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47 Cards in this Set

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a type of cyanobacteria that exists as a plankton
vegetative cells: photosynthesis
akinete: hypnospore
heterocyst: N2 fixation
muciliaginous sheath: protection

a type of cyanobacteria that exists as a plankton

vegetative cells: photosynthesis

akinete: hypnospore

heterocyst: N2 fixation

muciliaginous sheath: protection

rhodospirillum rubrum

gram-negative, pink colored bacteria
spririllum shape

gram-negative, pink colored bacteria

spririllum shape


supergroup: excavata


methylcellulose was added to slow its movement


has a pellicle, eyespot, and posterior flagellum, green in color

supergroup: excavata

methylcellulose was added to slow its movement

has a pellicle, eyespot, and posterior flagellum, green in color

euglena detailed structures

trypanosoma sp.

supergroup: excavata


type of kinetoplastid


was viewed in blood with red blood cells surrounding it


appear eel-like


undulating membrane

supergroup: excavata

type of kinetoplastid

was viewed in blood with red blood cells surrounding it

appear eel-like

undulating membrane

trypanosoma detailed structures

giardia lamblia

supergroup: excavata


causes giardiasis 

supergroup: excavata

causes giardiasis

giardia lamblia detailed strucutres

chlamydomonas sp


supergroup: land plants and relatives (chlorophyta)


methyl cellulose added to slow movement


have two flagella




type of green algae

supergroup: land plants and relatives (chlorophyta)

methyl cellulose added to slow movement

have two flagella


type of green algae

chlamydomonas sp detailed structures

spirogyra sp


supergroup: land plants and relatives (chlorophyta)  


has unbranched filaments


two types: vegetative and conjugating 

supergroup: land plants and relatives (chlorophyta)

has unbranched filaments

two types: vegetative and conjugating

spirogyra sp detailed structures

volvox sp


supergroup: land plants and relative (chlorophyta) 


colonial, each cell synchronously beats its two flagella, propelling it in a spinning motion


daughter colonies: the smaller spheres inside the colony, product of asexual ...

supergroup: land plants and relative (chlorophyta)

colonial, each cell synchronously beats its two flagella, propelling it in a spinning motion

daughter colonies: the smaller spheres inside the colony, product of asexual reproduction

volvox sp detailed structures

ulva lactuca


supergroup: land plants and relative (chlorophyta)

supergroup: land plants and relative (chlorophyta)


supergroup: alveolata


primary producers, endosymbionts with coral, and toxins like red tide


secondary endosymbiosis from red algae


cellulose plates


perpendicular flagella

supergroup: alveolata

primary producers, endosymbionts with coral, and toxins like red tide

secondary endosymbiosis from red algae

cellulose plates

perpendicular flagella

dinoflagellates detailed structures

stentor sp

supergroup: alveolata

supergroup: alveolata

paramecium sp

supergroup: alveolata


exhibit taxis

supergroup: alveolata

exhibit taxis

paramecium detailed structures


supergroup: stramenopila


unicellular algae, chlorophyll a and c and xyanthophyll


cell wall of silicone dioxide


lack stramenopila as adults, so they move with currents


25% of carbon fixation



supergroup: stramenopila

unicellular algae, chlorophyll a and c and xyanthophyll

cell wall of silicone dioxide

lack stramenopila as adults, so they move with currents

25% of carbon fixation

can be pennate or centric

brown algae

supergroup: stramenopila

fucus sp.

brown in color

amoeba sp

supergroup: amoebozoa


move using pseudopodia 


contractile vacuole to expel excess water

supergroup: amoebozoa

move using pseudopodia

contractile vacuole to expel excess water


supergroup: rhizaria

supergroup: rhizaria


supergroup: rhizaria

supergroup: rhizaria

marchantia sp antheridia

liverworts, phylum hepatophyta


male sex organs produce sperm

liverworts, phylum hepatophyta

male sex organs produce sperm

merchantia sp archegonia

female sex organs, produce egg


the sporophyte forms on the archegonia after fertilization

female sex organs, produce egg

the sporophyte forms on the archegonia after fertilization

polytrichium sp

bryophtya phylum 


sporophyte: capsule on top


gametophyte: more abundant greenery on bottom

bryophtya phylum

sporophyte: capsule on top

gametophyte: more abundant greenery on bottom

fern sporophyte anatomy

fern prothallus

has archegonia and antheridia


is the gametophyte generation


produced when sori mature

has archegonia and antheridia

is the gametophyte generation

produced when sori mature

young fern sporophyte

rhizoids located on bottom

rhizoids located on bottom

horsetails (equestium sp)

it does not have true leaves, photosynthesis occurs at the stems


only extant species left


strobili cones at the tip of reproductive stems


it does not have true leaves, photosynthesis occurs at the stems

only extant species left

strobili cones at the tip of reproductive stems

lycopodium sp

phylum lycophyta



phylum lycophyta


selaginella sp

phylum lycophyta



phylum lycophyta


female cone vs male cone



pine pollen

the large air bladders on the side help make it airborne 

the large air bladders on the side help make it airborne

female cone with megasporocyte

pine ovule

mature pine embryo

anther cross section

anther cross section detailed structures

the four sacs are pollen sacs where only one will survive

the four sacs are pollen sacs where only one will survive

tomato cross section

stomata and guard cells

xylem and phloem

monocot stem

dicot stem

monocot vs dicot stem

dicot has a star shape center


monocot is circular

dicot has a star shape center

monocot is circular