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47 Cards in this Set

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Which biome has four seasons and broadleaf trees that loose their leaves in the fall?
Deciduous Forest
Which biome has long harsh winters, very little rainfall, and permafrost (ground is permanently frozen)?
Which biome has high biodiversity (lots of different types of plants and animals), plentiful rain, and year-round warm temperatures?
Which biome has a long cold winter and is dominated by conifers (cone trees)?
Coniferous Forest (Taiga)
Which biome has very few trees, strong winds, and is dominated by grasses?
List five biotic factors.
Answers can vary but may include: Decomposers, Scavengers, Producers, Consumers, Herbivores, Carnivores, Omnivores, Plants, Animals, Predators, Prey, Trees, Grass. Anything in a biome that is LIVING.
List five abiotic factors.
Answers can vary but may include: water, wind, soil, temperature, rocks, sand, rain. Anything in a biome that is NOT living.
Name three levels in a basic food chain.
Producer -->Primary Consumer-->Secondary Consumer
What type of organism breaks down dead bodies and recycles the nutrients into the soil.
What is another name for an animal that is an herbivore and is eaten by secondary consumers?
Primary Consumer
What is another word for organisms that use photosynthesis to make their own food?
What type of animal eats dead bodies?
List three examples of physical adaptations an animal might have.
Physical adaptations are adaptations of the BODY. Examples might include:
Long necks to reach tops of trees, horns for defense, sharp pointing teeth to rip prey apart.
List three behavioral adaptations an animal might have.
Behavioral adaptations are adaptations in what the animal or plant DOES. Examples might include: traveling in herds for protection, crouching in grass by a water hole waiting for prey, plants opening and closing their leaves in day or night to conserve water.
This biome has low rainfall, little food, high winds, and extreme temperatures (hot or cold).
This biome has a non-growing season (either a cold winter or a dry season) where food is scarce.
Grassland (grasslands in North America have cold winter but grasslands in Africa have a dry season)
This biome has a very long harsh winter with little sunlight, year round frozen permafrost under the soil and a very short growing season.
This biome has a year round growing season and little space for organisms to live and collect light energy.
This biome has four distinct seasons that include an average winter period when plants do not grow.
Deciduous Forest
The soil in this biome is filled with pine needles that decompose very slowly. There are not a lot of nutrients in this soil for plants.
Coniferous Forest (Taiga)
The soil in this biome has very little nutrients. The dead plants are decomposed very quickly and transferred into the plants in this biome. There is not time for the nutrients to collect in the soil.
The soil in this biome are rich in nutrients because of the decomposition of the leaves that fall to the ground every fall.
Deciduous Forest
This biome is very rich in nutrients because of the decomposition of grass during the winter or dry season.
This biome has soil that is very low in nutrients and organic matter. It has a lot of sand and does not hold water very well.
The soil in this biome has low levels of organic matter and nutrients because of the short growing season, long harsh winter, and permafrost under the soil.
Where is this food chain found?

Nuts such as acorns-->squirrel -->Coyote
deciduous forest
List one limiting factor for the desert biome.
Answers may vary but the obvious one is water! Strong wind too. Strong sunlight (with no shade or cloud protection) would be another.
List one limiting factor for the grassland biome.
Answers can vary. Examples include: Little shelter (few trees), scarce water at some times during the year(dry or cold season)
List one limiting factor for the rainforest biome.
Answers can vary. Examples include: space (so crowded), light (little light makes it too forest floor because of tons of plants and tree canopy)
List one limiting factor for the tundra biome.
Answers can vary. Examples include: warmth (it is sooooo cold during winter), soil (permafrost makes it hard for plant roots to grow)
List one limiting factor for the coniferous forest (taiga) biome.
Answers can vary. Very short growing season, warm summers and very cold winters
List one limiting factor for the Deciduous forest biome.
Answers can vary. Hot summers but cold winters - plants and animals have to be able to live in both temperatures.
What is one way humans use coniferous forests?
Answers can vary. One big one is for logging. We like the wood.
What is one way humans use grasslands?
Answers can vary but farming is a big one in North America.
What is one way humans use rainforest?
Answers can vary but we like the land so we cut down the trees. We like paper so we cut down trees. We even like a lot of the seeds, nut and fruit grown here.
What is one way humans use tundra?
Answers can vary but drilling for oil is a big one.
Where is this food chain found?

mesquite pod --> ant --> horned lizard --> hawk
Where is this food chain found?

grass -->impala -->lion
Where is this food chain found?

pine cones -->ground squirrel-->grizzly bear
Coniferous Forest (Taiga)
Where is this food chain found?

algae -->fish-->seal-->polar bear
Where is this food chain found?

wood -->termites-->poison dart frog
What are abiotic factors?
Parts of a biome that aren't living (like light, temperature, wind)
What are biotic factors?
Parts of a biome that are living (like herbivores, producers, carnivores, etc)
What is a population?
A population is the number of one type of plant or one type of animal living in one area). e.g. a population of deer in a certain forest or a population of cacti plants in a certain desert
What is an omnivore?
An animal that eats both plants and animals
What is a carnivore?
An animal that only eats other animals.
What is an herbivore?
An animal that only eats plants.