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44 Cards in this Set

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What is DNA?
deoxyribonucleic acid
What is a genetic code?
manner in which cells store information (the program) that they pass from one generation to the next
What did Fredrick Griffith study?
the way bacteria caused pnuemonia
Descirbe the Expieriment of Fredrick Griffith
He took smooth deadly pnuemonia and rough nontoxic pnuemonia and gave it to three mouse groups. Mouse group A recieved just rough and lived. Group B recieved just smooth and died. Group C recieved heated ER and lived. Group D recieved combined heated ER and smooth ER and died.
What did Fredrick Griffiths Discover?
What is transformation?
the process by which genetic materials are absorbed from the enviornment and are added to or replace part of a bacteriums DNA
What is the Transforming Factor?
What Griffiths hypothesized to be the facotr that tranferred into live cells
What did Oswald Avery study?
He broke down certain parts of the cell one by one using enzymes
What did Oswald Avery Find?
when DNA is broken down transformation stopped.
What is deoxyribonucleic acid?
Nucleic acide that stores and transmits the genetic info from one generation of an organism to the next.
What did Alfred Hersey and Marthda Chase study?.
the viruses that infect bacteria
What are bacteriophages?
viruses that infect bacteria.
What expieriment did Martha Chase and Alfred Hershey Conduct?
Hersey and Chase wanted to know how a virus enetered bacteria, duplicated and caused the bacteria to burst. they found the virus was made up of two parts proteins and DNA. by using radioactive isotopes, they labled proteins as proteins as sulfur 35 and DNA as phosphorus 32 . they found phophorus in the virus (DNA)
What is the structure of DNA?
they are formed from units called nucleotides with three basic parts a 5 carbon sugar deoxyribose a phosphate group and a nitrogen containing a base
What are the four types of nucleotides and their classifications?
adenine- purine
guanine- purine
thymine- pyrimidine
cytosine- pyrimidine
What did Rosalind Franklin do?
aimed a narrow x-ray beam at a streched strand of DNA. when x rays passed through matter they are scattered or diffracted the diffraction produced a pattern. showed dna was twisted molecules are spaced at reg intervals
What did Erwin Chargaff do?
observed in any sample of dna the number of adenine matched thymine and vise versa. discovered base pairing-
what is base pairing?
force that holds the two strands of DNA double helix together
What did Francis Crick and James Watson do?
discovered the double helix shape of DNA. nitrogeneious bases were positions opposite each other. formed weak hydrogen bonds in at and cg. recieved noble prize in 1962
replication of dna
two strands of dna are complementary.
what is replication?
process in which the two strands of dna seperate insert approiate bases and produce two new strands.
what is dna polymerase
enzyme that speeds up dna replication
What is Rna?
nucleic acid that acts as a messenger between DNA and the ribosomes. carries out the process by which protiens are made from amino acids
What are threee differences between RNA and DNa
diuble/single strands
what is transciption?
rna synthesis process by which a molecule of DNA is copied into a complementary strand of rna. rna acts as a messenger carrier
What does rna do?
brings the genetic info from Dna in the nucleus to ribsomes in the cytoplasm
what is messenger rna?
one of three main tpes of rna. brings genetic info to the ribosomes.
what is rna polymerase?
an enzyme that attached to dna moleculs . seperates the two strands and synthesizzes mrna strand. has special start and stop sequences
Why are protiens important?
they are enzymes. they control biochemical pathways. responsible for cell structure and movement. direct synthesis of carbs lipids and nucleotides
what are proteins?
chains of amino acids called poly peptides made of a combo of any or all amino acids
what do nucleotides in Rna code for?
amino acids in proteins.
what is a codon
3 nucleotides of rna. specifies for a specific amino acid. there is more than one codon for each amino acid.
What is a translation?
decoding of mrna into a protein. uses both t and r rna
What is trna?
carries amino acids to the ribosomes where they are joined together. three nucleotides pair with a complementary codon of mrna.
what is an anticodon?
complement of condon
what is rrna
ribosomes are made up of rrna. helps line up trna and linked amino acids together. stops when ribosome reached stop.
what happens when translation is complete?
a polypeptide and mrna is released
why do cells regulate gene transcirption/?
they dont alwats need gene prod.
what is expressed and unexpresseD?
wheh a gene is turned on or off
bidning site for rna polymerase. moves along dna untill iut finds the first gene. transcription starts
dna binding protein that blocks a gene transcription
special region of dna which the repreosore binds. polyemerse cant move passed operato
genes in pieces. parts discarded
remaing parts parts get spliced together are expreses.