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15 Cards in this Set

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Where does the embryo develop into the foetus?
Which phrase matches the word embryo? [7b-42]
A) female sex cell
B) male sex cell
C) offspring with recognisable animal features
D) initially formed by the fusion of the female and male sex cells
D) initially formed by the fusion of the female and male sex cells (their nucleus')
What do the "Testis" do?
Where sperm are made
Which part of the sperm cell controls what it does?
What does the "spermduct" do?
Moves sperm from the testis to the penis.
What protects the baby from 'knocks' and keeps it warm?
amniotic fluid
What is "menstruation"?
the breaking down of the uterus lining with bleeding.
What is the "foetus"?
offspring with recognisable animal features.
The physical features of plants are the result of several factors. They can genetically inherit characteristics from the parent seeds or they can be due to 'environmental' factors e.g. rainfall or soil fertility. Which of the following factors applies to a plants leaf shape?a) only environmental factors.
B) only what is genetically inherited from your parents genes
c) nothing to do with genetic or environmental factors
D) a combination of genetic and environmental factors
only what is genetically inherited from your parents genes
Your physical features and activities are the result of several factors. You can genetically inherit characteristics from your parents genes or they can be due to your 'environment' e.g. 'habitat' and 'life style'. Which of the following factors applies to your musical ability? [9a-7]
A) nothing to do with genetic or environmental factors
B) only environmental factors
C) a combination of genetic and environmental factors
D) only what is genetically inherited from your parents genes
a combination of genetic and environmental factors
You get your __(1)__ from your parents __(2)__ which are contained in the __(3)__ of __(4)__. The female's genes are passed on in the __(5)__ and the male genes are passed on in the __(6)__.

Which of the following words corresponds to __(6)__? [9a-14]
? eggs
? nucleus
? genes
? sperm
? characteristics
? cells
The physical features of plants are the result of several factors. They can genetically inherit characteristics from the parent seeds or they can be due to 'environmental' factors e.g. rainfall or soil fertility. Which of the following factors applies to a plants number of branches and leaves? [9a-18]
? only what is genetically inherited from your parents genes
? a combination of genetic and environmental factors
? only environmental factors
? nothing to do with genetic or environmental factors
a combination of genetic and environmental factors
Which of the following phrases best matches the word reproduction? [9a-2]
? the differences that naturally occur in an organism population due to different gene combinations
? an evolved characteristic of an organism that helps it survive in its habitat
? to form the next generation in an organism population
? a change in the genetic information before the next generation is produced
to form the next generation in an organism population
Which of the following words best completes the sentence .....

When an animal egg cell is developed by only using genetic material from the mother, the resulting identical offspring are described as being __?__ from the mother. [9a-26]
? modified
? inherited
? selected
? mutated
? adapted
? cloned
What doesvariation mean?
the differences that naturally occur in an organism population due to different gene combinations