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46 Cards in this Set

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Cell Theory

1. All living things are composed of cells

2. The cell is the basic functional unit of life

3. The chemical reactions of life take place inside the cell

4. Cells arise only from pre existing cells

5. Cells carry genetic information in the form of DNA this genetic materil is passed from parent cell to daughter cell

Six Kingdoms

1. Bacteria

2. Archaea

3. Protista

4. Plantae

5. Animalia

Cell Membrane funtion

1. Encloses the cell and exhibits selective permeability

A. Permeable to small polar and non polar molecules

B. Small charged molecules pass through protein channels

C. Charged ions and larger charged molecules cross with assurance of carrier proteins

Nucleus Function

Controls activity of the cell including cell division. Contains DNA

Ribosomes Function

1. Sites of protein production

Endoplasmic Reticulum Function

1. Involved in the transport of materials throughout the cell.

A. Smooth ER does not contain ribosomes and not involved with protein synthesis but instead with metabolism and production of lipids

B. Rough ER contains ribosomes and plays a role in production of proteins

Golgi Apparatus Function

1. Receives vesicles with contents from smooth ER then modifies and repackages them into vesicles and distributes to cell surface by exocytosis

Mitochondria Function

1. Site of aerobic respiration within the cell and hence the suppliers of energy


1. Involved in spindle organization during cell division. Only found in animal cells! Made of microtubules!

Lysosomes Function

1. Membrane bound vesicles the contain hydrolytic enzymes involved in intracellular digestion.

2. Autolysis occurs when a cell commits suicide by rupturing the lysosomes

Cytoskeleton Funtion

1. Supports the cell, maintains its shape and aids in cell motility.

2. Composed of microtubules( rods of tubulin), microfilaments( rods of actin), intermediate filaments

Simple Diffusion

1. Passive process(requires no energy) dissolved particles move down their concentration gradient from high to low.


1. A simple diffusion of water from a region of lower solute concentration to a region of higher solute concentration

Facilitated Diffusion

1. Net movement of dissolved particles down their concentration gradient through special channels or carrier proteins (requires no energy)

Active Transport

1. The net movement of dissolved particles against their concentration gradients with help of transport proteins. Requires energy!

Energy-independent carriers

Facilitate the movement of compounds along a concentration gradient (Active Transport)


Move two or more ions or molecules in the same direction across the membrane (Active Transport)


Exchange one or more ions or molecules for another ion or molecules across the membrane (Active Transport)


Energy dependent carriers (requires ATP)


Process in which the cell membrane invaginates forming a vesicle that contains extracellular medium allowing large volumes of extracellular material inside the cell.


The ingestion of fluids or small particles


The engulfing of large particles


A vesicle within the cell fuses with the cell membrane and releases a large volume of contents to the outside

Intracellular Circulatiin

1. Brownian movement: kinetic energy spreads small suspended particles throughout the cytoplasm of the cell

2. Cyclosis or streaming: the circular motion of cytoplasm around the cell transports molecules

3. ER: forms a network of channels throughout the cytoplasm and provides a direct continuous passage way from the plasma membrane to the nuclear membrane

Extracellular Circulation

1. Diffusion

2. Circulatory system

2 examples

Cell division definition

Process by which a cell doubles its organelles and cytoplasm, replicates its DNA and the divides in two

1. Unicellular organisms: cell division is a means of reproduction

2. Multicellular organisms: it is a method of growth, development and replacement of worn-out cells


A period of growth and chromosome replication. 90% of a cells life is spent in interphase. Chromosomes are not visible! DNA is uncoiled and called chromatin.

Interphase consist of what 3 parts?

1. G1: initiates interphase. Cell increases in size and synthesizes proteins. Length of G1 phase determines the length of entire cell cycle

2. S: DNA synthesis

3. G2: cell prepares to divide . It grows and synthesizes proteins


The division and distribution of the cells DNA to its two daughter cells such that each received a complete copy of the original genome. Takes place in somatic cells


Nuclear division


Cell division

Near the end of telophase the cytoplasm divides into two daughter cells with a complete nucleus and its own set of organelles. In Animal cells a cleavage furrow forms. In plant cells a cell plate forms.

Order of Mitosis

1. Prophase

2. Metaphase

3. Anaphase

4. Telophase

5. Cytokinesis


Chromosomes condense. Centriole pairs (only animals) separate and move toward opposite poles. Spindle apparatus forms. Nuclear membrane dissolves which allows for spindle fibers to interact with chromosomes


Centriole pairs are at opposite poles. Fibers of the spindle apparatus attach to each chromatid at the kinetochore( a protein located on the centromere). The spindle fibers align the chromosomes at the can't of the cell forming a metaphase plate.


Centromeres split so each chromatid has its own distinct centromere this allowing sister chromatids to separate by the shortening of the spindle fibers


Spindle apparatus disappears. Nuclear membrane forms around each chromosome(diploid 2N) similar to it's parent cell. The chromosomes uncoil resuming their interphase form.


Process by which sex cells are produced which are haploid(1N). Involves 2 divisions of primary sex cells resulting in 4 haploid cells called gametes.

Prophase I

Chromatin condense to chromosomes. Spindle apparatus forms. The nucleoli and nuclear membrane disappear. Homologous chromosomes come together and intertwine in a process called synapses. Crossing over occurs and sister cromatids are no longer identical


Each synaptic pair of homogous chromosomes contains four chromatids (prophase I)

Crossing over

Sometimes chromatids of homogous chromosomes break at corresponding points and exchange equivalent pieces of DNA. These contact points are called chiasmata.

Metaphase I

Homologous pairs (tetrads) align at the equatorial plane and each pair attaches to a separate spindle fiber at kinetochore

Anaphase I

The homogous pairs separate and are pulled to opposite poles of the cell this process is called disjunction


In anaphase each chromosome of parental origin separates from is homologue of maternal origin and either chromosome can end up in either daughter cell


Occurs when cells do not separate appropriately during meiosis and results in daughter cells having an incorrect number of chromosomes

Telophase I

A nuclear membrane forms around each new nucleus. Each chromosome still consist of sister chromatid joined at a centromere

Second meiotic division

Similar to mitosis except that meiosis 2 is not proceeded by chromosomal replication. The new cells have haploid chromosomes