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45 Cards in this Set

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_____ _________ is the process that breaks down food both physically and chemically so that the body can absorb needed components.
Human Digestion
The human digestive system contains many parts that break down food __________ and _________.
physically and chemically.
In humans, _________ begins in the mouth.
Humans are
Human digestion breaks down food physically and chemically in a ________ ___ process.
multiple step
The _____ step of digestion begins when _______ in your saliva start breaking down the _____________ in the food.
first, enzymes, carbohydrates
As ____ moves through the ______ of your digestive system, _______ other enzymes play a role in ________ down the various __________.
food, organs, several, breaking, components
A piece of cartilage called the epiglottis normally covers a person's trachea (air tube) to keep food from going down the wrong way. Choking occurs when food gets into the trachea and blocks the flow of air. If the person can cough, he or she can most likely get the food out by continuing to cough. But a person who is choking cannot breathe, cough, or make any sounds, and may require a first aid technique called the Heimlich maneuver to dislodge the blockage.
esophagus is about __ centimeters long.
cells in the stomach wall secrete an _____ blend of gastric juice, which has two main components:
acidic, hydrochloric acid (HCI) and pepsin.
both hydrochloric acid (HCI) and pepsin are involved in the _______ _________ __ ________.
chemical breakdown of proteins
the stomach produces about _ liters of __________ ___ a day.
2, hydrochloric acid
Fluid called ___________ is released after a round of digestion to neutralize the acid.
Bicarbonate is a ____, and ______ function in opposition to acids.
small intestine:
Once the stomach has pulverized the food, the partially digested mass enters a long, coiled tube called:
the small intestine aka duodenum
the length of the small intestine is:
nearly 7 meters (20 feet long), which is longer than a car
connected to the first part of the small intestine are three different organs:
pancreas, the liver, and the gallbladder.
the pancreas, the liver, and the gallbladder each play a role in supplying _______ that aid in the digestion of food.
the _____ manufactures bile salts that break down fats.
the __________ stores bile from the liver and releases it as needed.
The ________ produces enzymes that break down _____________, ________, ____, and ______ acids.
pancreas, carbohydrates, proteins, fats, nucleic acids
much of the transfer of food _________ that are ready to make their way to the body cells occur at special structures that line the wall of the small intestine.
the inner surface of the small intestine is covered with millions of _____.
tiny extensions that look like little fingers.
what do villi do?
the villi trap molecules of the digested food pulp as it moves through the small intestine.
inside the villi are ___________.
calliparies are:
blood vessels that are connected to the veins and arteries of the circulatory system.
food molecules move from the small intestine into the __________, and then move into the __________.
capillaries, bloodstream
the capillaries in the villi move the food molecules into the bloodstream, and the blood then moves through the _____ for one last digestive effort.
as nutrient-packed blood enters the liver, extra sugar in the ____ is stored in the _____ as ________ can be broken down into ______. Toxins are filtered from the blood broken down or stored in the liver.
food, liver, glycogen, glucose
where are toxins filtered from?
the blood
amino acids are _______ into forms that the body needs.
certain ________ and ___ are stored in the liver.
vitamins and iron
after passing through the liver, the food molecules are carried through the bloodstream to all body cells to supply nutrients and the glucose they need for _________ _________ and the production of ATP.
cellular respiration
the large intestine is much shorter than the small intestine, but it has a larger ________ and is not ______ up.
diameter, coiled
the main function of the large intestine:
to absorb any remaining minerals and water in the waste of digestion
the large intestine harbors:
colonies of bacteria
the colonies of bacteria that the large intestine harbors produces:
several compounds that the body cannot make on its own
several compounds that the body cannot make on its own:
vitamin k and many types of vitamin B
the bacteria also helps:
compress the indigestible materials into solid waste called feces,
where do feces exit the body?
through the rectum and anus
what does the food a human eats contain?
vital compounds that need to be released from the food and transferred into the body cells.
where, specifically, does the food molecules enter into the bloodstream?
small intestines
the large intestines helps rid the body of undigested materials and w_____ products.