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17 Cards in this Set

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Hooke´s law

Law of mechanics by Robert Hooke

Theory of elasticity say "extension of a sping is propirtional to the load applied to it.

F = Kx (k = stiffnes constant depends on material) (x = distance streched)

EPe = Eleastic Potential Energy = 1/2 Kx^2

Energy saved in a streched or compressed object.


Young’s modulus

Property that an object or a material has to come back to its original shape after it is disorders

Measurement of the stiffness of a linear object like rods, wires etc which are stretched or compressed

E= tensile stress / tensile strain Unit is Pascal

Elasticity in subcellular level

Collagen Protein of connective tissue abillity to strech.

Elastin Protein of connective tissue

ECM = support anchorage, segrgation tissue, regulating intercellular communication

Mechanical characteristics of cartilage usw.

Cartilage dense connective tissue.

Chondroyctes, cartilage cellls produce extacellurla matrix = collagen, hyaluronic acid, proteoglycans, glycoproteins.

Bone = oesteoblast and extracellular bone M

Blood vessels contain elastin

Skin contains collagen and elastin


Force on perpendicular dircetion to surface

P=F/A UNits PA; Bar, atm, Torr

1Pa=1N/M2 = 1g/m3 = 10-5bar = 9.8692 x10 atm

Pascal = one Newton per square meter

Bernoulli Equation

Volume flow, = Qv = M^2 * V

Bernoulli equation is a statement of the conservation of energy principles appropriate for flowing fluids.

Energy/unit volume before = energy/unit volume after

Ideal Fluid ,Viscosity

no viscosity, no friction, incompressible

Viscosity: the resistance to fluid flow

Blood viscosity = 0.04 Poise

F= ηA(ΔVx)/(ΔY) unit = Pa x s or Poise.

Blood pressure

value of the pressure in the arteries on the level of the heart.

During one heart beat, maximum value is systolic BP and minimum value is diastolic BP.

BP is influenced by age, sex, physical and psychical factors etc.

Unit of BP is kPa or torr (mmHg). The value of 140/90 in the upper boundary of normal

Physical characteristics of acoustic waves

vibration transmitted through a solid, liquid, or gas

Acoustic waves 4 qualities: frequency, amplitude, wave shape, and phase and type of mechanical wave.

wave travels by jumping from one particle of the medium to another. Energy transfer not material.

Mechanical Waves

Transveres Wave 90° angle vibration to direction traveling.

Longitudinal wave - Compression like movement spread moment = rarefraction

Hz: audible sound: 16-20,000; infrasound: <16; ultrasound >20,000

Amplitud is at max 0.5 mm loudness of a sound

v = f λ.

Acoustic imendance

Ration of reflected/transmitted energy between enviroments.

Timbre, Pitch Intensity

Timbre charateristics is spectrum and envelope. Quality of note or sound

Pitch: Represents the perceived fundamental frquencey of sound.

Intensity. I is soundpower per unit area.


Sound intensity I = pv sound pressure * velocity

Path of audiroty system

Sound -> Pinna through external auditory canal -> tymapanic membrane -> malleus, incus, staps -> oval window into innner ear -> cochlea-> tiny hair cells move with the fluid-> motion into electrical signal to brain

Organ Corti

From Vestibule around Modiulus

Receptor Organ of hearing filled with endolymph.

Includes tectorial membrane, Basilar membrane and Hair cells that send mechanical forces.

Inner 95 afferent and outer haircells effernt fibers

Hearing dissorders

Conductive hearing loss : sound is not conducted efficiently through the outer ear canal

Types : Fluid in middle ear, middle ear infection

Perforated eardrum.

Sensorineural Hearing Loss: damage to the inner ear (cochlea) SNHL

Types: genetic, aging, exposrue to loud nosie

Hearing Examinations

Weber test: detection of one sided hearing loss. Vibrating tuning fork 256 or 512 Hz) is placed in the middle of the forehead. patient is ask to which ear is louder.

Rinne Test: It compares perception of sounds, air or bone, quick to test conductive hearing loss. Tunning fork at mastoid process then immediatly placed outside the ear

Intensity , electric field

Intensity: Ratio of the electrostatic force exerted on a body to the charge on the body.

Electric field: Electric field is defined as the electric force per unit charge.

SI units of newtons per coulomb.

Potential of Electric Field PE per unit of charge that associated with the electric field. Scalar quantiy, measured in Volts.