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38 Cards in this Set

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Jonathan Glover
British philosopher

"In Europe at the start of the 20th century most people thought there was a moral law, which was self-evidently to be obeyed"
Lord Acton
English Catholic historian

"Opinions alter, manners change, creeds rise & fall, but moral law is written on the tablets of eternity"
No moral dilemmas
There were moral dilemmas
Sir David King
7 principles aimed at building trust between scientists & society
If God existed, he is now dead

Morals are a human construction, deriving from societies & religions that no long exist - did not take into account altruism & homeostasis

Survival of the fittest
Immanuel Kant
To be evil is illogical & to be wicked is inconsistent

Founded Kantianism

"Two things fill the mind with ever new & increasing admiration & awe the oftener & more steadily they are reflected on: the starry heavens above me & the moral law within me"
Moral actions are right/obligatory, irrespective of their consequences

Other actions are wrong, irrespective of their consequences
Richard Hare

Moral language possesses innate logic

To be evil is illogical & to be wicked is inconsistent
Whoever makes a moral judgement is committed to the same judgement in any situation where the same relevant facts obtain.
Innate moral principles, not acquired
Arthur Koestler
"I am not sure whether what thephilosophers call 'ethical absolutes' exist, but I am sure we have to act as if they do exist"
Jeremy Bentham
Consequentialism (utilitarianism)
The consequences of conduct = ultimate basis for judgement about their rightness of that conduct.

Morally right = a good outcome
Aggregated happiness

Everyone to be happy
Showed consequential views in the past

Pursuit of happiness

Elimination of pain
Ayn Rand
Consequentialism (egotism)

Maximise his/her own interests/welfare

Can be beneficial, detrimental or neutral to the welfare of others
Joseph Butler
Consequentialism (egotism)


"Conscience & self-love, if we understand our true happiness, always leads us the same way. Duty & interest are perfectly coincident"
Iris Murdoch
Consequentialism (egotism)

"The imagination can be used to penetrate the veil that our own selfish concerns usually place between us & moral illumination"

"Great are inspires... it is an image of virtue. Its condensed, clarified, presentation enables us to look without sin upon a sinful world... it is a symbol of morality"
Thomas Hobbes
Consequentialism (contractualism)
Humans are innately bad

Form of 'rational egotism

Outside agent (government) should have control/impose a framework within which egotism can flourish without moral anarchy
Elizabeth Anscombe
Virtue ethics
Positive trait or quality deemed to be morally good

Valued as a foundation of principle & good moral being
Virtue ethics
Role of one's character & the virtues that one's character embodies for determining or evaluating ethical behaviour.

Emphasizes character rather than rules/consequences.

ARETE (excellence/virtue) then PHRONESIS (practical/moral wisdom) LEADING TO EUDAIMONIA (flourishing/happiness). Telelogical.
Alasdair MacIntyre
Developed virtue ethics

Ethics can be eroded by skeptics (scientists)

Kant made morality a cold & unsympathetic exercise in reason

Utiliarians reduced ethics to a set of pseudo-scientific calculations - led to society empty of moral values

Still hope to stop problem - humans are unstoppable communitarians

Reject 'survival of the fittest'
Jean Jacques Rousseau
Rejectes Hobbes' view

Looked at man's history to find the optimal virtues
Jonathan Dancy
Defined particularism
Reasons are context-dependent – circumstances alter cases.

No overriding principles that are applicable in every case.

New cases = new solution.
Mary Wollstonecraft & Marth Nussbaum
Peter Singer
Animal rights

Coined 'speciesist'
Denying an animal its rights
Jacques Derrida
Break-down argument = there will be an opposing argument in it.


"Truth is a thing of this world: it is produced only by virtue of multiple forms of constraint"
"The totality of our so-called knowledge or beliefs, from the most casual matters of geography & histroy to the profoundest laws of atomic physics... is a man-made fabric which impinges on experience only along the edges"
To be moral agnostic = no systematic way to learn from experience.

Man makes himself by the choice of his morality
Believes the existence of a greater power (God) cannot be proven or disproved, it is unknown.