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64 Cards in this Set

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an attachment between muscle and bone matrix
connective tissue around muscle cells
connective tissue around muscle fascicles; roast beef can easily be torn up by these
connective tissue surrounding entire muscle
extensible and elastic protein found in muscle connective tissue
plasma membrane of muscle fiber
cytoplasm of muscle fiber
long protein bundles that occupy the main portion of the sarcoplasm
protein stored in abundance to provide energy with heightened exercise
red pigment that stores oxygen needed for muscle activity
method of muscle "repair;" nonfunctional tissue replaces muscle
sarcoplasmic reticulum
smooth ER that forms a network around each myofibril; acts as a CALCIUM RESERVOIR
terminal cisternae
dilated end-sacs of SR that cross muscle fiber from one side to another
T tubules
transverse tubules; tubular infoldings of sarcolemma which penetrate through the cell and emerge on the other side
2 terminal cisternae w/ a T tubule in the middle
thick myofilaments
2 chains of myosine intertwined to form shaft-like tail; has golf-club heads
thin myofilaments
1. Fibrous (F) actin is composed of two intertwined strands of globular actin that has an active site for myosin heads.

2. Tropomyosine: protein that blocks active sites

3. Troponin: calcium, ATP, and tropomyosine bonding protein on each tropomyosine; need Ca to change conformation
connectin; a huge springy protein that keeps myosin and actin attached; prevents over stretching, flank each thick filament to the Z disc
regulatory proteins
Troponin and tropomyosine
contractile proteins
actin and myosine
accessory protein associated w/ actin; links filaments to transmembrane proteins and endomysium; TRANSFERS FORCE OF MUSCLE CONTRACTION TO CONNECTIVE TISSUE AROUND MUSCLE CELL
basic contractile unit of muscle fiber; from 1 z disc to another
Z discs move closer together; thick/thin filaments do not shorten, but overlap
somatic motor neurons
nerve cells whose cell bodies are in the brainstem and spinal cord that serve skeletal muscles
somatic motor fibers
AXONS of somatic motor neurons that lead to skeletal muscle; each nerve fiber branches to many muscle fibers, but each muscle fiber is supplied by only one motor nueron
motor unit
one nerve fiber and all the muscle fibers innervated by it
neuromuscular junction; where nerve fiber meets muscle fiber
molecule that completes with Achytlcholine for receptor sites but does not stimulate muscle--causes flacid paralysis
cell membrane becomes briefly positive when Na ions rush in
cell membrane becomes negative again when K slowly diffuses out of cell
action potential
quick up and down voltage shift from negative RMP to positive value, then back to negative
end plate potential, caused by quick shifts in charge due to Na and K moving
rigor mortis
muscles harden and stiffen after death: body can no longer produce ATP so myosine heads cannot release
muscle tone
state of slight partial contraction of muscle maintained by central nervous system for good contractions--maintains OPTIMUM RESTING LENGTH
minimum voltage necessary to generate an action potential and produce a contraction
latent period
2 msec delay b/w onset of stimulus and onset of twitch response---force generated during this period is called internal tension
multiple motor unit, nervous system brings more motor units into play for a stronger contraction
(assuming voltage is constant) muscle recovers b/w twitches but each twitch develops more tension then the next
incomplete tetanus
new stimulus arrives before the other is over and "ride piggyback" on the former
temporal summation
results from two stimuli arriving close together
wave summation
when one wave of contraction is added to another
complete tetanus
muscle has NO TIME to relax between contractions, results in one smooth, long, contraction (4x tension of normal twitch)
isometric contraction
occurs when muscle produces internal tension while external resistance causes it to stay the same length/become longer (pushing against wall)
isotonic contraction
muscle changes in length with no change in tension
concentric contraction
muscle shortens while maintaining tension (flexion)
eccentric contraction
muscle lengthens as it maintains tension
two main pathways of ATP synthesis
1. Anaerobic fermentation (glycolysis): fast, but little atp

2. Aerobic fermentation: requires continual supply of oxygen but makes 36 ATP
modes of ATP synthesis during exercise
Aer planes go away.

1. Aerobic resp using oxygen from myoglobin (10 seconds)
2. phosphagen system (transfers form myokinase and creatine) (6 seconds)
3. Glycogen-lactic acid system (aNAEROBIC FERMENTATION)
4. Aerobic resp, supported by cardiopulmonary function
Glycogen-lactic acid system
anaerobic fermentation
phosphagen system
VERY SHORT energy supply, but supplies short bursts of energy by borrowing phosphate groups from myokinase and creatine, adding to ADP to make ATP
maximum oxygen uptake
point at which theh rate of oxygen consumptions reaches a plateau and does not increase w/ added workload; can result in 2x ATP production!
repaying oxygen debt, Excess post-exercise oxygen consumption
Type 1 Fibers
SO fibers, slow twitch/slow oxidative fibers. Red w/ abundant capillaries, are fatigue resistant, and "trained" for aerobic respiration
Type 2 Fibers
FG, fast twitch/fast glycolyctic fibers, fibers are well-adapted for quick bursts of energy (anaerobic ferm) fatigues quickly due to lactic acid created
intercalated disc
gap junctions that allow a cardiac muscle cell to instantly alert its neighbor to contract
heart muscle is autorhythmic because it does not require a nerve signal to contract, has a built-in pacemaker that rhythimicaly sends out a wave of electrical excitation
smooth muscle
1. fusiform shape
2. no striations
3. no z discs - instead DENSE BODIES
4. No T tubules: calcium comes from ECF
5. regenerates will
6. can undergo mitosis
7. can contract without nervous stim
multiunit smooth muscle
autonomic innervation, irises of eye, piloerectors, sim. to skeletal muscle, each motor unit contracts independently
single unit smooth muscle
VISCERAL MUSCLE, more widespread than multiunit smooth muscle, blood vessels, respiratory/digestive/urinary tracts, connected by GAP junctions are contract as a single unit
stimulation of smooth muscle
2 nuerotransmitters
1. achytylecholine and
2. norepinephrine
bead like sweelings on autonomic smooth muscle nerve fibers
protein on thin filaments that calcium bonds to in smooth muscle INSTEAD of troponin (in skeletal)
latch-bridge mechanism
resistant to fatigue, method of smooth muscle contraction

slow, myosin heads don't release immediately, therefore don't use up more ATP by letting go, save ATP
ability of smooth muscle to adjust its tension to the degree of stretch, as in bladder