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51 Cards in this Set

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Dolphins, whales, and seals use a form of underwater locomotion termed ____________________
stroke and glide
What are some of the oxygen storage strategies typically used by diving marine mammals?
high myoglobin in muscles, high blood hemoglobin concentration, and larger than expected blood volume
The most effective strategy for marine mammals to optimize amount of time underwater while foraging is ....
make many short dives with short surface intervals
Across a huge range of animals, metabolic rate is proportional to .......
The "tear-drop" shape of many marine mammals tends to reduce which type of drag near ans at the front of the body?
What species is not likely to prey on sea otters off Alaska?
gray seals
Weddell and many other seal pups have a natal fur we call the ...
The amazing sea otter fur coat has about how many hairs per square centimeter?
Standard rules for Kleiber Equation calculations include being ....
Manatee resting metabolic rate is ________________ than that of other aquatic mammals of similar size.
less than
On a comparative scale of life history strategies, circle the mammal likely to be "most K selected"
Bowhead whale
Sea otters consume about what amount of their own weight per day?
The marine mammal with the presently-known longest lactation period is the ...
polar bear
Dugongs, at oldest ages, may live as long as about ......
70 or a bit more years
The longest presently-known age of living record is likely to be of a ...
bowhead whales
The reproductive strategy of male serial monogamy in seals is most likely to be found on ...
loose pack ice
The eastern gray whales that tend to stay longest in the mating/calving grounds are...
mothers with newly born calves
Another term for polygynandry is...
Another term for promiscuity, perhaps more appropriate for most animal population, is ...
Eastern gray whales have very long migration between food and mating/calving areas because of the seperation between safe areas for reproduction and high productivity perhaps to "outswim" their predators by changing habitats, and perhaps ..............
letting the food supplies to replenish
A dolphin's tial accelerates as it moves______________ the axis.
The idea that dolphins travel faster than theoretical rid=gid-body calculations would indicate is known as ____________ paradox.
A human athelete's sustained speed resulting in about 0.003Hp/LbBodyWeight is remarkably close to the power output I mentioned of trout and of ________
a dolphin
The Kleiber Line relates Log Metabolic Rate to Log.....
Body mass
The inter-birth interval of right whales and bowhead whales tends to be ......
3-7 years
Sea Otters experience __________________________, which suspends embryo development of the blastocyst.
delayed implantation
Describe underwater locomotion of phocids
use hind flippers for propulsion and move in a "carani form" locomotion
Describe underwater locomotion of otariids
use fore flippers for propulsion, using a "sculling" locomotion
Describe underwater locomotion of odobenids
Describe underwater locomotion of sirenians
use flukes for propulsion and they use a dorsal-ventral movement of the flukes to move
Describe the underwater locomotion of ursids
use all four legs for propulsion, they move in a "dog-paddle" motion
Explain why there were misconceptions about seal metabolism due to the way early data were gathered?
there were misconceptions in early data gathered because the scientists did not follow common rules to choose the animals. They gathered data from mammals at different stages (sexual maturity, for example).
What are the Kleiber Rules?
1. adult
2. post-absorption
3. at rest
4. not lactating/pregnant
5. thermoneutral zone
Describe polygyny and give a marine mammal example
many females, one male ex. sea otter
Describe polyandry and give a marine mammal example
many males, one female ex.
Describe polygamy and give a marine mammal example
individuals mate with more than one partner
Describe polygynandry and give a marine mammal example
multi-mate=promiscuity= many males, many females ex.
Describe multi-mate and give a marine mammal example
many amles, many females
Describe promiscuity and give a marine mammal example
many males, many females
Describe monogamy and give a marine mammal example
one male, one female

unlikely to occur in marine mammals
Describe serial monogamy and give a marine mammal example
monogamous for a short period of time
What did the diphyllobothrium say to the anisakis worm when they met on their way down the duodenum?
after you please, I encyst
How many cervical vertibrae does a three-toed sloth have?
What are some general mammalian traits
aquatic mammals large, greater fat reserves, longer fasts, m's can sequester territories or f's, m's can inseminate many

testosterone is both a sex drive and a drive towards aggressiveness

parent offspring ties strong in f's
What are some specific pinniped attributes?
offshore marine feeding, terrestrial parturition, female gregariousness
The maximum breath-hold capability that is possible without an increase in blood lactic acid is the...
aerobic dive limit
The pattern of diving by many lactating otariid females, whereby they leave the breeding colony to make foraging trips, is known as....
central place foraging
A Pacific white-sided dolphin can swim up to speeds of about...
28 km/hr
Dive adaptions of pinnipeds include
breath-holding, bradycardia, peripheral vasoconstriction
Andreas Fahlman mentioned that the classic work on respiratory function in diving mammals and birds was in 1940, and by...
Per F. Scholander
The surplus in krill due to last century's decimation of great whales in the Antarctic is at least partially taken up by a huge increase in numbers of .....
crab-eater seal