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40 Cards in this Set

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-No membrane (bound nucleus)
-DNA in cytoplasm
-Cytoplasm includes ribosomes
-Nucleus surrounded by its membrane
-Internal organelles bounded by membranes
-Protists, Fungi, Plants, Animals
Cell membrane
-Phospholipid bilayer
-Protein Icebergs
(phospholipid= glycerol + 2 fatty acids)
Functions of Membrane Proteins
-cell signalling
-cell-cell recognition
-controls all cell activity. membrane connected to ER.
-Holds Chromatin. large knot called Nucleolus manufactures ribosomes.
Smooth ER
Synthesis of lipids
Processes toxins in liver
Stores Calcium ions in muscle cells
Rough ER
-Makes membrane and Proteins
-Modifies and Packages Proteins to transport and secrete by cell.
Golgi Apparatus
-finishes sorts, and ships cell products
from rough ER
-sacks formed from Golgi
- Digest
-Destroy bacteria ingested in White Blood cell
- Recycle dead organelles
-Plant Cells lysosomal & storage
-Some protists have contractile vacuoles (pump water out of cell)
- carry out cellular respiration
-has 2 membrane compartments and converts chemical energy to ATP
convert solar to chemical energy
(not organelle)
make protein
Endomembrane System
Nucleus, ER's, and Golgi
Parts of mitochondria
- Inner/Outer Membrane
- intermembrane Space
Parts of Chloroplast
-Inner/outer membrane
-intermembrane space
Cell Theory
all living things are composed of cells, and cells are the basic structure and functions. All cells come from pre-existing cells
cell Wall
protects the cell and helps maintain its shape
cellular metabolism
the chemical activities of cells
central vacuole
membrane-enclosed sace taking up most room in mature plant cell. Roles in reproduction, growth, and developement.
makes sugars from C02 and water by sunlight
complex of DNA and proteins. Term used when every extended and cell is not dividing
threadlike most visible during mitosis and meiosis, consists of chromatin and DNA, and protein.
everything inside a cell. Semi-fluid medium and organelles
network of protein like fibers in eukaryotic cells
mito and chloroplast probably evolved from prokaryotic cell inside larger cell
mitochondrial matrix
fluid inside mitochondria
Nuclear Envelope
double membrane with pores that encloses nucleus and seperates it from the rest of the euk cell.
a dense region of DNA in prokaryotic cells
a structure within the nucleus of a euk cell where ribosomal RNA is made and assembled with proteins imported from the cytoplasm to make ribosomal subunits
an organelle containing enzymes that transfer hydrogen from various substrates to oxygen
Plasma Membrane
sets cell off from ts surroundings, selective barrier to the passage of ions and molecules into and out of the cell
an open channel in a plant cell wall through which strands of cytoplasm connect from adjacent cells
cell membrane (fluid mosiac model)
-proteins and other molecules are embedded in a framework of phospholipids.
- molecules in membrane can move laterally
Passage of material without energy
diffusion: passive transport
Osmosis and maintenance of a cell
Isotonic: normal
Hypotonic: Busts
Hyper Tonic: Shrivels
How do transport proteins work without energy
help diffuse down a concentration gradient.
Provide a pore for passage, change shape, and then release
Energy Requiring Transport Proteins
1) Solute Binding
2) Phosphorylation
3) Transport
4) Protein Reversion
fuse to cell membrane and expel.
membrane fold inward and enclose material from the outside
Exergonic Reaction
chemical reaction that releases energy