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21 Cards in this Set

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A chemical that gives plants their green color and traps light energy.
What is Chlorophyll? p.114.
Produced by green chloroplasts for photosynthesis.
A seed plant that produces seeds in cones, have evergreen needles which shed gradually over seasons.
What is a Conifer? p. 124.
Evergreen trees found in the northern latitudes from 45 degrees to the arctic region.
A female reproductive cell.
What is an Egg? p.118.
The female cell which must be impregnated by a sperm in sexual reproduction.
An organism in the earliest stage of growth.
What is an Embryo? p. 124.
Genetic material holding its food supply protected by a seed coat.
A vascular plant that reproduces with spores.
What is a Fern? p. 121.
Grows taller than mosses and liverworts in moist, shaded areas. Some grow up to 25 meters in the tropical forest.
The joining of the egg & sperm.
What is Fertilization?
p. 118.
Occurs when the sperm swims to the egg in most plants and animals.
The reproductive part of a plant.
What is a Flower? p. 128.
They have male parts which produce pollen and female parts which produce eggs.
A vascular plant that produces seeds inside a flower.
What is a Flowering Plant? p.128.
Produces flowers and forms fruits to reproduce itself.
A small nonvascular plant that has both stems and leaves but no roots.
What is Moss? p. 117.
Leaves grow all around its stems; useful as a food for worms & snails, check soil erosion, and break rock surface down into soil.
Plants that grow close to the ground in moist areas, have no roots, absorb water by osmosis to get minerals form soil.
What are Nonvascular Plants?
p. 116
Include mosses& liverworts. Sphagnum moss is used in hanging baskets and flowers. Peat moss is dried and burned as a fuel source.
Cells that carry food that is made in the leaves to all parts of the plant.
What is Phloem?
p. 121.
Cells transporting nutrients in a plant
The process in which plants use water, carbon dioxide, and energy from the sun to make food.
What is Photosynthesis?
p. 114.
The making of food by producers.
The tiny yellow grains of seed plants in which sperm develop.
What is Pollen? p. 125.
Male cones open and shed these sperm in the spring.
Wind carries the grains to the larger female cones holding egg cells. After pollination the seeds develop between woody scales of the cone.
A part of a plant that contains a new, young plant and stored food inside a protein coat.
What is a Seed? p. 124.
The coating and stored food help the seed survive over long periods of dormancy.
The forming of a new organism by the union of two reproductive cells.
What is Sexual Reproduction?
p. 118
The joining of an egg and a sperm to form a zygote.
The male reproductive cell needed for sexual reproduction.
What is a Sperm?
p. 118
male cells produced in the testes.
Plants that have tubelike cells in their roots, stems, and leaves to carry food and water.
What are Vascular Plants.
p. 116
Use leaves for food-making, roots to anchor plant to ground and take in water & minerals, stems carry water to all parts of plant.
Cells that carry water and dissolved minerals from the roots to the leaves.
What are Xylem?
p. 121
Cells that transport nutrients to leaves from roots.
A mixture of sand, silt, and clay.
What is Soil?
A natural resource used for agriculture.
Soil that has a well-balanced mixture of sand, silt,clay & organic matter.
What is Loam?
Used for soil preparation for planting crops.
The organic material in the soil.
What is Humus?
A brown or black organic substance composed of decayed vegetable matter providing nutrients for plants and water retention of soil.