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25 Cards in this Set

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Significance of nucleolus

Produce ribosomal RNA (rRNA)

Describe extra nuclear inheritance

Ability for mitochondria to reproduce and transmit genetic info w/o the nucleus

Describe the 3 types of cytoskeletons

Microfilaments - Actin coils, use ATP to contract

Microtubules - Tubulin rods, "Highway of cell"

Intermediate filaments - Variety of proteins, "spring support"

Describe structure of cilia and flagella in eu

9 microtubule pairs surrounding a contra pair

Stroma vs parynchema

Stroma - structural support of an organ (Connective tissue)

Parenchyma - Function part of organ (Epithelial tissue)

Describe a prokaryote

No nucleus

Circular DNA in nucleoid region

No membrane bound organelle

Envelope (Cell wall + membrane)

What are the 3 domains of life? Which ones are pro or eu?

Pro - Archaea + Bacteria

Eu- Eukarya

Describe arachea

Similar to bacteria


Abx resistant

Alternative energy sources

What is an aerobic bacteria? Anaerobic? What are the 3 types of anaerobes

Aerobic - need o2

anaerobic - no 02 plz

Obligate anaerobe - o2 = dead

facultative - switch between o2 and no o2

aerotolerant - can live in o2, but does not use it

Difference between a gram negative cell wall and gram positive

Gram pos - Thick peptidoglycan layer outside of membrane

Gram neg - Outer membrane covers thin peptidoglycan layer

What is a plasmid?

Smaller, circular sets of DNA that prokaryotes can adopt. Not actually part of the genome. Bonus perks

Describe binary fission

Asexual reproduction in prokaryotes

1. DNA binds to membrane

2. DNA replicates

3. Division

Simple when compared to mitosis so pretty rapid

Define episome

Plasmid that can integrate into host genome

Describe the 3 methods of bacterial recombination

Transformation - Lysed bacterial spill out DNA. Host picks up and is transformed

Conjugation - Male has sex factor to form sex pilli, female does not. Male transfers DNA to Female

Transduction - Virus infects cell and picks up some of the original host DNA when it creates new Viroids. Viroids past the original host DNA to new bacteria.

Describe a Virus

V small

Rely on cells to divide

No nucleus

No organelles

Not made of cells

Describe the viral structure

Genetic material: Liner, circular, DNA, or RNA

Protein coat - Capsid

Envelope (Sometimes)

Describe structure of a bacteriophage

DNA within a capsid

Tail sheathe (syringe to inject DNA)

Tail fibers (recognition sites)

Describe what is meant when a virus is positive sense or negative sense

Positive sense - Viral RNA is directly translated by host ribosomes

Negative Sense - Virus comes equipped with a RNA replicase to obtain the complementary strand of viral RNA. Complementary strand can then be used to assemble viral proteins.

What is a retrovirus?

A single stranded RNA enveloped virus. Contains reverse transcriptase to convert RNA to DNA. DNA can then enter host genome.

Difference in infection methods for enveloped viruses and bacteriophages

Bacteriophages do not enter the cell, they inject their DNA and leave the capsid outside

Enveloped viruses enter the cell to deposit genetic content

What are the 3 methods for viral progeny release

1. Cell death - Cell realizes its compromised and dies, spilling virions out

2. Lyse - Cell burst open due to so many virions

3. Extrusion - Progeny exocytose, cell remains alive. Known as the productive cycle

What is the lytic cycle?

Virulent, virus has no regards for cell survival. Max production of virions.

What is the lysogenic cycle

Viral DNA enter host genome as provirus/prohage. Viral DNA reproduces along with bacteria. Provirus may exit and enter into lytic cycle

What is a Prion

Infectious protein that triggers protein misfolding

What is a Viroid

Small circular RNA, binds to host genome to silence certain genes.