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417 Cards in this Set

  • Front
  • Back
Crown dark
Long stout bill
Greyish white line on neck
Overall dark
Heavily barred, no white spots
Rufous tones undertail

Crown dark

Long stout bill

Greyish white line on neck

Overall dark

Heavily barred, no white spots

Rufous tones undertail

Grey Tinamou

Smallest tinamou
Grey head

Smallest tinamou

Grey head

Little Tinamou

white collar
pale band on lower neck
white rump

white collar

pale band on lower neck

white rump

Northern Screamer

White-faced Whistling Duck

Black-bellied Whistling Duck

White-faced Whistling Duck (in flight)

Blue-winged Teal

Pale tip on tail
White underneath
Rufous head

Pale tip on tail

White underneath

Rufous head

Chestnut-winged Chachalaca

Gray head
Rufous underneath
Pale tip to tale

Gray head

Rufous underneath

Pale tip to tale

Rufous-vented Chachalaca

Extensive white edging of feathers esp. on head

Extensive white edging of feathers esp. on head

Band-tailed Guan

No dewlap
Slender shape

No dewlap

Slender shape

Sickle-winged Guan

Differ in belly color, size of spotting and color of face

Differ in belly color, size of spotting and color of face

Crested Bobwhite

No pale markings on head

No pale markings on head

Black-fronted Quail

American Flamingo

Wood Stork

White Ibis

Bare-faced Ibis

Roseate Spoonbill

Rufescent Tiger Heron

Black-crowned Night Heron

Yellow-crowned Night Heron

Striated Heron

Cattle Egret

Great Blue Heron

Cocoi Heron

Great Egret

Reddish Egret

Tricolored Heron

Little Blue Heron

Snowy Egret

Brown Pelican

Magnificent Frigatebird

Neotropic Cormorant

Turkey Vulture

Lesser Yellow-headed Vulture

Black Vulture

King Vulture

Osprey pandion

Pearl Kite

Pearl Kite

Plumbeous Kite

Plumbeous Kite

Swallow-tailed Kite

Gray-headed Kite

Gray-headed Kite

Black-collared Hawk

Black-collared Hawk

Snail Kite

Snail Kite

Double-toothed Kite

Sharp-shinned Hawk (plain breasted)

Bicolored Hawk

Common Black Hawk

Common Black Hawk

Crane Hawk

Crane Hawk

Savanna Hawk

Savanna Hawk

Great Black Hawk

Roadside Hawk

Roadside Hawk

Harris's Hawk

Harris's Hawk

White-rumped Hawk

White-rumped Hawk

Grey-lined Hawk

Grey-lined Hawk

Broad-winged Hawk

Broad-winged Hawk

Short-tailed Hawk

Short-tailed Hawk

Rufous-naped (Gray-necked) Wood-Rail

Purple Gallinule


Double-striped Thick-knee

American Oystercatcher

Black-necked Stilt

Southern Lapwing

Black-bellied Plover

Semipalmated Plover

Wilson's Plover

Collared Plover

Wattled Jacana

Southern Lapwing


Greater Yellowlegs

Lesser Yellowlegs

Solitary Sandpiper


Spotted Sandpiper


Semipalmated Sandpiper

Western Sandpiper

Least Sandpiper

White-rumped Sandpiper

Black Skimmer

Laughing Gull

Franklin's Gull

Lesser Black-backed Gull

Gull-billed Tern

Caspian Tern

Royal Tern

Sandwich Tern

Common Tern

Large-billed Tern

Rock Pigeon

Scaled Pigeon

Bare-eyed Pigeon

Pale-vented Pigeon

Band-tailed Pigeon

Scaled Dove

Common Ground-Dove

Ruddy Ground-Dove

White-tipped Dove

Lined Quail-Dove

Eared Dove

Greater Ani

Smooth-billed Ani

Gull-billed Tern

Caspian Tern

Royal Tern

Sandwich Tern

Large-billed Tern

Common Ground Dove

Groove-billed Ani

Striped Cuckoo

Dwarf Cuckoo

Squirrel Cuckoo

Yellow-billed Cuckoo

Santa Marta Screech-Owl

Black-and-White Owl

Mottled Owl

Ferruginous Pygmy-Owl

Common Nighthawk

Lesser Nighthawk

Band-winged Nightjar

Chestnut-collared Swift

White-collared Swift

tail - broad black band w reddish base

short reddish brow

Rufous-breasted Hermit

long central tail feathers

Long-billed Hermit

Reddish rump

Reddish rump

Sooty-capped Hermit

Pale-bellied Hermit

White-necked Jacobin

Brown Violetear

Lesser Violetear

purple front, displays with "ears"

Sparkling Violetear

Black-throated Mango

See crown; buffy tips on tail

Santa Marta Blossomcrown

raised crest may appear all black; no green

Ruby-topaz Hummingbird

red/pink lower mandible often not visible; dark blue forked tail

Red-billed Emerald

red shoulders, rufous tail

Coppery Emerald

Crowned Woodnymph

blue extends to mid-breast only

Sapphire-throated Hummingbird

blue extends down belly

Sapphire-bellied Hummingbird

red lower mandible, slightly curved bill,

Shining-green Hummingbird

dull overall, white tips on tail

Buffy Hummingbird

Rufous-tailed Hummingbird


purple end of tail

Lazuline Sabrewing

Steely-vented Hummingbird

white vent stands out

White-vented Plumeleteer

almost 1/2 of bird is white

White-tailed Starfrontlet

black chest

Mountain Velvetbreast

Santa-marta race has violet blue tail

Santa-marta race has violet blue tail

Tyrian Metaltail

Broad pale malar separates dusky face from magenta gorget

Long-billed Starthroat

only few feathers on chin are white; green back, dark blue head

White-chinned Sapphire

blueish green back; dusky collar; flying gorget

blueish green back; dusky collar; flying gorget

Santa Marta Woodstar

White-tipped Quetzal

Gartered Trogon

Masked Trogon

upper parts stellated with white spots

Green Kingfisher

no spotting on wings

big heavy bill

Amazon Kingfisher

blueish mid-gray

no white on underparts

flies high

Ringed Kingfisher

minute size

white mid-belly & crissum

finer, longer bill than green

American Pygmy Kingfisher

Whooping Motmot

Rufous-tailed Jacamar

Gartered Trogon

Masked Trogon

Pied Puffbird

Russet-throated Puffbird

santa marta race occurs higher
rufous crissum

santa marta race occurs higher

rufous crissum

Emerald Toucanet

green crissum

green crissum

Groove-billed Toucanet

Collared Aracari

Keel-billed Toucan

sp. rohli a little greyer

underparts scaled

scaled back

spotted crown

Scaled Piculet

spots on crown,

deep chestnut underparts, face & mantle

Chestnut Piculet

Red-crowned Woodpecker

drab, unbarred

female brown cap

Smoky-brown Woodpecker

barred breast, sp. aurosus are more golden

barred breast, sp. aurosus are more golden

Golden-green Woodpecker

Note pale cheeks,

olive back

Golden-olive Woodpecker

barred mantle,

spotted breast

Spot-breasted Woodpecker

lines on back parallel,

lines on back parallel,

Linneated Woodpecker

white vee on back

black rump

Crimson-crested Woodpecker

Barred Forest-Falcon

Crested Caracara

Yellow-headed Caracara

Yellow-headed Caracara

American Kestrel


Aplomado Falcon

Bat Falcon

Peregrine Falcon

dusky-brown upper wing coverts

Orange-chinned Parakeet

shock of rufous under tail; beak may be paler

Red-billed Parrot

Blue-headed Parrot

leaf-green plumage, gold in wings, distinctive tail

Scaly-naped Parrot

Green-rumped Parrotlet

Santa Marta Parakeet

Brown-throated Parakeet

Military Macaw

Blue-crowned Parakeet

Scarlet-fronted Parakeet

Pale-legged Hornero

broad white malar,

White-whiskered Spinetail

rufous on head, breast, wings and tail

Rusty-headed Spinetail

strong eyebrow

Streak-capped Spinetail

Yellow-chinned Spinetail

rather dark only tail is rufous

Montane Foliage-gleaner

dark overal

Santa Marta Foliage-gleaner

heavy bill, streaked throughout

Flammulated Treehunter

Gray-throated Leaftosser

white tuft on cheeks

upturned bill

plain back

Plain Xenops

faint streaks on back

white tuft on cheek

streaks on face and breast

Streaked Xenops

plain brown overall

dark malar shape on face

Plain-brown Woodcreeper

huge de-curved bill!

Strong-billed Woodcreeper

pale, dagger-like bill, contrasty, very red with striking pale markings, red-streaking on mantle

pale, dagger-like bill, contrasty, very red with striking pale markings, red-streaking on mantle

Straight-billed Woodcreeper

no streaking on mantle

Cocoa Woodcreeper

thin, curved bill, boldly streaked on head and underparts

Streak-headed Woodcreeper

spectacled look, thin, curved bill;

Montane Woodcreeper

Red-billed Scythebill

(drier habitat than black-backed)

Black-crested Antshrike (male)



Black-crowned Antshrike

Black-backed Antshrike (female)

Barred Antshrike (male)

Black-crested Antshrike (female)

Barred Antshrike (female)

Black-crowned Antshrike

(more humid than black-crested)

Black-backed Antshrike

pattern on wings

pattern on wings

White-fringed Antwren

rusty brown tail; dark nape; limited white edging on tail; rather pale rufous below; fine streaking on breast

Santa Marta Antbird

sounds kind of like canyon-wren

White-bellied Antbird

Santa Marta Antpitta

unique pattern

White-fringed Antwren

White-bellied Antbird

Rufous Antpitta

Rusty-breasted Antpitta

Santa Marta Tapaculo

Brown-rumped Tapaculo

coronal spot

Forest Elaenia

long crest with pale ends; yellow belly

Yellow-bellied Elaenia

rounded head without white; pale bellly

Mountain Elaenia

very short crest; pale belly;

Lesser Elaenia

incomplete pale eyebrow; buffy wingbars; dull bird; pale yellow under belly

incomplete pale eyebrow; buffy wingbars; dull bird; pale yellow under belly

Mouse-colored Tyrannulet

tail is often cocked; no other small tyrannulet shows such a crest

Southern Beardless Tyrannulet

plain wings!; brown cap

plain wings!; brown cap

Brown-capped Tyrannulet

puffy white throat; santa marta species has lighter wing bars

White Throated Tyrannulet

conspicuous white eyespot; streaking below

Olive-striped Flycatcher (In book - Olive-striped Fruit Tyrant)

richly cinnamon below

Ochre-bellied Flycatcher

pale below; dull bird; brown cap; grizzled face; cinnamon wing bars

Sepia-capped Flycatcher

dark grey crown; no spotting on back; rather active; grey line thru eye;

dark grey crown; no spotting on back; rather active; grey line thru eye;

Sooty-headed Tyrannulet

Mountain (Paltry) Tyrannulet

dull, brownish-olive upperparts; buffy yellow lore and malar
dull, brownish-olive upperparts; buffy yellow lore and malar

Coopman's Tyrannulet - split from golden-faced in 2012

strongly spotted coverts; dark grey crown; 

strongly spotted coverts; dark grey crown;

Black-capped Tyrannulet

buffy white wing edging;

plain, myiarchus-type face; small bill; sally-forth

Northern Scrub Flycatcher

fine bill; broad buttery wingbars; much smaller than pale-tipped; all dark tail

Slender-billed Inezia

light eye; pale tip on tail; whitish wingbars

Pale-tipped Inezia

flat-billed bird; gray-headed;
brown-gray not olive as others

flat-billed bird; gray-headed;

brown-gray not olive as others

Pearly-vented Tody-Tyrant

Crazy humming breeding display!

Spectacled appearance

Black-throated Tody-Tyrant

pale eye; note bill

Southern Bentbill

pale eye; yellow on crissum;

Pale-eyed Pygmy Tyrant

more olive back than common tody

more olive back than common tody

Slate-headed Tody-Flycatcher

Common Tody-Flycatcher

pale eye; pale lore; yellow underparts; yellow wing margins

pale eye; pale lore; yellow underparts; yellow wing margins

Yellow-olive Flycatcher

throat solid yellow; plain face; golden wing margins

Yellow-breasted Flycatcher

red rump

Cinnamon Flycatcher


Vermilion Flycatcher

extensive rufous in wings and tail

Streak-throated Bush-Tyrant

Santa Marta Bush-Tyrant

Pied Water Tyrant

White-headed Marsh Tyrant (female)

minimal rufous wing-bars; golden brow

minimal rufous wing-bars; golden brow

Yellow-bellied Chat-Tyrant

brownish back; not as gray as tropical kingbird; typically on cattle or other

Cattle Tyrant

vest; scaled crissum

Olive-sided Flycatcher

plain crissum; yellow extends thru center of breast;

Tropical Pewee

sleek black mask;

golden coronal patch

Rusty-margined Flycatcher

grey mask is rounded

grey mask is rounded

Social Flycatcher



Great Kiskadee

rufous-edged tail; malar stripe; 

rufous-edged tail; malar stripe;

Golden-crowned Flycatcher

strong malar; rufous in tail and wings for race in santa marta

strong malar; rufous in tail and wings for race in santa marta

Streaked Flycatcher

curved culmen

Boat-billed Flycatcher

olive grey chest; orange coronal patch;

Tropical Kingbird

broad pale edging on wings; thick set

broad pale edging on wings; thick set

Grey Kingbird

No known records

Venezuelan Flycatcher

all dark bill; cap darker than back; 

all dark bill; cap darker than back;

Dusky-capped Flycatcher

some pink on mandible; buffy edging to primaries; cap concolour with back

some pink on mandible; buffy edging to primaries; cap concolour with back

Panama Flycatcher

cap and back concolor

pale mandible

Great Crested Flycatcher

cap noticeably browner than other myiarchus; pale mandible;

tail rufous from below

Brown-crested Flycatcher

pale eye; red bill

Golden-breasted Fruiteater

red feet

White-bearded Manakin

orange feet; elongated central tail feathers

Lance-tailed Manakin


Golden-headed Manakin

red bill, mask; white tail tips

Masked Tityra

pale lore;

Cinereous Becard

Brown-capped Vireo

Red-eyed Vireo

pale eye; pale legs

Scrub Greenlet

large white tail tips; pale eye and whiskers

large white tail tips; pale eye and whiskers

Black-chested Jay

Gray-breasted Martin

Blue-and-white Swallow

Southern Rough-winged Swallow

Barn Swallow

Stripe-backed Wren

Bicolored Wren

Rufous-breasted Wren

Rufous-and-white Wren

Buff-breasted Wren

House Wren

Gray-breasted Wood Wren

Hermit Wood Wren

often wags tail side-to-side

Long-billed Gnatwren

Tropical Gnatcatcher

Tropical Mockingbird

Orange-billed Nightingale-Thrush

Slaty-backed Nightingale-Thrush

Great Thrush

Gray back and belly; strong yellow eye ring; yellowish legs

Gray back and belly; strong yellow eye ring; yellowish legs

Yellow-legged Thrush

golden eye-ring; golden bill; yellow legs

golden eye-ring; golden bill; yellow legs

Black-hooded Thrush

Pale-breasted Thrush

White-necked Thrush

House Sparrow

white mid-belly

Trinidad Euphonia (female)

unique yellow throat; extensive yellow on forehead

Thick-billed Euphonia

ones in Santa Marta have yellow above bill

Blue-naped Chlorophonia

Andean Siskin

Louisiana Waterthrush

Northern Waterthrush

Black-and- white Warbler

yellow on forehead extensive

Trinidad Euphonia

Prothonotary Warbler

Tennessee Warbler

Masked Yellowthroat

American Redstart

Blackburnian Warbler

Yellow Warbler

Blackpoll Warbler

Santa Marta Warbler

White-lored Warbler

Rufous-capped Warbler

Wilson’s Warbler

Slate-throated Whitestart

Yellow-crowned Redstart

Eastern Meadowlark

Red-breasted Blackbird

Yellow-hooded Blackbird

Crested Oropendola

pale eye

Yellow-rumped Cacique

yellow mantle

all black wings

Yellow-backed Oriole

malar yellow

white on tertials

Yellow Oriole

Baltimore Oriole

Black mantle;

head redder than body

Orange-crowned Oriole

fan-shaped tail

Carib Grackle

Great-tailed Grackle



Shiny Cowbird

red eye... or should I say eye

Bronzed Cowbird



Giant Cowbird


Rufous-collared Sparrow

central mantle is gray

Tocuyo Sparrow

Golden-winged Sparrow

Sierra Nevada Brushfinch

Santa Marta Brushfinch

Gray-headed Tanager

Crimson-backed Tanager

White-lined Tanager

Blue-gray Tanager

cap darker than rest of head

Glaucous Tanager

Palm Tanager

Blue-capped Tanager

Black-cheeked (Santa Marta) Mountain-Tanager

Bay-headed Tanager

Black-capped Tanager

Black-headed Tanager

Swallow Tanager

Bicoloured Conebill

race in Santa Marta has no white mark on shoulder; all dark.

Black Flowerpiercer

Rusty Flowerpiercer - male

White-sided Flowerpiercer


Saffron Finch

Rusty Flowerpiercer - female

White-sided Flowerpiercer -female

Pileated Finch

Gray Seedeater

Black-and- white Seedeater

Yellow-bellied Seedeater

Paramo Seedeater

Dull-colored Grassquit

Black-faced Grassquit

Rosy Thrush-Tanager

Summer Tanager

Golden Bellied Grosbeak

Rose-breasted Grosbeak

Vermilion Cardinal

Buff-throated Saltator

Greyish Saltator

Orinocan Saltator

Streaked Saltator

Pileated Finch (male)

White-headed Marsh Tyrant (male)

red feet

red feet

White-bearded Manakin (female)

elongated central tail feathers; orange feet

elongated central tail feathers; orange feet

Lance-tailed Manakin (female)

pale eye

pale eye

Golden-headed Manakin (female)

Cinereous Becard (female)

strong pale eye-ring; pinkish legs

strong pale eye-ring; pinkish legs

Yellow-legged Thrush (female)



Thick-billed Euphonia (female)

Black-capped Tanager (male)

Black-headed Tanager (female)

Swallow Tanager (female)