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44 Cards in this Set

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What are all the parts of an animal cell?

Nucleus, cytoplasm, cell membrane, ribosomes and mitochondria

What are the parts of a plant cell that are not in an animal cell?

Cell wall, permanent vacuole, chloroplasts

Do bacterial cells have a nucleus?


What is diffusion?

The movement of particles from high to low concentration,

What process do cell membranes us to transport substances?


Photosynthesis formula?

Carbon dioxide + water--> glucose + oxygen

What are the limiting factors of photosynthesis?

Not enough light, not enough CO2, temperature

What are the 5 ways that plants use glucose?

For respiration,making cell walls, making proteins, stored in seeds, stored as starch

What are the 5 factors that effect where an organism lives?

Temperature, water, oxygen and CO2, nutrients and light

What tool can be used to study the distribution of organisms?

A Quadrat

What tool can be used to find the distribution of organisms from a certain point.

A transect with quadrats

What are enzymes?

Catalysts produced by living things

What are the requirements for enzymes to work at their optimal efficiency?

The correct pH and temperature

What is special about enzymes?

Their shape, they have a special shape to fit with each reaction

What are the 3 main digestive enzymes?

Amylase, protease and lipase

What does amylase digest?

Starch into sugars

What does protease digest?

Protein into amino acids

What does lipase digest?

Lipids into glycerol and fatty acids

What is the role of bile?

To neutralise the stomach acid in the small intestine, so that the enzymes can work at peak efficiency, it also emulsifies fats(breaks them down so that the reaction can happen faster)

Where is amylase made?

Salivary glands, pancreas, small intestine

Where is protease made?

Stomach, pancreas, small intestine

Where is lipase made?

Pancreas and the small intestine


Glucose + oxygen --> CO2 + water + energy

What is energy uses for in organisms?

Making larger substances from smaller ones, muscles, heat, in plants to build sugars and such into amino acids

What is glucose stored as ?


What is the type of respiration that is done if there is no oxygen available?

Anaerobic, glucose --> energy + lactic acid

What is used in biological detergents?


Advantages of enzymes in industry?

Saves money, work over a long time, biodegradable

Disadvantages to enzymes in industry?

Some people have allergies, requires precise temperatures, can be expensive to produce, contamination can effect the reaction

What order are genes --> DNa in size?

Nucleus, chromosomes,genes, dna

How many divisions does mitosis involve?


How many divisions does meiosis involve?


Which type of division is sexual


How many chromosomes does a cell that is the product of meiosis have ?


What are embryonic stem cells?

Cells that can become any other type of cell

Where are embryonic stem cells taken from?


What gender is XY


What were the conclusions that Mendel made?

Characteristics of organisms are determined by genes, these genes are passed on from parent to child, they can be dominant or recessive

What is cystic fibrosis caused by?

A certain recessive allele.

What is polydactyly causes by?

A certain Dominant allele

What causes fossilisation ?

Gradual replacement by minerals, casts and impressions, preservation

What is speciation?

The development of a new species

What causes speciation?

Isolation and natural selection

What is the definition of a species,

A group of organisms that can interbreed/exchange genes