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42 Cards in this Set

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Define Biodiversity

The number and variety of species and ecosystems on earth

How is biodiversity different from simply having a large population?

A large population of the same species is not diverse because biodiversity is the number and variety of many different species.

What are the 5 human impacts on the environment?

-habitat change



-climate change

-invasive species

What are examples of habitat change?

-clearing forests for lumber, agriculture, cities

-trawling nets in ocean

What are examples of overexploitation?

-cod fished until most of the population was wiped out

-overusing fresh water

What are examples of pollution?

-point source (factories, cars, planes, garbage)

-non-point source (fertilizer runoff, runoff from fields and roads)

What are examples of invasive species?

-zebra mussel populations rapidly increase

-lampreys feed on native fish

-non-native species that invade and take over

What are examples of climate change?

-alteration of long term weather

-extreme weather events

-rising temperatures

-results of greenhouse gasses

What is a dichotomous key?

A series of two part statements used to identify organisms

Define Taxonomy

The science of classifying all organisms, both living and fossil

Who is the father of taxonomy?

Carl Linnaeus

What is binomial nomenclature and the rules for using the system?

It is a formal system of naming species. The genus name followed by the specific name makes the species name.

List the 7 taxa living things are classified by

kingdom, phylum, class, order, family , genus, species

List the 3 domains used to classify living things and characteristics of each.

Archaea: prokaryotic, cell walls contain lipids, extremely small, auto/hetero, mainly asexual, extreme environments

Eubacteria: prokaryotic, cell walls (protein & sugar), variable size auto/hetero, mainly asexual

Eukarya: eukaryotic, diverse cell wall and membrane structures, relatively large cells, auto/hetero, sexual & asexual

What is the kingdom of the domain archaea, and characteristics of that kingdom? List some examples.

kingdom: archaea

characteristics: prokaryotic, most extremely small, cell walls and membranes, asexual, extreme environments

examples: salmonella, ecoli

What is the kingdom of the domain eubacteria, and characteristics of that kingdom? List some examples.

kingdom: eubacteria

characteristics: prokaryotic, auto/hetero, asexual, vary in size/shape

examples: extreme thermophiles

The kingdom protista is of which domain? What are characteristics of protista? List some examples.

domain: eukarya

characteristics: eukaryotic, extreme diversity, sexual or asexual, hetero or photosynthetic or both, aquatic or other moist environment, chloroplasts and cell walls

examples: amoeba, kelps

The kingdom fungi is of which domain? What are characteristics of Fungi? List some examples.

domain: eukarya

characteristics: eukaryotic, most multicellular, cell walls contain chitin, no chloroplasts, hetero, sexual and asexual, most terrestrial

examples: mushrooms, yeasts, moulds

The kingdom plants is of which domain? What are characteristics of plants? List some examples.

domain: eukarya

characteristics: eukaryotic, multicellular, cell walls composed of cellulose, has chloroplasts, autotrophic and photosynthetic, sexual and asexual, most terrestrial

examples: ferns, conifers, mosses, flowering plants

The kingdom animals is of which domain? What are characteristics of animals? List some examples.

domain: eukarya

characteristics: eukaryotic, multicellular, no cell walls or chloroplasts, hetero, most sexual, terrestrial and aquatic

examples: elephants, sponges, humans, birds, platypus

What are the three main groups of protists? Give an example of each.

Animal-like: Zooplankton

Plant-like: Phytoplankton

Fungus-like: slime moulds

What adaptations have plants made in order to colonize dry land?

-roots absorb H2O and minerals (minerals)

-lignin and cellulose in cell walls (gravity)

-vascular transport system (^ heat and light)

-waxy cuticle and stomata with guard cells (drier)

-pollen containing sperm (reproduction)

What is the "Alteration of Generations"?

The progression diploid to haploid during the life cycle of a plant.

Label this diagram

1. sporophyte 5. fertilization

2. meiosis 6. zygote

3. gametophyte 7. diploid

4. sex cells 8. haploid

List the 9 phyla of animals

-porifera -mollusca

-cnidaria -arthopoda

-platyhelminthes -echinodermata

-nematoda -chordata


What are the distinguishing characteristics of the Porifera phyla? Give 2 examples.

no openings, no true tissues, no nervous system

examples: sponges, tunicates

What are the distinguishing characteristics of the Cnidaria phyla? Give 2 examples.

most have 2 life cycle stages, radial symmetry, 2 body layers, specialized nerve tissues

examples: jellyfish, hydras

What are the distinguishing characteristics of the Platyhelminthes phyla? Give 2 examples.

unsegmented, no circulatory or respiratory systems, flattened, mainly parasites

examples: tapeworms, liver flukes

What are the distinguishing characteristics of the Nematoda phyla? Give 2 examples.

round bodies, unsegmented, complete digestive tracks, aquatic, no circulatory or respiratory systems

examples: pinworm, heart worms

What are the distinguishing characteristics of the Annelida phyla? Give 2 examples.

segmented, hydrostatic skeleton, complete circulatory and digestive systems, terrestrial

examples: leech, worms

What are the distinguishing characteristics of the Mollusca phyla? Give 2 examples.

muscular foot, mantle, radula, gills, visceral mass

examples: snails, clams

What are the distinguishing characteristics of the Arthopoda phyla? Give 2 examples.

segmented body, complex sensory systems, exsoskeleton, most diverse

examples: spider, insects

What are the distinguishing characteristics of the Echinodermata phyla? Give 2 examples.

move using hydraulics, no head or cephalization, spiny skinned, no excretory system

examples: starfish, sea urchins

What are the distinguishing characteristics of the Chordata phyla? Give 2 examples.

most complex living things, amninotic egg, nerve chord or notochord, vertebrae (most)

examples: fish, mammals

List the 7 classes of vertebrates.

-jawless fish -reptiles

-cartilaginous fish -birds

-bony fish -mammals


What are the distinguishing characteristics of the Jawless Fish vertebrae class? Give 2 examples.

slimy skin, notochord, cartilage, lack paired fins

examples: lamprey, hagfish

What are the distinguishing characteristics of the Cartilaginous Fish vertebrae class? Give 2 examples.

cartilaginous skeleton, biting jaw, paired fins

examples: shark, rays

What are the distinguishing characteristics of the Bony Fish vertebrae class? Give 2 examples.

bones, 2 chambered heart, swim bladders maintain buoyancy

examples: sunfish, perch

What are the distinguishing characteristics of the Amphibian vertebrae class? Give 2 examples.

3 chambered heart, aquatic and terrestrial, herbivore and carnivore, simple lungs

examples: newts, frogs

What are the distinguishing characteristics of the Reptile vertebrae class? Give 2 examples.

terrestrial, 3 chambered heart, amniotic egg, lungs have internal folding

examples: turtles, lizards

What are the distinguishing characteristics of the Bird vertebrae class? Give 2 examples.

flight is possible, unique feathers (insulation, light), adapted for wide range of niches/ habitats

examples: eagle, robin

What are the distinguishing characteristics of the Mammal vertebrae class? Give 2 examples.

warm blooded, four legs, hair, sweat glands, molars, 4 chambered heart

examples: tiger, elephant