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23 Cards in this Set

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Selective Permeability of the Plasma Membrane

~ The plasma membrane is described as selectively permeable since it controls the passage of particles in and out of the cell

~ Particles can pass across depending on:

- Size of the particle

- The concentration gradient of the particle (ie. the difference in concentration of the particle on either side of the membrane)

- Solubility of the particle in the phospholipid bilayer (ie. whether or not a particle can easily pass through the fatty acid tails of the phospholipid bilayer)

Particles that cannot easily pass through the fatty acid tails of the plasma membrane

~ Polar molecules and Ions are lipid insoluble

Mechanisms of Membrane Transport

~ Mechanisms by which particles cross membranes can be classified as either passive or active transport.

Passive Transport

Mechanisms involve the movement of particles through the membrane without the use of energy (ie. No ATP required)

Active Transport

Mechanisms do require the energy stored in and released by ATP

Passive Transport Mechanisms: Simple Diffusion

~ The movement of particles from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration (ie. down the concentration gradient)

~ Continues until equilibrium is reached, the movement in both directions is equal and there is no net movement

~ Energy is not required

~ Relies on the energy of molecular motion. The kinetic energy contained by the particles results in random molecular motion and molecular collision resulting in diffusion

~ Particles diffuse across the plasma membrane through fatty acid tails or protein channels

~ Ex) O2,CO2,N2,Glycerol, Steroids (non-polar, lipid soluble)

Factors Affecting the Rate Of Diffusion: Temperature

~ The higher the temperature (i.e. the more heat energy), the more kinetic energy the particles will have. This increases particle motion and therefore increases the rate of diffusion.

Factors Affecting the Rate Of Diffusion: Particle Size

~ At a given temperature, smaller particles move faster than large particles. Thus, for a given temperature, a smaller molecule will diffuse faster than a larger particle due to less resistance/ friction

Factors Affecting the Rate Of Diffusion: Concentration Gradient

~ Concentration gradient is the difference in concentration of a particular type of particle across the plasma membrane. The greater the concentration gradient, the greater the rate of diffusion.

Factors Affecting the Rate Of Diffusion: Density of the Medium

~ The medium is the material through which a diffusing particle moves and density refers to how tightly packed the medium particles are.

~ The higher the density of the medium, the greater the resistance to the movement of the diffusing particle.

~ Thus the higher the density of the medium, the slower the rate of diffusion

~ Therefore, particles will diffuse fastest in low density media such as gases and slowest in high density media such as solids

Factors Affecting the Rate Of Diffusion

1. Temperature

2. Particle Size

3. Concentration Gradient

4. Density of the Medium

Passive Transport Mechanisms: Osmosis

~ The diffusion of WATER across a selectively permeable membrane

~ During osmosis, water moves from an area of high water concentration to an area of low water concentration

~ Osmosis is passive; does not require energy

~ Water moves across the plasma membrane in two ways:

- Although water is polar, it is small enough to pass through the non polar fatty acid tails of the phospholipids in the bilayer since they are so loosely packed. Water does not cross quickly through the phospholipid bilayer.

- Water moves rapidly and in large quantities through channel proteins called aquaporins. The channels within the protein are hydrophilic

Passive Transport Mechanisms: Facilitated Diffusion

~ Movement of particles from an area of high concentration to low concentration.

~ Passive; does not require energy

~ Requires the use of specific protein carriers.

-This is a function of integral membrane proteins

~ There are two types of transport proteins: Carrier Proteins, Channel Proteins

~ Ex) Glucose, Amino Acids, Ions (Na+, K+,Ca +2)

Passive Transport Mechanisms: Facilitated Diffusion: Carrier Proteins

~ Have a specifically shaped binding site that fits only a specifically shaped molecule

~ When the molecule attaches, it causes a subtle change in the three dimensional shape of the transport protein that allows the binding and release of the molecule

~ A carrier protein can move the molecule in either direction. The direction of transport depends on the concentration gradient.

Passive Transport Mechanisms: Facilitated Diffusion: Channel Proteins

~These proteins provide a pathway that allows specific particles to cross

~ Some proteins are gated; they open when stimulated, allowing a specifically shaped molecule to cross

- Ex) Calcium (Ca+2) in a nerve cell

Active Transport Mechanisms: Active Transport

~ The movement of particles from an area of low concentration to high concentration (i.e. against the concentration gradient)

~ Active mechanism as it requires energy. ATP powers active transport by transferring its terminal phosphate group directly to the transport of protein. This results in a change in shape which allows the substance to be moved across.

~ Requires the use of specific protein carriers

- This is a function of integral proteins

~ Active transport does not achieve an equilibrium

~ This mechanism is commonly used to move ions

~ Ex)

1. Iodide into the cells of the thyroid gland

2. Sodium and Potassium across the neutron plasma membrane ( referred to as the sodium phosphate pump)

Active Transport Mechanisms: Endocytosis

~ The movement of large particles INSIDE OF THE CELL through the formation of a vesicle or vacuole by the plasma membrane

~ Active mechanism because energy is required

~ Two forms: Phagocytosis and Pinocytosis

Active Transport Mechanisms: Endocytosis: Phagocytosis "cell eating"

~ Used by a cell to engulf large particles

~ Ex) Bacteria, Virus, Yeast Cells

~ Extensions of the plasma membrane called pseudopods wrap around the particle and enclose it in a large vesicle or vacuole

~ Within the cell, a lysosome will fuse with the vesicle, allowing hydrolytic enzymes to digest the particle.

Active Transport Mechanisms: Endocytosis: Pinocytosis

~ Used by a cell to engulf moderately sized particles

~ Ex) Macromolecules such as proteins or polysaccharides

~ During pinocytosis, the plasma membrane indents drawing the particle and a small amount of surrounding fluid into a small pocket which pinches off forming a vesicle.

~ Within the cell, a lysosome will fuse with the vesicle, allowing hydrolytic enzymes to digest the particle

~ This is nonspecific because all dissolved solutes are taken in

Active Transport Mechanisms: Exocytosis

~ The movement of large particles to the outside of the cell by the fusing of a vesicle with the plasma membrane.

~ The contents of the vesicle are released outside of the cell

~ Active transport; requires energy

~ Particles have been released by exocytosis from the cell have often been packaged into secretion vesicles by the Golgi body

~ Ex) Pancreas releases insulin, ovaries release estrogen

Iodine moves against the concentration gradient into the thyroid

~ Through the use of a specific protein carrier which are attached to the membrane, to pump iodine, by attaching to the iodine, to the thyroid gland. This is through active transport.

Water moves into a potato cell

~ Through the process of osmosis, water moves from an area of high concentration to low concentration. It will pass through the fatty acid tails or protein channels.

A bacterial cell is moved into a macrophage (white blood cells)

~ Due to its large size, it must be moved through phagocytosis (pseudopods). It is a type of active transport. Fluidity allows the formation of pseudopods.