aggressive Bull Connor

Saving itself, man cow

What was a significant consequence of the campaign?

The Civil Rights Act of 1964

1960's sometime

When did blacks supposedly "get their freedom"? What gave them that freedom?

1863, the Emancipation proclamation

1800's sometime, E.P

What was birmingham described as?

One of the most segregated cities in america

1, Segregation

What was the name for the laws of segregation? What were they for? what did they stop blacks from doing?

Jim crow laws, it was to make sure blacks were kept in their place. Stopped blacks from using public facilities eg. Hospitals and from buying buying houses

Jim, keeping place, public facilities

Who was the group that were responsible for the violence and intimidation? When was the group formed? Why did they form?

Ku Klux Klan. Began in 1866, were created to maintain white supremacy.

KKK, 1860's sometime, maintain stuff

Why did blacks move to the north?

They were unhappy with their treatment in the south, and there were more job opportunities in the north

Happiness, job things

What did the whites in the north do?

Made it that blacks could only buy houses in the poorest parts of town and made it hard for blacks to gain the skills needed for higher paying jobs

Poor parts, no skills

What statement was changed in the Brown vs Board case? What case was the statement from? When was that case? What was it changed too?

"Separate but equal is ok" in the Plessy vs Ferguson case in 1896

Changed to "separate but equal is unconstitutional"

"Separate..." PvsF 189? "Separate..." BvB

Why did they decide to change the "separate but equal" law / rule? What did this mean for black students?

Because it made black children feel inferior, they allowed black children to go to all white schools

Something that rhymes with scarier, go to school

What time frame were the schools given to achieve the full desegregation and when did 90% of black kids still go to black schools?

None, 10 years in 1964

0, 1960 something

What was an unsuccessful attempt to remove segregation?Why was it unsuccessful?

The Albany campaign 1962. The police chief knew if he reacted it would draw media attention so he just locked them up until all jails were full

196?, reactions

Why did king choose Birmingham for the next protest?

Because he knew Bull Connor would be easily cracked and would react more aggressively than the Albany police did

Man cow, agressive

What were the 5 main non violent protests used in the Birmingham campaign?

Holding up plaques


Economic Boycotts

Pickett lines

Mass marches

Holding things, sitting, eco things, lines, mass

What was project C and who created it?

SCLC, the main idea of project c was confrontation and provocation while maintaining peaceful protests

S people, con?, pro?, peace

Which non violent protest did they start the campaign with? What did they do?

Boycotts, of local shops they brought stuff from everyday. They only brought the bare essentials to show the white business owners how much they needed blacks to make their business's run.

The second thing they did was mass marches What was the idea behind the marches? Why did this fail?

To fill up the jails cells with people so they could attract media attention. Because with everyone in the jail cells there was no one left to run the protests

Prison, media, no one left

What was the third and last thing they did? When did this part begin?

When did this part begin?

To use school children, happened on may 2nd 1964

What did may 3rd 1963 start off like for the people involved in the protest? Where did they meet? Who was involved?

Leaders and children were getting ready to go down to local businesses, gathering at the 16th st Baptist

Goats, local businesses, a church

What happened after the gathering on may 3rd 1963?

Police and firemen showed up acting under Connors orders. They began whacking Blacks with clubs and letting the police dogs out on the protesters. Connor also ordered the fire hoses to be turned onto the school children.

Hoses, dogs, clubs

Who's attention did it also attract? What did that person say?

President Kennedy, he said may 3rd was "a day of shame" and it made him "sick"

President at the time, shame, made him...

What was the first short term consequence? What became open to all because of this

Birmingham began to desegregate 90 days after the event, diners, retail stores and public schools became open to blacks

90 days, deseg., eating places, learning places

What was a short term consequence? What happened?

There was a white backlash in the southern states. They began targeting protest leaders. They bombed houses and bombed a church killing 4 young girls, also the bombing of kings motel headquarters and kings brothers house. Also the shooting of medger evers

White people, bombing, house, church, motel, shooting

What was a long term consequence? What happened?

March on Washington, was to put pressure on Kennedy to pass the civil rights bill.

Washington, civil bill

What did they do at this event? What was said?

The protesters walked from the Washington memorial to the Lincoln memorial. King said his "I have a dream" speech

Washington - Lincoln, speech

What were the terms of the civil rights act?

End segregation in public places

And also end employment discrimination in the basis of race, colour, religion, gender, or national origin.

Employment deseg. , basis of africa/england, yellow/blue, Christian/satan worshipers, boy/gir