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31 Cards in this Set

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Explain the Phylogenetic relationship between the domains Archaea, Bacteria, and Eukarya.
Members of the Archaea comprise one of the three principal domains of living organisms in the universal phylogenetic tree of life. The other two principal domains are the Bacteria and the Eukarya. The phylogenetic tree is a theoretical representation of all living things, constructed on the basis of comparative ribosomal RNA sequencing and reflecting evolutionary relationships rather than structural similarities.
Describe the methods used to classify bacteria.
RNA and DNA, 1 strand or 2 strands of nuclear acids
Distinguish between gram (+) and gram (-) bacteria.
Gram (+) retains the gram stain and are purple / Gram (-) don't retain the stain and are pink.
Describe a cyanobacteria and the important role they played in the formtion of the earth's atmosphere
They are blue-green alge and they make oxegyn in the air using photosynthsis
Describe the basic structure of a bacterial cell
Cell Wall --> Outer membrain --> cell membrain --> cytoplasm --> chromosome --> plasmid --> capsule --> slime layer
Describe ways that baccteria can cause diseases in humans
They produce toxins that are poisones that get into the body
Explain how bacteria have become resistant to antibiotics and the consequences of this occurence
The survive the first does of the antibiotic & produce clones that are resistant to the antibiotic
List three ways that bacteria are helpful to humans
Cottage Cheese and other food products --> Digest Sewage --> Breakdown dead animal
Describe the stucture and classification of viruses
Capsid and enevolope and they group them by the capside structure.
Identify the range of shapes and sizes among viruses
The poliovinus is 20nm and small pox is 250nm and shapes include - helical and iscosahedral
Compare and contrast a virus, a prion, and a viroid
A prion is a clump of protein inside a cell; a viroid is the smallest particle able to replicate; virus is more complex than a viroid
Diagram and compare and contrast the lytic and lysogenic viral cycles
Lytic cycle is the short cycle that kills the cells fast --> lysogenic viral cycle it kills the cells slowly
Name and describe several common viral diseases
AID / HIV --> Supresses the auto-imune system.

Small pox --> Fever, headache, backache and skin rash.
Explain the role of protozoa may play in an aquatic ecosystem
Bottom of the food chain
Explain how vaccine works and discuss other forms of viral-disease prevention
Vaccines make your body imune to the disease by exposing you to a similar but less fatal disease
Define and give two examples of emerging viruses
Emerging viruses are viruses that exisit in isolated habitats, but infect humans when these habitats are developed.
Ebola --> AIDS
Describe the characterists of protozoa
Food Vauole --> chambers containing digestive enzymes.
Cilium --> movement.
Flagellum --> movment.
Pseudopodium --> movement.
Eyespot --> for detecting changes in light.
List and describe the human importance of several common protozoaans
Plasodium --> causes Malaria; Toxoplasma gondii --> causes problems with developing fetus
Compare algae with other types of protists
Algae are autorophic protists, they have chloraplasts and produce their own carbohysrates by photosynthesis.

Protists are hetrotropic, and don't have chloroplasts and don't use photosynthesis.
Compare algae with plants
Plants / Algae --> are autotrophic, have chloroplasts and get carbohdrates from photosynthesis
Explain the classification and evolution of protozoa
They are classified into 4 phylia; Sarcodia, Ciliophora, Zoomastigina, Sporozoa

Many scientists believe that protozoa evolved from prokaryotes about 1.5 billion years ago.
Describe the body structure of algae
Body --> thallus, usually haploid
Explain the classification and evolution of algae
Seven phyla base on their color, type of chlorophyll, form of food-storage su stance, and cell wall composition
Explain how much you love your mother for typing these answers into to this flash card program?
--> More than any other person on the planet!!!!
List and describe the human importance of several common algae
Red algae -->some types of cheese, cosmetics & geltine capsuals.

Diatoms --> produce oxegen

Golden algae --> important in the formation of petroleum
Describe the origin and evolution of fungus
First fungi were unicellular formed after mitosis - colonized dry land at about the same time that early plants did.
Compare fungi with algae, animals and plants
Fungi / Algae --> Fungi is both asexual and sexual while Algae is asexual; they are both eukaryotic

Fungi / Animals --> both hetrotrophic, both are sexual, both eukaryotes

Fungi / Plants --> both sexual, both eukaryotes, plants are autotrophic while Fungi is hetrotophic
Describe how fungi obtain nutrients
Fungi get their nutrients from decaying organisms
List the three major groups of fungi
Zygomyctoa --> terrestrial organisims found priarily in soil that it rich in organic matter.

Basidiomycota --> club fungi, produce small clublike reporductive structes called badidia during sexual reporduction.

Ascomycota --> presence of saclike compartments where sexually produced spores form... called sac fungi
Explain the ecological imporatnace of micrrhizae and lichens
Micrrhizae --> is a relationship between an algae and a fungus

Lichens --> relationship between a plant and a fungus
Describe the (+) and (-) impact fungi have on humans
Athlete's foot --> fluid-filled blisters, scaly skin, itching

Ringworm --> ring-shaped skin lesions


Cheses, beer, wine, soy products, nutritional yeat, bread, penicillium species = penicillin