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72 Cards in this Set

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What is an organic compound?
A compound that is derived from living things and contains Carbon.
What are compounds that do not contain carbon called?
Inorganic compounds
What type of bond does carbon come from?
What is the simpliest hydrocarbon?
What is the alcohol that is necessary for life called?
What is Hydrolysis?
The splitting of a molecule through reaction with water
What is Dehydration Synthesis?
The removal of water ( Smaller molecules to make bigger ones)
What is ATP?
(adenosine triphosphate) provides the energy needed to carry on life processes
What is DNA?
hereditary information in the form of a large molecule called deoxyribonucleic acid
What is RNA?
A nucleic acid composed of a single strand and distinguished from DNA by containing ribose
What elements are found in carbohydrates?
carbon, hydrogen, oxygen
What is glucose?
a simple sugar that provides energy to the body
What is the fuel for cells?
What is the commmon name for sucrose?
table sugar
What is a polysaccharide?
complex carbohydrate composed of 3 or more monosaccarides
What is another name for glycogen?
animal starch
What is a monosaccaride?
a monomer of a carbohydrate
What is wood made of?
celulose and cell walls
What are the four main groups of organic compounds found in living things?
carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids
What elements are found in lipids?
Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen
What organic compounds are classified as lipids?
fats, oils, waxes
How are fats different from carbohydrates?
they have less oxygen
What are monomers?
repeated, single molecule unit of a polymer
What are polymers?
compound consisting of repeated linked monomers
What are the two monomers in lipids?
fatty acids and glycerol
What elements are in proteins?
Carbon, Hydrogen, and Oxygen
What is a dipeptide?
formation from 2 amino acids landing together by means of a condensation reaction
What are the building blocks of protein?
amino acids
How are amino acids linked together?
peptide bonds
What are the 4 elements necessary for life?
Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen, and Nitrogen
What are Chromosomes?
DNA protein
Where do you find Chromosomes?
in cell division
What is the difference between chromatin and chromosomes?
Chromatin is strands. Chromosomes are curled up
What is another name for cell division?
What is cell division for?
What are the stages of cell division?
prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase
During which stage is DNA duplicated?
During which stage does the cell plate form?
What is the difference between plant cells and animal cells?
cell wall and plastids
What are vacuoles for?
To store enzymes and metabolic waste
What is the control center of the cell?
What is the function of the mitochondria?
transfer energy from organic compounds to ATP
What is the function of the chloroplasts?
gives leaves a green color used for photosynthesis
What is ER? What types are there?
endoplasmic reticulum, smooth and rough
What organisms have mitochondria?
What organisms have chloroplasts?
Who is given credit for the invention of the microscope?
Who discovered cells?And what type where they?
Hooke, dead plant cells
What is the dorsal side of a frog?
Its back
What is the ventral side of an organism?
the belly side
How many chambers are in the heart of a frog?
What are the hearing structures on a frog?
tympanic membrane
What is the name of the third eyelid in a frog?
nietitating membrane
What do frogs use to get oxygen into their bodies?
lungs and also through there most skin
What is the function of the circulatory system?
to transport blood, oxygen, nutrients, waste, and carbon dioxide
What are the four main organs that are found in the circulatory system?
arteries, veins, heart, spleen, capilaries
What is the function of the digestive system?
breaks down food to be absorbed and transported
What organ is found in the digestive system and the endocrine system?
To what system does the spleen belong to?
What is the "master gland" located?
What is the function of the adrenal glands? Where are the adrenal glands?
fight or flight hormone, on top of the kidneys
What is the function of the integumentary system?
protects you from drying out
What structures are found in the integumentary system?
skin, hair, pigments, fingernails, sweat glands, nerves, blood vessels
What system does the the liver belong to?
What is the function of the nervous system?
recieves messages and controls everything
What are the four major organs of a plant?
roots, stems, leaves, flowers
What is the function of the leaves?
attracts sun for photosynthesis
What is the function of the roots?
supplies water stability
What is the function of the stems?
it supports the flowers
What is the function of flowers?
What are the 2 major organs in the respiratory system?
lungs and diaphram
What chemicals are produced by the endocrine glands?