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95 Cards in this Set

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Meselson and Stahl
used labeled N markers to prove that DNA is passed semi-conservatively
requirements for DNA synthesis
-DNA polymerase : the synthesis enzyme complex.
-template (to be copied)
-primer with a free 3' hydroxyl group
-4 deoxynucleoside triphosphates (precursors)
-Magnesium ions Mg++ (co-factors for enzymes)
-ATP (energy source)
direction of replication
read: 3'-5'
synthesis: 5'-3' (added to 3' OH)
phosphodiester bond
formed during DNA synthesis
Initiator protein
binds to an initiation site (origin of replication) and separates DNA strands
DNA gyrase
Unwinds the supercoiling of DNA
-releases torque of DNA ahead of replication fork
DNA helicase
(a topoisomerase) opens the double helix in front of the replication fork
Synthesizes an RNA primer
DNA polymerase 3
-Extends the strand by addition to the 3’ end of the primer
-Proofreads the new DNA strand (using its 3' to 5' exonuclease activity)
single-stranded binding proteins (SSBs)
Stabilize the single strands to prevent secondary structures
DNA polymerase 1
removes RNA primers and replaces them w/ DNA
DNA ligase
joins Okasaki fragments by sealing the nicks in the sugar-phosphate of newly synthesized DNA
speed of DNA polymerase
eukaryotes: 50nt per second
prokaryotes: 1000nt per second
GC rich ends of chromosomes, protected from degradation by telomerase
present in single-celled organism, germ cells, early embryonic cells, and bone marrow cells/intestinal cells
Holliday model
predicts noncrossover or crossover recombinant DNA, depending on whether cleavage is in the horizontal or vertical plane
gene conversion
process of nonreciprocal genetic exchange that can produce abnormal ratios of gametes
Transcription: DNA --> RNA
one strand used
read: 3' ->5'
synthesized 5' -> 3'
promoter region
transcription initiates
prokaryotic promoter
-10 (Pribnow) = position the polymerase
-35 = improves polymerase binding efficiency
prokaryotic RNA polymerase
5 proteins (core) + sigma factor = holoenzyme
sigma factor
must be added to RNA polymerase in order to bind; released once transcription begins
consensus sequences
sequences that possess considerable similarity (present in most organisms w/ similar functions)
bacterial termination
inverted repeats form a hairpin loop followed by a string of uracils
-Rho-dependent: able to cause termination only in presen
Rho-dependent termination
rho factor necessary (moves along RNA when polymerase pauses @ termination sequence)
Rho-independent termination
1. contains inverted repeats (hairpin)
2. repeated adenine (and therefore uracil)
basal transcription apparatus
RNA polymerase + general transcription factors (proteins
RNA polymerase 2
transcribes genes that encodes promoters
core promoter
(-35) TF2B recognition element
(-25) TATA box = basal transcription app. binds to this core promoter site
regulatory promoter
located immediately upstream of core; binds transcriptional activator proteins (helps promote transcription)
Eukaryotic initiation
-TFIID binds core promoter (with help of TataBP)
-transcription factors & RNA polymerase II bind promoter
-enhancer proteins bind to complex
Transcription begins
Eukaryotic termination
(Transcription termination signals are different for each polymerase)

Pol II synthesizes beyond the gene.
RNA is cleaved
Rat1 attaches to RNA (endonuclease action degrades RNA)
Pol releases DNA
removed in post-transcriptional processing
-often code for more bp than exons
part of gene that exits the nucleus
5’- Capping
addition of m7G and methylation of newly formed mRNA in Eukaryotes

-7-methylguanine added in a 5’ <–> 5’ linkage
poly-A (Polyadenylation) tail
addition of 50-250 A’s to 3’ end by Poly(A) polymerase

-Transcript is cleaved at cleavage site (consensus sequence: AAUAAA; 11-30 nucleotides upstream)
-polyA sequence added
removing introns in nucleus

1. 5' splice site
2. 3' splice site
3. adenine branch point
loop formed after 5' splices, formed b/t 5' phosphate and 2' OH of A branch
degenerate code
More than one triplet codes for one amino acid
initiation codon
methionine AUG
termination codons
Amino acids
-Amino group
-Carboxyl group
-Radical group
Peptide bonds
forms between amino acid
trans splicing
combining exons from two or more different pre-RNAs
alternative processing
splicing: same pre-mRNA can be spliced in more than one way to yield multiple mRNAs

multiple 3' cleavage sites: two or more sites for cleavage are present on pre-mRNA
modified bases
unique to tRNA; altered nucleotides
cloverleaf tRNA structure
four arms:
1 acceptor
2 T?C (modified bases)
3 anticodon
4 DHU (modified bases)

protein structure
primary: amino acid sequence
secondary: B pleated sheet and a helix
tertiary structure: overall, 3D shape of protein
quaternary structure: 2+ polypeptide chains
sense codons
code for amino acids (61/64)
cause for degenerate code; flexibility of third codon
tRNA charging
aminoacyl-tRNA synthesases pair amino acids with tRNA (based on nucleotide sequences)
Prokaryotic ribosomes

*30S subunit: 16S rRNA + 20 proteins
*50S subunit: 5S and 23S rRNA + 34 proteins
Eukaryotic Ribosome

* 40S small subunit: 18S rRNA + ~ 30 proteins
* 60S large subunit: 5S, 5.8S, 28S rRNA’s + ~ 50 proteins
initiation of translation
shine-dalgarno sequence matches to small subunit

-IF attach
-large subunit attaches
-IF released
binds to small subunit, preventing large subunit from binding

-allows small subunit to bind to mRNA
3 sites on ribosomes
(right to left)
a: aminoacyl
p: peptidyl
e: exit
Elongation Factors
deliver, regenerate GTP
peptidyl transferase
part of ribosome; creates peptide bond b/t amino acids in A and P site
binds GTP and charged tRNA; delivers charged tRNA to A site
multiple ribosomes attach to 5' site and begin synthesis on one mRNA
Multiple Levels of Gene Regulation
1. alteration of structure
2. transcription
3. mRNA processing
4. RNA stability
5. translation
6. posttranslational modification
negative vs positive control
negative: regulatory protein is a repressor

positive: regulatory protein is an activator
inducible vs repressible
inducible: normally off, must be turned on

repressible operons: normally on, must be turned off
negative inducible
reg. protein is a repressor (readily binds to operator site)

-another molecule (inducer) allosterically changes repressor to begin translation

(inducible often control proteins that break down molecules)
negative repressible
reg. protein is inactive repressor

-must have another molecule (corepressor) to prevent translation

(repressible control of proteins that carry out biosynthesis of molecules needed in cell)
histone modification
acetylation: stimulates transcription; destabilize structure

methylation: depending on amino acid, may stimulate or repress
DNA methylation
cytosine bases (usually adjacent to guanine (CpG islands))

usually contain DNA-binding motif
-zinc finger
-leucine zipper

*interact w/ core promoter (several sites for different activators)

*may also open chromatin
chromatin remodeling complexes
bind directly to particular sites on DNA and reposition the nucleosomes, allowing transcription factors to bind to promoters
maintains histone structure
affect transcription at distant promoter

-activator proteins bind to enhancer
-create loop to transcription apparatus, help stabilize
-essential to transcription initiation
transcription complex
TBP: binds TATA box
TAF = TATA Associated factors

RNA polymerase II
(Associated polymerase factors: TFIF, TFIIE, TFIIH, TFIIJ )
Gene-splicing in Drosophilia
depends on X:A ratio -> determines whether Sxl (sex lethal) protein is produced

Sxl proteins (presences) allows for correct splicing of tra pre-mRNA

-Tra protein (presence) determines sex-specific splicing of dsx pre-mRNA
cleaves and processes double-stranded RNA to produce siRNAs or miRNAs
RNA-dinduced silencing complex

(proteins + siRNAs and miRNA)

regulate through:
1. RNA cleavage ("slice")
2. inhibition of translation
3. transcriptional silencing (alteration chromatin structure)
4. slicer-independent RNA degradation
gene mutation
INHERITABLE change in DNA sequence of one gene
somatic mutation
non inheritable;
Changes in the coding region:
-Changes in amino acid sequence
-No change in amino acid sequence (silent)
-Replace an amino acid with a similar amino acid (neutral)
purine is replaced by a purine (A<-> G)
pyrimidine is replaced by a pyrimidine (T<-> C)
-purine is replaced by a pyrimidine (A<->C)
-pyrimidine is replaced by a purine (T<->G)
Trinucleotide repeats
Some genes have tandem repeats of trinucleotide sequences. Insertion mutations increase the number of copies.

Example: Fragile X
-occurs in germ cells
-repeated ends pair together to form hairpins
-may cause visible chromosome changes
Missense mutations
change single amino acid

-functional OR nonfunctional products
Nonsense mutation
creates stop codon
Silent mutations
creates codon that codes for the same amino acid
reverse mutation
convert original mutation back to wild type
suppressor mutations
act in a way that reverts the original mutation and produces wild phenotype

-example one change in codon
Tautomeric shifts of bases
-Changes in base hydrogen bonding
-Changes in base pairing
-made permanent through replication
loss of amino group from cytosine

-creates U or T
base analogs
Compounds with similar structure to bases, have high frequency of tautomeric shifts

-cause either transitions OR transversions
Chemical mutagenic agents
Alkylating agents, EMS
-Deaminating agents, Nitrous acid
-Hydroxylating agents, -Hydroxylamine
UV radiation
produce thiamine dimers
Ionizing Radiation
deamination, depurination, chromosome breaks.
(no safe dose of ionizing radiation)
DNA repair
Cells have several mechanisms to repair DNA lesions


Excision repair

SOS repair (error prone repair)

Double strand repair
exicision repair
Mismatched bases are removed and new DNA synthesized.
Methylation patterns are key to recognition of the template.