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54 Cards in this Set

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When do HOMOLOGOUS PAIRS seperate?
Meiosis 1
When do SISTER CHROMATIDS seperate?
Meiosis 2
Meiosis II results in what?
4 Haploid Daughter Cells
What is crossing over?
Exchange of maternal and paternal sections of homologous chromosomes.
When and where does crossing over occur?
Meiosis in Prophase 1
What are the phases of Meiosis?
Prophase 1
Metaphase 1
Anaphase 1
Telophase 1 & Cytokenesis
What happens in Prophase 1?
Site of crossing over
Homologous chromosomes pair up
What happens in Metaphase 1?
Homologous pairs are lined up in the middle of the cell
What happens in Anaphase 1?
Pairs of chromosomes split up
(Sister chromatids migrate as a pair)
What happens in Telophase 1 and Cytokenesis?
Two haploid cells form; chromosomes are still doubled
What does Meiosis 1 result in?
2 Haploid Cells
What is the difference in Meiosis 1 and Meiosis 2 during Anaphase?
In Meiosis 1 - Homologous pairs seperate
In Meiosis 2 - Sister Chromatids seperate
What is the product of fertilization?
A diploid zygote
What is the purpose of Meiosis II?
Producing cells with 23 chromosomes
Once egg and sperm meet, the zygote begins what type of division?
Mitotic division
Where does mitosis occur?
Somatic Cells
In mitosis, are the daughter cells diploid or haploid?
Diploid (2n)
Where does Meiosis occur?
Germ cells (reproductive cells)
In meiosis, are the daughter cells diploid or haploid?
Haploid (n)
Where is the only spot where crossing over occurs?
Meiosis 1
What are the advantages of Sexual reproduction?
Increases variation w/in a species
Genetic diversity produces organisms that are adaptable to non-favorable conditions
What are the disadvantages of sexual reproduction?
Slows reproduction
Errors in inheritance
What is nondisjunction?
Chromosome pair fail to separate at anaphase
What is trisomy?
Having 1 extra chromosome
2n + 1
What is monosomy?
Having 1 less chromosome
2n - 1
What is Trisomy 21?
Down Syndrome
Having 1 extra 21 chromosome
Most common
47 chromosomes total
*Correlated w/ mothers age
What are the symptoms of Trisomy 21?
Short Stature
Anatomical abnormalities on face
Heart Defects
Slow growth and development
GI difficulties
What is Trisomy 13?
Patau syndrome
What are the symptoms of Trisomy 13?
Cleft lip
Absense of eye
Extra digits
Heart defects
If a baby has XYY, what do they have?
Jacobs Male
What are the symptoms of Jacobs Male?
Few if any
If a baby is born with XXY, what does it have?
Kleinfeld Syndrome
What are the symptoms of Kleinfeld Syndrome?
Small Testicles
Low Libido
Female body hair
If a baby is born with XXX, what does it have?
What are the symptoms of Metafemale?
Early onset of menstruation and puberty
If a baby is born with XO, what does it have?
Turner syndrome
What are the symptoms of turner syndrome?
Short stature
Lack of secondary sex characteristic
Webbing of neck
Who is the father of Genetics?
Gregor Mendel
What is a gene?
A feature that is heritable
What is a locus?
Specific place where gene is located or found
What is a genotype?
Genetic makeup of an organism
The combination of genes in nucleus
What is the phenotype?
The physical appearance of an organism
_______ influences phenotype & _______ influences phenotype
Genotype; Environment
What is genetics?
The study of heredity
What is heredity?
Transmission of traits from parents to offspring
What was Gregor Mendel interested in?
The basic patterns governing the transmission of traits of parents to offspring
(His work precedes an understanding of meiosis/genes/chromosomes)
What was Gregor Mendel's hypothesis?
Blending Inheritance Hypothesis
Inheritance of Acquired Characteristics Hypothesis
What was the Blending Inheritance Hypothesis?
Offspring represents blend of characteristics from 2 parents
What what the Inheritance of Acquired Characteristics Hypothesis?
Traits in parents are modified through use and passed onto the offspring in modified form
What plant did Mendel study?
Pisum Sativum
Purebread garden peas
What ratio did Mendel keep seeing?
3 : 1
What are alternative versions of genes called?
If an organism inherits the same 2 alleles it is known as what?
If an organism inherits two different alleles its known as what?