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51 Cards in this Set

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Hydrostatic Skeleton
A hydrostatic skeleton or hydroskeleton is a structure found in many cold-blooded organisms and soft-bodied animals consisting of a fluid-filled cavity, the coelom, surrounded by muscles. The pressure of the fluid and action of the surrounding muscles are used to change an organism's shape and produce movement, such as burrowing or swimming. Hydrostatic skeletons have a role in the locomotion of echinoderms (starfish, sea urchins), cnidarians (jellyfish), annelids (earthworms), nematodes, and other invertebrates.
Penis is a hydrostatic skeleton.
In arthropods it is composed of chitin which limits the size of the organism, has to be shed regularly. Provides a place for muscle to attach (absent in the hydrostatic skeleton). Echinoderms have skeletons that are made of calcium carbonate.
All vertebrates possess an endoskeleton. Contained within the body, layer of soft tissue outside and are generally protecting soft tissue underneath.
Axial Skeleton
Skull, Spinal Column, Ribs. All vital tissues protected by it. Cartilaginous and Bony.
Appendicular Skeleton
Pectoral Girdle and all it's attachments as well as the Pelvic Girdle and all its attachments. Includes arms, legs, fingers, toes. Cartilaginous and Bony.
Intramembranous Ossification.
"Inside the Membrane" ex. Bones of Skull.
Endochondral Ossification
"Within Cartilage" tiny little cartilaginous models of the bones form early in development. Osteoblasts come in and lay down bone tissue.
Undifferentiated Mesenchymal Cells
form the osteoblasts, chondroblasts, and fibroblasts.
produce collagen
produce chondrocytes
produce osteocytes and osteoclasts. Osteoclasts are present because our bones are constantly remodeling themselves, have to be able to break down.
Bone Structure
medullary bone lies deep within, forms the center of the bone. compact bone forms the next layer. spongy bone, toward the ends, less compact than compact bone. The area that is the spongy bone was the cartilage that formed the bone early in development.
shock absorber for bones, small amount of cartilaginous tissue on each end of a bone.
fibrous sheath that forms around the outside of a bone
Vascular Bones
have osteocytes, are a system of Haversian canals (filled with blood vessels and nerves) that supply innervation and perfusion to osteocytes. Each osteocyte resides within a lacuna and communicate via canaliculi.
Avascular Bones
birds and fish have avascular bones.
Slightly Movable Joints
fibrous and cartilaginous, in the pelvis and spine respectively. don't want much movement here, but we need some gove
Intervertebral Disk
serves as a pad between the vertebrae.
Synovial Joints
containing a lubricating fluid contained within a fibrous capsule. the epiphyses of each bone are capped with articular cartilage.
Avascular Bones
birds and fish have avascular bones.
Slightly Movable Joints
fibrous and cartilaginous, in the pelvis and spine respectively. don't want much movement here, but we need some gove
Intervertebral Disk
serves as a pad between the vertebrae.
Synovial Joints
containing a lubricating fluid contained within a fibrous capsule. the epiphyses of each bone are capped with articular cartilage.
Ball and Socket Joint
one at pelvic girdle, one at shoulder. permits movement in all directions.
Hinge Joint
allow movement in a single plane. elbow, knee, finger, etc.
Gliding Joint
permit sliding of one surface over another. i.e. the spinal column.
Combination Joint
allow rotation and side to side sliding. temporo-mandibular joint
Muscle Origin
Muscle Insertion
Muscles in Animals with Exoskeleton
muscles occur in opposing groups in the animals, the flexor and the extensor.
Muscles in Animals with Endoskeleton
also have opposing actions, have agonists/antagonists and synergists (act to stabilize the joint).
Skeletal Muscle Organization
entire muscle is covered by the epimysium (all mysium come together into tendons [bulk] or aponeuosis [sheet] that attach to periosteum of bone. the fascicles are covered by perimysium (fascicles are bundles of muscle fibers. muscle fibers are covered by endomysium.
Muscle Fibers
Huge cells, multinucleated, develop through the fusion of embryonic cells called myoblasts. made up of myofibrils (contractile organelles) that are made up of myofilaments. Muscle fibers also contain Transverse-tubules which are filled with ECF in order to distribute charge throughout the muscle. the t-tubules are continuous with (adjacent to) the sarcolemma and extend into the sarcoplasm.
Sarcoplasmic Reticulum
like the ER in other cells
an extensible membrane enclosing the contractile substance of a muscle fiber
made up of protein myofilaments, Actin (thin filament) and Myosin (thick filament). Are responsible for the striations present in skeletal muscle, due to their arrangement.
repeating end-to-end functional units within cells. a group of actin and myosin filaments, they repeat like a train to make up the myofibrils.
each end of the "coach" on the train. stabilizing proteins. the peripheries of the sarcomere. actin attaches to the z-lines, extends across it.
Muscle at Rest/Contraction
only a small portion of overlap between the actin and myosin (which is in the center) is
occur in the center of the sarcomere, where only myosin is present.
occur at the periphery, actin only
occur where the actin and myosin overlap
Thin Muscle Filament
made up of 3 proteins - Actin - twisted strand with myosin binding sites (beads) Tropomyosin - covers the myosin binding sites along the actin (ribbon) Troponin - calcium receptors (when calcium attaches, troponin moves tropomyosin out of the way allowing actin and myosin to bind)
Calcium's Role in Contraction
calcium is released by the sarcoplasmic reticulum after it is stimulated by the change in charge in the fluid that is traveling through the transverse tubules.
Thick Muscle Filament
composed of several myosin subunits packed together. Myosin consists of two polypeptide chains wrapped around each other, each chain ends with a globular head. Myosin heads can "cock".
Sliding Filament Theory
explanation of muscle contraction - neither filament shortens, the entire unit shortens (sarcomere). actin and myosin slide past one another. when the actin heads are allowed to bind (due to troponin activation and movement of tropomyosin) to the actin filament.
Contraction Cycle
(1)ACh (always the neurotransmitter released at the NMJ) triggers increase in Ca++ with pulls troponin shifting tropomyosin away from the myosin binding sites. (2) Myosin heads form cross bridges to the actin binding sites. (3) ATP is released to pivot myosin heads toward the H-Line (4) ATP binds to the myosin, used after the head "fires" to bring it back to the "cocked" position.
Rigor Mortis
Lack of ATP prevents myosin from breaking away from actin after the final contractions
the bulbous end of a neuron containing the cell nucleus, also known as the soma or cell body.
are the branched projections of a neuron that act to conduct the electrochemical stimulation received from other neural cells to the perikaryon, or cell body.
a long, slender projection from a neuron that conducts electrical impulses away from the perikaryon