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78 Cards in this Set

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-2 legged animal is called a _
-4 legged animal is called a _
body terms for quadruped:
-the head or cranial (_) portion of the organism is the _
-_ is the back portion which is closest to the _ & _
-spine; vertebrae
-the _ is the underside or the _ region
-posterior is the _ or where the _ would be, it is the _ portion of the organism
-ventral; belly
-tail; tail
-humans and frogs belong to the same _ (_)
-frogs are in the class _
-frog's characteristics are intermediate between _ vertebrates like _ and more advanced vertebrate like _
-subphylum; Vertebrata
-lower; fishes
-anterior is also referred to as _ region
-posterior is also referred to as the _ region
-kidneys are _ to the small intestines
-proximal is a term that means _ or _ the point of _
-towards; nearest; origin
-the elbow is _ to the wrist, means that the elbow is _ to the _ part of the body (_)
-closer; main; ORIGIN
-_ is a term that means farthest from the point of origin
-the _ is distal to the knee
-the _ is the tube is the throat that connects the _ and the _
-the stomach is _ the the liver
-mouth; stomach
-muscular folds in frog's stomach is called the _ _, this helps _ and _ food
-gastric ruggae
-digest; grind
-frogs chew their prey _ before swallowing, swallow _
-the small intestine is found at the _ portion of the _
-the SI is highly _
-briefly; whole
-posterior; stomach
3 parts of the small intestine:
-small intestine location where _ _ breaks down food to their _ _ _ which are then _ across the _ of the intestine and transported to the _ _
-digestive enzymes
-smallest chemical units
-absorbed; lining
-blood stream
-the folds of the SI are held in place by an extensive _ _ consisting of _ _
-mesentery system
-connective tissue
-the pancreas lies along the _ of the _ and the _
-it may be difficult to see because it does not _ _
-folds; stomach; duodenum
-preserve well
-the pancreas is responsible for _ many of the _ used for _ in the _ _
-synthesizing; enzymes
-digestion; small intestine
-several types of digestive enzymes are moved from the pancreas to the _ by a _ (_)
-the pancreas is responsible for synthesizing _ related to _ _
-duodenum; duct; tube
-carbohydrate metabolism
-large intestine aka _
-it _ some of the _ in the digestive tract back into the _
-stores _ _ before _ in the external opening called the _
-absorbs; water; body
-fecal waste;discharge
-in frog, _ _, _, _ & _ all exit the body through the cloaca
-the liver is a _,_ organ that occupies the _ portion of the _
-fecal material, urine, eggs, sperm
-large, dark
-anterior; coelom
-the liver has _ lobes
-assists in a few _ _ functions such as the synthesis of _
-digestive tract; bile
-the liver helps the body control the _ _ of the _
-it regulates the amount of _ _ & synthesizes many compounds needed by _ in the _
-chemical composition; blood
-blood sugar
-cells; body
-the lungs are _ the the liver
-the lungs exchange _ with the _
-gases; atmospher
-the gallbladder is a _ _ under one of the _ of the _
-the liver forms a substance called _ which is used in the digestion of _
-small sac; lobes; liver
-bile; fats
-the bile is moved away from the _ by a _ and stored in the __
-liver; tube
-bile is carried from the gallbladders by a _ to the _ _
-the spleen is a _ _ organ that is _ to the stomach n intestine
-duct; small intestine
-small round
-in higher vertebrates, the spleen stores _ _ _
-the spleen helps _ _ _ _
-white blood cells
-dismantle aging blood cells
-the spleen stores _ _ _
-the urogenital system consists of the _ system and _ _ (_)
-red blood cells
-excretory; reproductive organs
-the excretory system is involved in removing _-_ _ from the __
-consists of the _ and the _ _
-water-based waste
-kidneys; urinary bladder
-2 kidneys are on the _ _ of the body cavity
-kidneys are on both sides of the __
-dorsal surface
-the main functions of the kidneys are to adjust the _ _ of the _, remove _ _ from the _, and create _ which is _ from the body
-chemical composition; blood
-waste products; blood
-urine; excreted
-urinary bladder can be found next to the _ of the _
-it is a _ _ _ of considerable size
-_formed by the kidneys if moved to the _ for storage before _ from _
-base; colon
-thin collapsed sac
-urine; bladder; discharge
-male testes--> one _ to each _
-testes form _ cells in the _ to be released the following _
-fat bodies are _, _-_ structures
-ventral; kidney
-sperm; summer; spring
-yellow; finger-like
-fat bodies may be attached to the outside of each _
-females have a pair of _, one _ to each _
-ovaries; ventral; kidney
-the appearance of the ovary varies dramatically, depending on the _ _ _
-up to _ eggs can be stored in each ovary throughout the _ and _, for release in the _
-time of year
-fall; winter
-ovaries may also have _ _ on their surface
-oviducts are highly _ _ found along the _ side of the coelom.
-fat bodies
-convoluted tubes; dorsal
abduction is muscle movement _ _ the body
-flexicon is muscle _/_
-away from
-curl/ contraction
-adduction is muscle movement _ the body
-extension is when you _ your _
-extend muscle
-the duodenum (part of the _ _) is _ _ to the _
-smalle intestine
-directly connected; stomach
-ileum is _ _ to the _
-glottis in frogs is the _ in humans
-the glottis is where _ enters the _
-directly connected; colon
-air; esophagus
-the tongue is attached in the _ on frogs and _ on humans
-tendons connect _ to _
-front; back
-muscle; bone
-at one point in time, all frogs were _meaning they had both _ and _ parts
-b/c of this males maintained _ _ which used to be an _ but now has no _
-hermaphroditic; male & female
-malarian duct; oviduct
-during spring, _ are released from the _ into the _ _
-cells lining the body cavity have _ which _ n create a current that pulls the _ into the _
-eggs; ovaries;
-coelomic cavity
-cilia; bend
-eggs; oviducts
-eggs enter the oviduct at the _ end of the _ _ near the _ through an opening called the _
-anterior; coelomic cavity
-lungs; ostium
-during passage of the eggs down the oviduct, the eggs cells continue the _ of _ & are covered by a _ of _
-when the male mounts the female, _ are released out of the body through the _, and the male releases _ into the _ around the eggs
-fertilization in frogs is _
-process; meiosis
-layer; jelly
-eggs; cloaca; sperm
-all vertebrates have an _ _ _ consisting of bones
-internal skeletal system
-the skeletal system provides support for the _ _, protects the _ _, and functions with the _ system to cause _
-soft tissues
-internal organs
-muscle; movement
-muscles are connected to bones by _
-when the muscle contracts and shortens, the tendon _ on the _, thereby _ the bone
-pulls; bone
-the vertebrae are the bones that form the _ _(_)
-the vertebrae surrounds the _ _, which carries _ to and from the _
-vertebral column; backbone
-spinal cord
-nerve; brain
-transverse process: the _ _ from each _. In higher vertebrates, _ are attached to some of the processes
-lateral projections; vertebra
-clavicles are _ bones in the _ region on the _ side of the skeleton, and are commonly called the _ _
-shoulder; ventral
-collar bones
-shoulder blades are aka _
-they're attached to the _ & are found on the _ side of the skeleton
-the sternum is the _ _
-clavicles; dorsal
-breast bone
-you'll find these bones in the front leg
-you'll find these bones in the hind leg:
-the humerus is the _ bone of the _ _
-the radio-ulna is _ to the humerus
-in humans, the radio-ulna is _ _ bones the _ and the _
-upper; front leg
-2 separate; radius; ulna
-carpals are the _ bones
-metacarpals are _ bones
phalanges are both _ & _ bones
-the femur is the _ _ bone
-the tibiofibia bone is _ to the femur
-finger; toe
-upper leg
-in higher vertebrates including HUMANS, the tibiofibia bones is _ _ bones , the _ & the _
-two separate; tibia; fibula
-tarsals are _ bones
-metatarsals are _ bones
-the _ of _ is responsible for the movement of an organism
-_ % of the mass of the vertebrate body if composed of skeletal muscle
-contraction; ,muscles
-most skeletal muscles are attached at _ _ to _
-when muscles cause the limb to bend, this is a type of movement called _
-each end; bones
-flexicon is movement that _ the _ between _ parts
--the opposite movement of flexicon is called _
-decreases; angle; 2
-extension is a movement that _ the _ b/w parts
-muscle names are always _ & are named in _
-increases; angle
-BICEPS FEMORIS is a _ found from a _ view that _ the leg and _ the thigh
-muscle; dorsal
-flexes; abducts
-2 muscles found in dorsal view:
-Gastrocnemius is the _ _ in the _ region of the _ _
-Gastrocnemius is an _ of the _
-main muscle
-calf; lower leg
-extensor; foot
-follow the Gastrocnemius towards the foot to find the _ _ which connects the _ to a _ _
-Achilles Tendon
-muscle; foot bone
-2 muscles in a ventral view:
1.Gracilis major
-The Gracilis Major is a _ that _ the _
-muscle; adducts
-the Sartorius _ the _
-your arm is capable of flexicon n extension b.c. of _ sets of muscles that work together to accomplish opposing tasks (called _ _ _)
-adducts; thigh
-Antagonistic Muscle Pairs
-to flex your arm, the _ muscle is _ causing the _ n _ to move
-biceps; contracted
-radius n ulna
-to extend the arm, the _ muscle on the _ side of the arm is _, returning arm to its original position
-triceps; other
-all sensory organs include _ _ that relay info to the _ _ _for _
-nerve cells
-central nervous system
-presence can sense the changes in presence of chemicals (sense of _ and _), _ (touch), _ _(hearing)
-and can sense the presence and _ of _ _ (_)
-smell; taste
-pressure; sound waves
-intensity; white light
-sclera is the _ _ _ of the eye composed of _ _
-the sclera gives the walls of the eye _
-white outer coating; connective tissues
(proximal or distal)
-the tarsals are _ to the phalanges
-the transverse process are _ to the vertebrate
-the radio-ulna is _ to the humerus
-when your legs are together they are _ & _
-when you jump your legs _ _ and are _
extended; adducted
-remain extended; adducted
-the pancreas (is related to the digestive system b/c) it releases several _ _ and releases the hormone _ which is required by body cells to _ _ into cells
-digestive hormones; insulin
-transport glucose
-the GALLBLADDER (is related to teh digestive system b/c) it _ _, meaning keeping it _ in the _ of the _ _
-emulsify fat
-suspended; fluid
-small intestine