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32 Cards in this Set

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what classification of joint is the femoral-acetabular joint?
T or F None of the ligaments of the femoral-acetabular joint resist extension
False. none of the ligaments of the femoral-acetabular joint resists flexion
T or F the rectus femoris has greatest force output when the hip is extended and the knee is flexed
The close packed position for the hip is what?
flexion, abduction, external rotation
the greater the angle of inclination of the hip (greater than 125) causes what?
lengthened limb, reduction in moment arm of the adductors, increases the load on the femoral head
The greater the degree of ante-version of the hip (excessive) causes what?
toe-in posture
what is associated with anterior pelvic tilt (what muscles)?
facilitation of iliopsoas
can an anterior pelvic tilt cause a functional short leg?
strain injury to the hamstrings typically occurs when ??
the knee extends from a point of maximum hip flexion
maximium hip flexion is when ?
heel-strke during sprinting
facilitation of the hamstrings can do what to the pelvis and lumbar spine?
posterior pelvic tilt and flattening of the lumbar lordosis
actions of gluteus maximus
extension of the hip, external rotation of the hip, posterior rotation of the pelvis
dysfunction of the abductors can result in what four things
trendelenburg gait, increased shear force on the SI joint, increased strain on the femoral neck, a higher pelvis on the weaker side
The hip abductors on one side of the body act as _____ with the hip adductors on the contra-lateral side of the body
the acceleration phase of swing occurs during?
from toe-off through mid-swing
in the hip joint, during gait the hamstrings are most active during what phase? gluteus medius is most active during what phase?
heel-strike; mid-support
when is apophysitis most common (what age) and what causes it
apophysitis (inflammation of the growth plate) is most commonly due to repetitive overuse trauma and is seen in YOUNG adult atheletes (14 - 18 yrs)
most hip injuries are what types of injuries?
soft tissue
the closed-packed position of the knee is
extension; (this is when it is at greatest stability)
what is the Q angle
Q-Angle determines the position of the patella and lower extremity. it is formed between a line drawn from ASIS and center of the patella through the tibial tuberosity
screw-home mechanism
refers to the external rotation of the tibia that occurs from 20 degrees of flexion to terminal extension as the knee moves into the closed-packed position
T or F quadriceps femoris is 3X stronger than the hamstrings
T or F the meniscus is completely avascular
False. the majority is avascular. Only the outer portion has blood supply. This limits the ability to heal if injured
the medial collateral ligament of the knee limits what force? varus or valgus?
the anterior cruciate ligament of the knee does what?
supports against anterior translation of tibia relative to femur, assessed by drawing tibia anteriorly relative to femur
what ligament in the knee is most commonly injured during violent twisting movements
anterior cruciate ligament
Q-angle represents what stress on the knee? valgus or varus
The middle aspect of the ____ can withstand greater tensile forces than any other bone in the body
screw-home mechanism refers to?
external rotation of the knee as it moves into terminal extension
what muscle is best positioned to minimize the amount of posterior shear force at the knee
the hamstrings are most efficient when the knee is? flexed or extended?
what does the fibula do upon dorsiflexion of the foot
the fibula externally rotates, moves laterally, moves superiorly with dorsiflexion of the foot