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62 Cards in this Set

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One species lives inside another

prokaryotic conjugation
One prokaryotic cell transfers a plasmid to another
prokaryotic fission
Method of asexual reproduction in which one prokaryotic cell divides and forms two identical descendant cells
extreme thermophile
Organisms that live in very high-temperature environments such as hydrothermal vents
Organisms that produce methane gas as a metabolic by-product
bilateral symmetry
Having right and left halves with similar parts, and a front and back that differ
radial symmetry
Having parts arranged around a central axis, like spokes around a wheel
dramatic remodeling of body form during the transition from larva to adult
Mostly land-dwelling arthropods with four pairs of walking legs, touch-sensitive palps, and no antennae
Animal phylum characterized by a notochord, dorsal nerve cord, pharyngeal gill slits, and a tail that extends beyond the anus

Includes invertebrate and vertebrate groups
Humans and extinct humanlike species
population density
The number of organisms of a particular population in a given area
population distribution
The way in which members of a population are spread out in their environment
May be clumped, nearly uniform, or random
biotic potential
Maximum possible population growth rate under optimal conditions (unlimited resources, no predators or pathogens)
limiting factor
A necessary resource, the depletion of which halts population growth
carrying capacity
Maximum number of individuals that can be sustained indefinitely by the resources available
exotic species
A species that evolved in one community and later became established in a different one
Species interaction that benefits both species
One species lives in or on another in a commensal, mutualistic, or parasitic relationship
pioneer species
Species that colonize new or vacated habitats
primary succession
Ecological succession occurs in an area where there was previously no soil
secondary succession
Ecological succession occurs in an area where a community previously existed and soil remains
keystone species
A species with a disproportionately large effect on community structure relative to actual abundance
biogeochemical cycle
A nutrient moves among environmental reservoirs and into and out of food webs
lysogenic pathway
Bacteriophage replication pathway in which the virus becomes integrated into the host’s chromosome and is passed on to its descendents
lytic pathway
Bacteriophage replication pathway in which the virus replicates in its host and quickly kills it by breaking off plasma membrane
endemic disease
A disease that remains present at low levels in a population
A disease spreads rapidly through a population
A disease breaks out and spreads worldwide
nitrogen fixation
Bacteria convert atmospheric nitrogen gas to ammonia, which forms ammonium ions (NH4+)
Bacteria convert ammonium to nitrates (NO3-)
Cytoplasmic extension of a neuron; transmits electrical signals along its length and chemical signals at its endings
Neuron’s signal-receiving cytoplasmic extension
Neurons that relay signals from other neurons and integrate information
Cells that support neurons
resting potential
Membrane potential of a neuron at rest
action potential
An abrupt, brief reversal in the voltage (membrane potential) across a cell’s plasma membrane, beginning at a trigger zone
Caused by opening and closing channel proteins with gates that open at a particular voltage
threshold potential
Membrane potential at which voltage-gated sodium channels in a neuron axon open, causing an action potential
chemical synapse
Region where a neuron’s axon endings transmit signals to another cell
Chemical signal, stored in synaptic vesicles, released into the synaptic cleft by a neuron’s axon endings
Cluster of neuron cell bodies that functions as an integrating center; connected to nerve cords
Insulating material around most vertebrate axons that increases speed of signal transmission

Material that stiffens cell walls of vascular plants
Stem that grows horizontally along the ground
Composite organisms consisting of a fungus and a single-celled photosynthetic alga or bacterium that shares its nutrients
autonomic nervous system
Nerves that relay signals to and from internal organs and to glands
parasympathetic neurons
Neurons that encourage housekeeping tasks; dominate in a relaxed state
somatic nervous system
Nerves that control skeletal muscles and relay signals from joints and skin
sympathetic neurons
Neurons that prepare the body for danger or excitement; dominate in a fight-flight situation
gray matter
Tissue in brain and spinal cord consisting of cell bodies, dendrites, and neuroglial cells
Homeostatic control center; interacts with pituitary
medulla oblongata
Region that controls breathing rhythm and reflexes such as coughing and vomiting
white matter
Tissue of brain and spinal cord consisting of bundles of myelinated axons (tracts)
Carries information between parts of the CNS
respond to the binding of a particular chemical
detect changes in pressure, position, or acceleration
respond to light
somatic sensations
Sensations such as touch that arise when sensory neurons in skin or near joints and muscles are activated
are sensitive to heat or cold
visceral sensations
Sensations that arise when sensory neurons in soft internal organs are activated
Pigmented middle layer of the wall of the eye
Natural pain-reliever molecules
Signaling molecules that affect another member of the same species; detected by a vomeronasal organ in reptiles and most mammals