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19 Cards in this Set

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Define biomechanics

A field of study that takes the principles of physics and applies them to the workings of the body

Scientific models....

Reduce things to their essentials

-> Establish a basis for understanding how things work

-> Predict how things will behave

-> Influence them to behave in a way we want

What is equilibrium? (The law of inertia)

Every object in a state of uniform motion tends to remain in that state of motion unless an external force is applied to it.

Conservation of Energy (3rd law - law of reaction)

Energy can never be created or destroyed — it can only be converted from one form to another.

For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

What are Newton's three laws of motion?

1. Law of inertia

2. Law of acceleration

3. Law of reaction

Law of acceleration

A force applied to a body causes an acceleration of that body of a magnitude proportional to the force (F=ma)

Center of mass

Point of the body at which the mass if the body seems to be focused.

Linear (or translational) motion

-> Movement in a particular direction

-> Force generated by the athlete's muscles and the resulting motion in a straight line

Rotational motion

-> Movement about an axis

-> Force does not act through the center of mass, but rather is off center and this results in rotation


Rate of change of velocity

Force as a vector

Force as a push or pull of a certain magnitude in a particular direction

Radius of gyration

Average distance from the axis of rotation

Three types of lever system

1. Class I lever

2. Class II lever

3. Class III lever

Class I lever

Class II lever

Class III lever

Applied biomechanics

Performance improvement

Injury prevention and rehabilitation

Fitness and personal training

Applied biomechanics

Performance improvement

Injury prevention and rehabilitation

Fitness and personal training

The seven principles of biomechanics can be categorized into...

1. Stability

2. Maximum effort

3. Linear motion

4. Angular motion