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49 Cards in this Set

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What is an enzyme?
compounds made of proteins.
What do enzymes do?
they start and speed up chemical reactions within cells.
What are enzyems known as?
What does a catalist do?
it increases the speed of chemical reactions.
What do enzymes look like?
all enzymes have specific shapes and are very senstive to changes.
What do enzymes break protein into?
amino acids.
What do enzymes break carbohydrates into?
Why can these new molecules enter the cells?
because they're smaller.
What are the 4 things that effect enzymes?
-pH (acid or basic)
-substrate concentration
-enzyme concentration
What happens to the rate of reaction when enzymes have a temperature at which they work best?
above the temperature the rate decreases.
What happens when enzymes become distorted or change shape?
they can't work.
What is this called?
At what temperature does this occur in the human body?
104 degrees Farenheit.
What kills enzymes needed for life?
high fevers.
When does heat energy cause more collissions?
between enzyme and substrate.
___________ temperature for humans is close to 37 degrees.
Enzymes denature at high temperatures so as a result..
rate falls rapidly.
What is a substrate?
the substance that is being worked on by the enzyme.
What is the active site?
the place where the reaction occurs.
When are enzymes no longer used?
after reaction is complete.
What will happen if the temperature is too hot or too cold?
the reaction won't occur.
When do enzymes work best?
at a certain pH.
What is the pH scale?
its used to measure acids and bases.
What are acids?
solutions that have many hydrogen ions in it.
What are bases?
solutions that have many hydroxide ions in it.
The numbers on a pH scale go from _________.
Pure water is __________
neutral (7).
Human blood is slightly _______.
basic (7.4)
What is an organic substance?
a substance that includes both Carbon & Hydrogen.
What is an inorganic substance?
a substance that includes either Carbon or Hydrogen.
What is an example that represents an organic compound?
What element is present in living things and in all organic compounds?
What substance found in the cytoplasm of an abema is an inorganic compound?
What is the main inorganic compound?
*What organic compound is correctly matched with the subunit that composes it?
Plants store carbs in the form of ____________.
2 examples of carbs are...
sugars & starches
In living organisms, lipids function mainly as...
sources of stored energy & components of cellular membranes
Animals commonly store energy in the form of...
fat & glycogen
What organic compound is produced when 3 fatty acid molecules bond to 1 glycerol molecule?
Every living thing contains molecules of...
Saturated molecules of this nutrient, which may predispose humans to cardiovascular disease, are solid at room temperature.
Proteins ingested by animals are immediate sources of...
amino acids
If there were no nitrogen compounds in the soil, the most immediate effect on plants growing in that soil would be difficulty in synthesizing...
amino acids & proteins
An element found in all proteinnns but not found in carbs and lipids is...
Hemoglobin, insulin, albumin, & maltase,which are composed of chains of amino acids, are examples of...