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63 Cards in this Set

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receive very little rain, on nearly every continent, and are earth's driest ecosystem;
Climate of deserts
hot during the day and cold at night, some remain cold all of the time
Plants found in deserts
spiny cactus, thorny shrubs, contain shallow roots
Animals found in deserts
lizards, bats, woodpeckers, snakes
Human impact for deserts
cities, farms, and recreational areas in these use valuable water, plants grow slowly and when they are damaged by people/livestock recovery takes many years
areas where grasses are the dominant plants;
prairies, savannas, meadows
Climate of grasslands
warm, have wet and dry seasons
Plants found in grasslands
grass, trees, wildflowers
Animals found in grasslands
bison, elk, prairie dogs, coyotes
Human impact for grasslands
people plow large areas of these to raise cereal crops, reduces habitat for wild species, large herbivores are now uncommon in many grasslands due to hunting and loss of habitat
Tropical Rain Forests
forests that grow near the equator, receive large amounts of rain, have dense growths of tall, leafy trees, down near the equator
Climate of tropical rain forests
receives large amounts of rain, warm and wet year-round
Plants found in tropical rain forests
vines, mosses, ferns, orchids
Animals found in tropical rain forests
insects, snakes, frogs, flying squirrels, fruit bats
Human impact for tropical rain forests
people have cleared more than half of these for lumber, farms, ranches, some organizations are working to encourage people to use less wood harvested from rainforests
Temperate Rain Forests
regions of earth between the tropics and the polar circles, have mild climates with distinct seasons, moist ecosystems in coastal areas, pacific northwest, different species than a tropical
Climate of temperate rain forests
winters are mild and rainy, summers are cool and foggy
Plants found in temperate rain forests
spruce, hemlock, cedar, fir, redwood trees, ferns
Animals found in temperate rain forests
salamanders, woodpeckers, owls, eagles, chipmunks
Human impact for temperate rain forests
their trees are a source of lumber, logging can destroy the habitat of forests species, tree farms help provide lumber without destroying habitat
Temperate Deciduous Forests
grow in temperate regions where winter and summer climates have more variation than those in temperate rainforests, the most common forest ecosystems in the United States, Contain mostly deciduous trees
Climate of temperate deciduous forests
winter is below freezing with snow, summers are hot and humid
Plants found in temperate deciduous forests
maples, oaks, birches, deciduous trees
Animals found in temperate deciduous forests
snakes, ants, butterflies, birds, raccoons
Human impact for temperate deciduous forests
humans have cleared thousands of acres of these for farms and cities
a forest biome consisting mostly of cone-bearing evergreen trees; exist only in the northern hemisphere; occupies more space on Earth's continents than any other biome
Climate of taigas
winters are long, cold, and snowy, summers are short, warm, and moist
Plants found in taigas
evergreen trees, spruce, pine, and fir
Animas found in taigas
owls, mice, moose, bears, other cold-adapted species
Human impact for taigas
tree harvesting reduces this habitat
cold, dry, treeless, South of the north pole, also exists in mountainous areas at high altitudes
Climate of tundras
winters are long, dark, and freezing, summers are short and cool
Plants found in tundras
shallow-rooted mosses, lichens, grasses
Animals found in tundras
lemmings, caribou, many animals hibernate or migrate south during winter
Human impact for tundras
drilling for oil and gas can interrupt migration patterns
Freshwater Ponds and Lakes
contain freshwater that is not flowing downhill. These bodies of water form in low areas on land.
Plants found in freshwater ponds and lakes
algae, lilies
Animals found in freshwater ponds and lakes
cattails, reeds, insects, crayfish, frogs, fish
Human impact for freshwater ponds and lakes
humans fill these with sediments to create land for houses and other structures, runoff from farms, gardens, and roads washes pollutants into ponds and lakes, distrusting food web, contribute runoff
Streams and Rivers
flowing freshwater;
Plants found in streams and rivers
willows, cottonwoods, water-loving plants
Animals found in streams and rivers
trout, salmon, crayfish, many insects, snails, catfish
Human impact for streams and rivers
people take water from these for drinking, laundry, bathing, crop irrigation, industrial purposes, hydroelectric plants use the energy flowing water to generate electricity, runoff from cities, industries, farms is a source of pollution, hydroelectric power plants dam rivers and streams
aquatic ecosystems that have a thin layer of water covering soil that is wet most of time, contain freshwater, saltwater, or both; among earth's most fertile ecosystems
Plants found in wetlands
cottonwoods, willows, swamp oaks
Animals found in wetlands
heroes, loons, warbles, egrets, alligators, turtles, frogs
Human impact for wetlands
many are being preserved;
drained ones are being restored
regions along the coastline where streams or rivers flow into a body of saltwater, form along the coastlines, where fresh water in rivers meet salt water and oceans;
have varying degrees of salinity
Plants found in estuaries
mangroves, pickle weeds, seagrasses
Animals found in estuaries
worms, snails, oysters, shrimp, crabs, clams, striped bass
Human impact for estuaries
have been filled with soil to make land for roads and buildings, destruction reduces habitat for species and exposes the coastline to flooding and storm damage
Open Oceans
cover most of the earth's surface, contains different types of ecosystems, extends from the steep edges of continental shelves to the deepest parts of the ocean;
the amount of light in the water depends on depth
Plants found in open oceans
phytoplankton, microscopic algae, seaweed
Animals found in open oceans
sea cucumbers, brittle stars, jellyfish, tuna, mackerel, dolphins
Human impact for open oceans
overfishing threatens many ocean fish, trash discarded is a source of pollution and animals become tangled in plastic or mistake it for food, overfishing and trash
Coastal Oceans
the ocean shore between the lowest low tide and the highest high tide, include several types of ecosystems, including continental shelves and intertidal zones
Plants found in coastal oceans
ferns, algae, seaweed
Animals found in coastal oceans
crabs, sea stars, dolphins, whales
Human impact for coastal oceans
oil spills and other pollution harm coastal organisms
Coral Reefs
an underwater structure made from outside skeletons of tiny, soft bodied animals called coral
Plants found in coral reefs
coral, algae
Animals found in coral reefs
parrotfish, groupers, angelfish, eels, shrimp, crabs, scallops
Human impact for coral reefs
pollution, overfishing, and harvesting of coral threaten these