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30 Cards in this Set

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Eukaryotic Cell

found in animals, most DNA in the nucleus

Prokaryotic Cell

found in bacteria, most DNA in nucleoid

How are a eukaryotic cell and prokaryotic cell the same? How are they different?

Different: Animals-Bacteria, location of DNA

Same: bounded by the plasma membrane


complexes that make proteins, bound to rough ER or nuclear envelope

Rough ER

Ribosome studded, makes secretory proteins

Smooth ER

outer surface lack ribosomes, functions in synthesis of lipids, metabolism of carbohydrates, detoxification of drugs and poisons ,and storage of calcium ions

Golgi Apparatus

synthesis, modification, sorting, and secretion of cell products

Endomembrane System

includes: nuclear envelope, endoplasmic reticulum (rough ER and smooth ER), golgi apparatus, lysosomes, various vesicles and vacuoles, and plasma membrane


organelle where cellular respiration occurs and most ATP is generated


Photosynthetic organelle, converts energy of sunlight to chemical energy stored in sugar molecules

How are mitochondria and chloroplasts the same? How are they different?

same: change energy from one form to another, autonomous,

different:chloroplast found only in animal cells, mitochondria found in plant and animal cells,

Endosymbiont Theory

eukaryotic cell engulfed a prokaryotic cell-> formed a relationship-> cell living within another cell


reinforces cells shape, functions in cell movement


aids in movement of a cell


found in cilia and flagella, hollow rods


mobility structure present in some animal cells, extension of the plasma membrane

Cell Wall

outer layer that maintains a cells shape and protects the cell from damage, made of cellulose and protein, only found in plant cells


channels through cell walls that connect the cytoplasms of adjacent cells

Extracellular Matrix

animal cells lack cell walls so this helps with the use of collagen for cells to keep its shape

Animal Cell Junctions

3 main ones: Gap junctions, tight junctions, desmosomes

Tight Junction

pasma membranes of neighboring cells are tightly pressed against each other, bound together by specific proteins, forming seals around the cells, prevents leakage of extracellular fluid


fastens cells together, attach muscle cells to each other

Gap Junctions

channels from one cell and its adjacent cell: ions, sugars, amino acids, and other small molecules may pass through these channels
helps cells communicate


the interior of a cell between the nucleus and the plasma membrane

Plasma Membrane

acts as a barrier that allows enough oxygen, nutrients and waste to service the entire cell, outermost living part in a plant cell


contains most of the genes in a cell

Central Vacuole

storage and breakdown of waste products, hydrolysis of macromolecules, helps plant growth


organelle with various specialized metabolic functions. produced hydrogen peroxide then converts into water


Digestive organelle


region where the cells microtubules are started