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19 Cards in this Set

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Many insects do not see into the red color range and as a result many insect-pollinated flowers are colors other than red this flower coloration would be considered a(n)


Didinium are coniferous protista that prey on other slower moving protista. A student is setting titanium feeding rates after one three and five days of food decoration how would you classify the organism she is studying?

Eukaryotic consumer

What is the most encompassing level of organization?


Kevin is studying predator-prey interactions. One day he notices a spider eating a cricket caught in its web. Later that day A Bird eats the spider. How many producers are there in this scenario?


Which is not true about ecosystems?

Energy is constantly recycled

Darwin's primary mission on the HMS Beagle was to..

Expand the Navy's knowledge of Natural Resources around the world

Which of the following concepts would not have been supported by Georges Cuvier

That the earth and its organisms slowly change Through Time

Critical to the theory of evolution Darwin needed to include an idea that was not generally accepted by scientists or Society at that time. That idea was..

That the earth must be very old

True or false: prior to Darwin, people considered variation among individuals as"imperfections" and that they serve no particular purpose


What influence did the writings of Thomas Malthus have on Darwin's idea of natural selection?

Malthus showed how the human population grows faster than the food supply and that death and famine are inevitable

If a population lacks variation, no individual has any advantageous trait, and the environment changes for the worse. What will most likely happen to the population in terms of natural selection?

The entire population will go extinct

True or false: the artificial selection of different breeds of dogs is an example of speciation.


The species of finches tortoises cacti iguanas and many others that are found on the Galapagos Islands are found nowhere else in the world. Which physical attribute of these islands has not played a role in permitting such unique life-forms to evolve?

Food is plentiful and diverse on every island

Natural selection results in...

Offspring better adapted to their current environment

Darwin and Wallace concluded that species evolve through the process of natural selection. What similar experiences and information helped them both reach the same conclusion?

They were both naturalist

Which element is not one of the most common in living things?


An atom that has an electrical charge is called a(n)


A covalent bond occurs when

Electrons are shared between two atoms to complete their octet

The type of bond that would form from the transfer of an electron from one atom to another.

Ionic bond