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58 Cards in this Set

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What is the cell's structure and function?
highly organized, tiny sturctures with thin coverings called membranes
What is reproduction?
the process in which organisms make more of their own kind from one generation to the next
What is metabolism?
it is the sum of all chemical reactions carried out in an organism
What is homeostasis?
the maintenance of stable internal conditions in spite of changes in the external enviroment
What is evolution?
the change in heredity from parent to offspring over time--adaptation
What are genes?
inheirited instructions for makin protiens; they control when and what protiens are made
what is mutation?
a change in the DNA of a gene; most are harmful but sometimes help an organism survive
what is a species?
a group of genectically similar organisms that can produce fertile offspring
explain natural selection
the process in which in a species certain organisms adapt to enviromental changes and some do not; the ones who do pass it on to the offspring
explain interdependence
organisms who are dependent on one another and their enviroment
what is symbiosis?
two organisms somehow related that need each other to survive
what is predation?
predator(bigger) and prey(smaller)- prey gives energy: predator moves: prey gives predator practice
what is parasitism?
parasite(smaller) and host (bigger)-parasite feed off the host: doesnt always kill host (needs it for later)
what is mutalism?
when two organisms help each other out to survive (such plants and bees)
what is competition?
two organisms competing for mat/food/or territory: if one is more adapt then he will run the other out
what is commensalism?
one organism will benefit and the wont get anything: (such as sharks and remoras: attached to shark for the ride:shark not hurt)
What is AIDS?
(acquired immune deficiency syndrome)can be caused by a the HIV--eventually will not able to defend themselves from normal infections and can die
What is HIV?
(Human Immunodeficiency virus)-virus that destroys the immune system which and lead to AIDS.
what is cancer?
a growth disorader of cells that occurs when cells divide uncontrollably
the cause of cancer is..
the gene that is heriditary wheter it can denfend against it
what is cyctic fibrosis?
a fatal disorder in which abnormally thick mucus builds up in many organs including the lungs which causes difficulty in breathing?
what is normal mucas?
clear( the color tells what is causing an infection)
the cause of cystic fibrosis is ..
the gene for making a protein that helps pump protien chloride ions onto and out of cells had the wrong instructions.
What is the scientific method?
-forming a hypothesis
-additional observation
-making a predicition
-confirming prediction
What is the scientific method based on?
What happens to a control goup during an experiment?
What is the Experimental group?
a group in an experiment that is tested and experimented on
what is a dependent variable?
a variable that changes during an experiment
what is an independent variable?
a variable that is measured during an experiment
Why would you publish your results of an experiment?
So other can see it and add on to it
What is the smallest part of matter?
substances that are made of only one kind of aton are?
(-) found outside of the nucleas in the electron cloud
(+) found in the nucleas
(-) found in the neucleas
What did alexander fleming discover?
grew bacteria on dish-turned out to be fungus which ate bacteria
What did David Banting discover?
dog experiment -found ants in hay- were attracted to sugar in the urine-discovered diabetes
1st layer has ...
2 electrons
2nd layer has...
8 electrons
last layer has...
8 electrons
electrons determine...
the chemical properties of an element
protons determine...
the physical properties of an element
what is a hydrogen bond?
weak bond holding water molecules together
what is a covalent bond?
electrons are shared
what is an ion?
an atom or molecule that has gained or lost one of more of electrons
what is an ionic bond?
bond between to ion
Characteristics of what are caused by
hydrogen bonds
what are the characteristics of water?
stores heat efficiently-bonds to itself and other substances
what are acids
compounds that form hydrogen ions when disolved in water
what are bases
compounds that reduce the consentration of hydrogen ions when dissolved in water
why is pH7 neutral?
hydrogen and hydroxide cancel each other out and forms water
the monomer of carbs are...
carbon hydrogen and oxygen
the monomer of lipids are...
carbon hydrogen and oxygen
the monomer of proteins
carbon hydrogen and oxygen and nitrogen
build muscle
what do enzymes do
are substances that increase the speed of chemical reactions- reduce the activation energy