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15 Cards in this Set

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What is food?

Food is needed for energy, growth, repair and to prevent diseases

What is a balanced diet?

It consists of the right amounts of food

What does a balanced diet consist of?

These include: fats, protein, vitamins, carbohydrates, minerals and water

What is the function of carbohydrates?

They give energy

What are carbohydrates included in?

Sugar; found in jam and honey (quick release of energy)

Starch; found in potatoes, rice and bread (slow release of energy)

Fibre; found in bran and vegetables (prevents constipation)

What is the function of fats?

Fats store energy and are needed to insulate the body

What are fats included in?

Sources of fat include: butter, cream, milk and oils

What is the function of protein?

Proteins are needed to make muscle and hair and are used to repair body parts

What are proteins included in?

Sources of protein include: meat, fish, eggs, milk and nuts

What are the functions of vitamins?

Vitamin C is needed to keep skin and gums healthy

Vitamin D is needed to form strong bones and teeth

What are vitamins included in?

Examples of foods include (vitamin c) - oranges (citrus fruits)

Examples of foods include (vitamin d) - milk and butter

What is the function of minerals?

Iron form red blood cells

Calcium is needed to form strong bones

What are minerals included in?

Examples include (iron) - red meat

Examples include (calcium) - milk and cheese

What is a food pyramid?

A food pyramid shows how much of each food type is needed for a healthy diet

What is a control?

A control is an experiment against which the actual experiment can be judged