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204 Cards in this Set

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the scientific study of life
what are the characteristics or properties of life
1. order
2. regulation
3. growth and development
4. energy processing
5. respond to environment
6. reproduction
7. evolution
what does each organism continuously interact with
how do majority of living things grow
from inside out
what is needed to provide energy
what is the difference between a living thing that grows and a nonliving thing that grows
living things produce their own growth by consuming energy and food
encompasses a wide scale of size and a huge variety of life, both past and present
study of biology
what forms when all living organisms in a specific area interact with all of the nonliving factors in that specific area
what is regulation
explore life at levels ranging from biosphere to molecules that make up cels
largest level that includes land, water, etc
it is area that looks at how things interact with environment
it is level that looks at only living things and not nonliving things
it is the level that looks at specific types of living things
it is the level that look at a single living entity
it is the level the looks at what makes up the a organisms
organ systems and organs
it is the level that looks at what makes up the organs in complex organs
it is the level where life emerges
it is the level that looks at the material in the cell like the nucleus
it is the smallest level that looks at the DNA of a particular organisms
molecular and atoms
what happens everytime energy is used
some energy is lost or turns into heat energy
take energy from the sun and produce own food
eat food molecules made by producers
what does every cell use as its genetic information
the level at which the properties of life emerge
lowest level of structure that can perform all activities required for life
what are all organisms composed of
the subunits that make up multicelluar organisms such as humans and trees
what are the two main processes the dynamics of any ecosystem depend on
recycling of chemical processes and flow of energy
what is recycled within ecosystem
what are the two major types of cells
prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells
simpler and usually smaller and characteristics of bacteria
prokaryotic cells
subdivided by internal membranes into different functional compartments called organelles and found in plants and animals
eukaryotic cells
what is the most obvious difference between two types of cells
eukaryotics cells have nucleus
the units of inheritance that transmit information form parents to offspring
consists of four molecular building blocks and common to all organisms
the entire book of genetic instruction that an organism inherits
the nucleus of each human cell packs a genome that includes how many chemical letters
3 billion
a hallmark of life
what is the number of known life species that biologists have identified and named
1.8 million
what is the estimate of the actual total number of species that could potentially live on earth
10 million to over 100 million
the branch of biology that names and classifies species
formalizes the hierarchical ordering of organisms into border and broader groups
what are the three domains of life
bacteria, archaea, and eukarya
which two types of domains of life have prokaryotic cells
bacteria and archaea
are generally single celled organisms but have nucleus
what categories/kingdoms are included under eukarya
kingdom plantae, kingdom fungi, kingdom animalia, protists
all life uses the genetic language of what
why do we categorize life into groups
help deal with complexity
what are multicelluar eukarya kingdoms
fungi, animals, and plants
accounts for combination of unity and diversity
what distinguishes the multicelluar kingdoms
how they obtain food
product own sugars and others food by photosynthesis
mostly decomposers and digest dead organism
ingesting and digesting other organisms
what do species that are similar share
more recent common ancestor
published the book on the origin of species by means of natural selection
charles darwin
came up with way that things change named evolution
charles darwin
what are the two main points in darwin's book
descent with modification and natural selection
which animals inspire darwin diversity idea
animals from galapagos islands
how do animals become seperate species
when separated from geographic barriers
the selective breeding of domesticated plants and animals by humans
artificial selection
who does the selecting instead of the environment in artificial selection
resistance in bacteria evolves in response to the overuse of antibiotics
drugs that help cure bacterial infections
what is the product of natural selection
mechanism of evolution
natural selection
what did Darwin think were closely related processes in natural selection
adaptation to environment and origin of new species
what two observations help darwin synthesize the theory of natural selection
1.overproduction and competition
2.individual variation
what is a huge problem in public health
evolution of antibiotic resistant bacteria
unifying theme of biology
a way of knowing based on inquiry
developed from our curiosity about ourselves and the world around us
what are the two main science approaches
discovery science and hypothesis driven science
one of biology's best demonstrated, more comprehensive, and longest lasting theories
tested by performing an experiment to see whether results are as predicted
limits the scope of science to the study of structures and processes that we can observe and measure directly or indirectly
discovery science
uses a process of inquiry called the scientific method, consisting of steps that provide loose guideline for scientific investigation
discovery science
a tenetive answer to a problem/an explanation on trail
non natural form produced through manufacturing processes called hydrogenaton
trans fat
in hypothesis driven study what should be the difference between the control and experimental group
only one variable
much broader in scope than a hypothesis
scientific theory
are the ways of trying to make sense of nature
science, art, and religion
what are the two key features that distinguish it from other forms of inquiry
depends on observation and measurements that are testable
what do you use in science when trying to compare two groups of data
statistical test called t-test
first descrbied called in 1665
Robert hooke
states that all living things are composed of cells and all cells come from other cells
cell theory
can be used to explore the structures and functions of cells
light microscopes
an increase in the object's image size compared to its actual size
the ability of an optical instrument to show two objects as separate
uses a beam of electrons, which results in 100-fold better resolution than light microscope
electron microscope
what are the two kinds of electron microscopes
scanning electron and transmission electron
examine cell surfaces
scanning electron microscope
useful for studying the internal structure of a cell
transmission electron miscroscope
which microscope is useful for studying living cells
light microscopes
what are the basic features all cells have
1. plasma membrane
2. fluid called cytosol
3. made of DNA
4. ribosomes
tiny structures that build proteins according to the instructions from the DNA
when did prokaryotes first appear
3.5 billion years ago
when did eukaryotes first appear
2.1 billion years ago
membrane- enclosed structures that perform specific functions
which cell only contains organelles
houses most of a eukaryotic's cell DNA and is surrounded by a double membrane
DNA is coiled into a nucleoid and is not supported by a double membrane
the region between the nucleus and plasma membrane
which convert light energy to chemical energy of food in the process of photosynthesis
what features to plants cells have that animals cells don't
chloroplast and cell walls
what features do animals cells have that plants cells don't
bubbles of digestive enzymes surrounded by membranes
seperates the living things from its nonliving surroundings
plasma membrane
what are the thin membranes of cells composed mostly of
lipids and proteins
which category do lipids belong to
form a two layered membrane called the phospholipid bilayer
made of cellulose, protect the cells, maintain cell shape, and keep cells from absorbing too much water
cell wall
found in animals and helps hold cells together in tissues and protects and supports them
extracellular matrix
found on the surfaces of most animal cells and structures that connect cells together into tissues and allowing them to function in a coordinated way
cell junctions
chief executive of the cell
do most of the work of the cell
seperates the nucleus from the cytoplasm by a double membrane
nuclear envelope
allow materials to move between the nucleus and cytoplasm
what does each long chromatin fiber constitutes
one chromosome
stored in the nucleus and are long DNA molecules plus protein
what depends on the species
number of chromosomes
responsible for protein synthesis
made in the nucleolus and transported to the cytoplasm
may assemble proteins while the ribosomes are suspended in the fluid of the cytoplasm or attached to the outside of the nucleus or an organelle called endoplasmic reticulum
who does the dna program protein production in the cytoplasm by transferring its coded information to
messanger RNA
moves along the mRNA by translating the genetic message into a protein with a specific amino acid sequence
one of the main manufacturing facilities in a cell
endoplasmic reticulum
produces an enormous variety of molecules, is connected to the nuclear envelope, and is composed of smooth and rough ER
the endoplasmic reticulum
product membrane proteins and secretory proteins
rough ER ribosomes
refers to the ribosomes that stud the outside of this portion of the ER membrane
rough ER
sacs made of membrane that bud off from the rough ER
lacks surface ribosomes, produces lipids, including steroids, and helps liver cells detoxify circulating drugs
smooth ER
works in partnership with the ER and receives, refines, stores, and distributes chemical products of the cell
Golgi apparatus
found in lysosomes and can break down large molecules such as proteins, polysaccharides, fats, and nucleic acids
tiny cytoplasmic sacs that engulf nutrients
food vacoules
large sacs of membrand that bud from the ER, Golgi apparatus, or plasma membrane
destroy harmful bacteria, break down damaged organelles, and sculpt tissues during embryonic development, helping to form structures such as fingers
which two organelles act as cellular power stations
chloroplasts and mitochondria
what are the three major compartments chloroplast are divided into
space, stroma, grana
thuick fluid within the chloroplast
stacks of membrane-enclosed discs that trap light energy and convert it to chemical energy
the organelles of cellular respiration and found in almost all eukaryotic cells
contain their own DNA, which encodes some of their proteins
mitochondria and chloroplast
network of fibers extending throughout the cytoplasm
what two things are found in the envelopes the enclose mitochondrion
cristae and matrix
straight and hollow tubes that guide the movement of organelles and chromosomes
product the ATP from the energy of food molecules
motile appendages that aid in movement
cilia and flagella
propel the cell through their undulating, whiplike motion
move in a coordinated back and forth motion
contribute to the amoebid (crawling) movement of the protest amoebid and some of our white blood cells
changes in the cytoskeleton
if the p value is greater than 0.05
the results happened by chance
if the p value is below 0.05
the value is statistically true
may result in the birth of new organisms but more commonly involves the production of new cells
two daughter cells are produced that are genetically identical to each other and to the parent cell
cell division
what percent of cell lifespan is spent in interphase
about 90%
what are the three types of fibers cytoskeleton have
microtubles, intermediate, and microfilament
pump out excess water in the cell
contractile vacoules
mitosis consist of four phases:
prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase
includes two overlapping processes: mitosis and cytokinesis
mitotic phase
the nucleus and its contents divide evenly into two daughter nuclei
the cytoplasm is divided in two
a football shaped structure of miscrotubles and guides the separation of two sets of daughter chromosomes
mitotic spindle
spindle microtubles grow from structures within the cytoplasm
begins during telophase, divides the cytoplasm, and is different in plant and animal cells
in animal cells what is cytokensis known as
what happens before a parent cell splits into two
it duplicates its chromosomes
plays important roles in the lives of organism
cell division
what are the three functions of cell division
1. cell replacement
2. growth
3. asexual reproduction
single-cell organisms reproduce by simple cell division and there is no feritilization of an egg by a sperm
asexual reproduction
requires feritilization of sex cells produced using a speical types of cell division called meiosis
sexual reproduction
what is the difference for organisms using mitosis and meiosis
mitosis for growth and maintainance
meiosis for making sex cells
made of chromatin
fibers composed of roughly equal amounts of DNA and protein molecules and not visible in a cell until cell division occurs
proteins used to package DNA in eukaryotes
consist of DNA wound around histone molecules
before a cell divides what does it do
duplicate its chromosomes resulting in two copies called sister chromatids
where two sister chromatids are joined together tightly at a narrow waist
the ordered sequence of events that extend from the time a cell is first formed from a dividing parent cell to its own division into two cells
cell cycle
what are the two cell cycles
interphase and mitotic phase
a cell performs its normal functions, doubles everything in it cytoplasm, and grows in size
during interphase
what does cytokinesis differ in plants and animal cellsq
animal split from out side in and plants split from inside out
that consists of specialized proteins which send stop and go ahead signals at certain key points during the cell cycle
cell cycle control system
disease of the cell cycle
can form tumors, abnormally growing massess of body cells
cancer cells
what is the lump called when an abnormal cell remains at the orginal site
benign tumor
the spread of cancer cells beyond their original site
spread to other parts of the body and interrupt normal body functions
malignant tumors
damages DNA and disrupts cell division
radiation theorapy
use of drugs to disrupt cell division
depends on meiosis and fertilization and produces offspring that contain a unique combination of genes from the parent
sexual reproduction
typical body cell and has 46 chromosomes
human somatic cell
an image that reveals an orderly arrangement of chromosomes
matching pairs of chromosomes that can possess different versions of the same genes
homologous chromosomes
what are the two different sex chromosomes and how many pairs of sex chromosomes does the human have
X and y and only 1
the sequence of stages leading from the adults of one generation to the adults of the next
life cycle
organisms with body cells containing two sets of chromosomes
only have one member of each homologous pair of chromosomes
what does meiosis procude
haploid gametes
haploid daughter cells are produced in diploid organisms
consist of DNA wound around histone molecules
what is the opposite of telophase
the division of the nucleus into two genetically identical nuclei