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39 Cards in this Set

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Animal Kingdom
General Information

1.3 million spp identified
15 – 150 million spp yet to be identified

ability to ingest and digest food with enzymes; self-feeders

living organisms or non-living organic material
Cell Structure
Specific cell structure with specialization
Cells held together by proteins (collagen)
Intracellular junctions keep cells in close contact with each other
Two cell types unique to animals
Muscle cells
Nerve cells
Most animals reproduce sexually
The diploid stage (2n) is dominant
Haploid sperm (n) + haploid egg (n) = diploid zygote (2n)
series of mitotic divisions with-out cell growth between cycles
hollow ball of cells
solid ball of cells that gives rise to embryonic tissues
sexually immature form of an animal, morphologically distinct from the adult
Different diet
Different habitat
resurgence of develop-ment transforming the larva into an adult
Homeobox (hox) genes
180 nucleotide gene sequence within homeotic & developmental genes; widely conserved in animals
Homeotic genes
any of master regulatory genes that control placement and spatial organization of body parts in animals, plants, and fungi by controlling the development fate of groups of cells
Characteristics of Hox genes
Evolved in eukaryotic line
Play a role in embryonic development
Control expression of 100’s of genes
Control cell division & differentiation
Characteristics of Hox genes
Regulate the formation of water channels in sponges
Regulate the patterning of the anterior and posterior axis
The Cambrian Explosion
Dramatic acceleration of animal diversifica-tion 542 – 525 mya
Oldest fossils of approximately half the ex-tant animal spp occurred at this time
Predator v. prey relationships developed
Locomotion v. defense
An increase in atmospheric oxygen occurred
More oxygen resulted in more metabolism
Reasons for the Cambrian Explosion
Evolution of the Hox gene complex resulted in greater flexibility in evolution of new spp
group of animal spp that share the same level of organizational complexity
Examples: pachyderms (extinct and extant)
Body plan
set of morphological traits that define a grade, integrated into a functional whole (organism)
absence of a body plan
Example: poriferans (sponges)
Radial symmetry
body plan in which arms radiate from a central axis
Example: cnidarians (jellyfish)
Bilateral symmetry
body plan in which a sagittal plane divides the organism into left and right halves which are mirror images
Example: most invertebrates, all vertebrates
concentration of sensory or-gans and central nervous system in anterior region
Example: most invertebrates, all vertebrates
collection of isolated cells, kept separate by membranous layers; arise during embryonic development by gastrulation
outer layer giving rise to outer coverings and nervous system
inner layer giving rise to lining of digestive tract and organs (liver, lungs, etc.)
middle layer giving rise to blood, bones, and muscle
animals consisting of only 2 germ layers, ectoderm and endoderm
Example: cnidarians
animals consisting of 3 germ layers, ectoderm, endoderm, and mesoderm
Example: bilaterians
Coelom (body cavity)
fluid-filled sac sepa- rating the digestive tract from the outer body wall; develops from mesoderm
animals that form a true body cavity
Examples: mollusks, annelids, arthropods, echinoderms, chordates
animals that form a false body cavity; from blastocoel, not mesoderm
Examples: roundworms
animals with no body cavity
Examples: flatworms
Functions of Body Cavities
Cushion suspended organs in fluid
Provide shape & support in invertebrates
Allow internal organs to move indepen-dently of outer wall
Protostome Development
Mouth arises from blastopore
Spiral cleavage of embryo occurs
Body cavity splits between solid mass of mesoderm
Examples: mollusks, annelids, arthropods
Deuterostome Development
Anus arises from blastopore
Radial cleavage of embryo occurs
Body cavity forms from outpockets of mesoderm
Examples: echinoderms and chordates