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119 Cards in this Set

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separate (independent) units of study that are treated identically by ecologists in order to assess variability that arises from factors that we didn't manipulate
unmanipulated units that provide a baseline for comparison, and understanding of how organisms of systems will change over space or time, independent of experimental treatments
tools for distinguishing signal from noise, test whether differences between treatments (control vs. experimental) are greater than differences within treatments
only way truly new information is acquired
field or laboratory, replicated manipulated treatments with controls; whole ecosystem experiments
verbal or mathematical simplifications of reality, intended to capture key processes that change systems over time
suggested explanations, subject to test (falsifiable)
predicting specific outcomes from general models
generalizing from specific observations to more general models
reductionist approaches
seeking mechanisms, casual processes (ex. caterpillars feed and grow faster on nitrogen enriched leaves)
holistic approaches
determining boundaries for the system (all that must be included) necessary for understanding and predicting outcomes of ecological interactions in the real world
zoom lens ecology
focus in for mechanisms, zoom out for context and consquences
How to deal with ecological complexity?
seek simplicity and mistrust it
Adiabatic cooling
rising air experiences lower atmospheric pressure, expands in volume, losing temperature
Dew point temperature
temperature to which the air would have to cool (at constant pressure and water vapor content) in order to reach saturation at which the air is holding the max. possible amount of water vapor possible at existing temperature and pressure
process of removing water from the air
what results from process of condensation
Coriolis effect
earth is a sphere, not a cylinder; if an object is at equator, no coriolis effect. if object move north, earth beneath moves more slowly, veers right. If it moves from north towards equator, also goes right. Opposite is true in southern hemisphere
mediterranean climate
if land warmer than ocean, moisture not dropped until adiabatic cooling over mountains (summer drought), if land cooler than ocean, moisture drought (winter rains
stratum of rapid temperature change
nutrient rich, likely to produce noxious of harmful algal blooms (cyanobacteria, toxic dinoflagellates)
intermediate nutrient concentrations
low nutrient concentrations, very clear water (good quality for fish and humans)
confluence nodes
pulses of enrichment; adjacency of contrasting habitats
where rivers empty into oceans and creates tidal prisms with heavier salty water underneath
nearshore subtidal
passive dirfters
active swimmers
life on substrate or bed of sea, lake, spring, or rivers and streams
offshore, beyond continental shelf
tidal prism
wedge of fresh water overlies denser salt water
abiotic environmental factor that varies in space and time and affects the performance of an organism
all things consumed (used up) by organisms (space, nutrients, water, prey, holes for refuge, etc)
Macan's filter
Tries to explain why a species is absent from a habitat using the following four filters in this specific order: dispersal, behavior, abiotic factors, biotic factors
a dispersing unit capable to establishing a new population
range of conditions, resource levels, and densities of other species within which an organism or species can survive and reproduce (persist over time). A N-dimensional hypervolume, if each condition, resource, or other species can be seen as a dimension
fundamental niche
the largest niche in which a species could persist in the absence of adverse interactions with other species
realized niche
the generally smaller niche volume occupied by a species in the presence of interspecific interactions
relict populations
residual populations left over from time when environment could supports its survival and reproduction, which can no longer replace itself locally
sink habitat
habitat where death rates exceed birth rates, and organisms are present only because of immigration from source habitats
source habitats
where births exceed deaths
resource subsidy
resources produced in one habitat that support consumers in a second habitat
environmental heterogeneity
refuges, hazards, stresses, opportunities for organisms depend on its body size
maintaining an internal state with a narrower (and physiologically more favorable) range of conditions than the external environment
shifts in the response of an organism to a condition caused by the regime it has experienced in the past (ex. trees tolerating lower temperatures in October than they can if surprised mid-summer)
rely on external sources of heat to regulate temperature
use their own metabolic heat production to regulate their body temperature
behavioral fevers
lizards choose warmer micro-habitats when they have an infection
temperature-time "degree days"
temperature governs rates of development and growth in ectotherms (microbes, invertebrates, plants, amphibians, reptiles, and fish); temperature may serve as cue for seasonal life cycle events (e.g. emergence of aquatic insects)
life history
organism's lifetime pattern of growth, differentiation, storage, reproduction
life cycle
sequence of stages through which organism passes to develop from zygote to a reproductive adult producing more zygotes
unitary organisms
develop from zygote to adult with determinant form
modular organisms
grow by repeated interations of its parts (modules) into an adult of indeterminate form (poison oak, coral)
genetic indivudal, all the biomass that derived from a single embryo
subunit of genet that is physiologically viable as an autonomous fragment
life history bottleneck
the portion of an organisms life where they are most vulnerable (tadpole stage in yellow-legged frogs)
study of how the vital rates of individuals (birth, growth, death, migration) affect structure and dynamics of populations
group of potentially interbreeding individuals (same species, co-occur in time and space)
number of individuals per area or volume
pattern of distribution of individuals in space (clumped, even, or random = every site has an equal probability of being occupied by an individual, independent of locations of other individuals)
intraspecific interactions
interactions between individuals of the same species
interspecific interactions
interactions between individuals of different species
BIDE equation for change in population size N
delta N = births + immigration - deaths - emigration
basic reproductive rate
R = sum (lx*mx)
population growth
N(t) = N(0)e^(rt)
r-selected traits
short life span, small size, high predator vulnerability, weak competitor, good disperser, many small offspring, early reproduction
k-selected traits
long life span, large size, low vulnerability to predators, strong competitor, slower disperser, fewer but better provisioned offspring, late reproduction
interspecific interaction, (-,-)
predation, herbivory, parasitism
true predators
consume many prey in lifetime, kill prey, consume entire prey
attack many prey in its life, rarely kill prey, consume only part of each prey
attack one or few host individuals, rarely kill hosts, consume parts of their host
each juvenile develops from 1 host, kills their host, consumes entire host
two species compete for a resource that is limiting: in short supply relative to their needs (indirect competition)
interference competition
two species directly harm each other by toxic allelochemicals, injury, or wasting time, increasing risk, etc. (direct)
two species decrease in each other's presence because they support the increased abundance or vigor of a common predator (indirect)
character displacement
choosing certain characteristics in order to reduce competition (ex. finches going for different size seeds)
type of interaction that is beneficial to both species involved and may be obligate or facultative or symbiotic or not symbiotic
organisms live in direct contact with one another (ex. clown fish and sea anemone)
organisms that resembles one organism that is involved in a mutualism
a group of species that co-occur in time and space
food webs
depict feeding (or other significant) relationships among members of a community
group of entities united by interaction or interdependence to form or act as an entire unit
trophic level
functional grouping of organisms according to their primary food source
bottom up level
number of energy transfers from fixation of organic carbon to reach level
top down level
number of lower levels that are alternatively released and suppressed when this level is removed (plus one)
odd number of trophic levels
even numbers of trophic levels
group of entities united by interaction or interdependence to form or act as an entire unit
keystone species
a species that consumes and limits the population of another species that would otherwise dominate the system
dominant species
a species that can potentially overwhelm the system if not kept in check (ex. mussels, corals)
a discrete event that frees resources and opens up habitat by killing or removing organisms
early successional species
good dispersers, fast growing, allocation to growth and progeny (r-selected), not defense or competitive ability. tolerance of harsh conditions or abrasion
poorer dispersers, slower growing, but better competitors and or better defended
last successional stage, new individuals can recruit under con-specific adults (Doug Fir, Miconia, CA mussel)
intermediate disturbance hypothesis
species richness greatest when there is an intermediate level of disturbance
sequential changes following disturbance in the dominant biota occupying and affecting a site
primary succession
on truly bare space (volcanic lava field, rock exfoliation)
secondary succession
space has been opened up and de-populated but some residual biota has survive (more common than primary)
degradative succession
habitat modified by inhabitants, disappears over time
late successional stage in which dominant species can replace themselves, young of climax species can successfully recruit under established adults (redwoods)
energy flows
small fraction of solar radiation is fixed by photosynthetic organisms, but once energy is dissipated as heat, it is never recovered by the ecosystem
materials cycle
atoms (O,C,N,Ca,P) created in stars, used again and again, end up in different pools, fluxes transfer atoms between pools
resource production=
not consumed + ingested
feces excreted + assimilated
used for maintenance and used for production (new tissue or offspring)
hydrologic cycle
evaporation = precipitation
evaporation and transpiration (loss of water through stomata of plants)
ecosystem efficiency (streams as well)
organic production/nutrient flux
stream spiraling
downstream transport with periodic cycling by local biology
sword-fish and mercury levels
swordfish have high levels because they are at the top of their food chains where toxins accumulate and are long-lived
breaking up of habitats
clear water state
stabilized by nutrient sequestration in long-lived top predators, upslope vectoring of nutrients by mobile scavengers and predators (salmonids, birds, bats, bears), terrestrial vegetative cover, frequent scour and flushing that maintain edible prey taxa
eutrophic state
maintained by: internal nutrient cycling enhanced by hypoxia, loss of higher trophic levels due to hypoxia and inedible algae, more bank erosion with loss of rooted terrestrial vegetation, nitrogen fixation by cyanobacteria that dominate under high P
edge effects
forest thinning leads to ecosystem problems
MacArthur Wilson 1967 (Dynamic Equilibrium Theory of Island Biogeography)
Change in species richness, delta S = speciation + immigration - extinction - mass emigration