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78 Cards in this Set

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Gas exchange and Transport in Plants
a solid material that is dissolved in a solvent
a substance that the solute is dissolved in. (water)
a mixture of solvent and solute and is homogenous ( meaning the solute is fully dissolved and equally distributed in the solvent)
Types of solute and solvent transport
- Diffusion
- Facilitated diffusion
- Osmosis
- Active Transport
the movement of SOLUTES from an area of HIGH concentration of solutes to an area of LOW concentration of solutes
- does not require energy
- does not require a semipermeable membrane
- however, can and does occur across plasma membrane
Facilitated diffusion
- Passage mediated by proteins
- movement of molecules in the direction determined by their relative concentration inside and outside of the cell.
Types of proteins that mediate the movement of solutes in facilitated diffusion
- Carrier proteins
- Channel proteins
Carrier Proteins
- bind specific molecules to be transported on one side of the membrane
Channel proteins
- form open pores through the membrane, allowing the free diffusion of any molecule of the appropriate size and charge
- movement of solvent (usually water)
- Movement is through a SEMI-PERMEABLE MEMBRANE having the right properties
- movement is from the side with low solute (high solvent) concentration to and area of high solute (low solvent) concentration.
Properties of semi-permeable membrane for Osmosis
- permeable to water
- not permeable to solute
Hypotonic solution
- LOW concentration of solute
- HIGH concentration of solvent
Hypertonic solution
-High concentration of solute
- LOW concentration of solvent
Isotonic solution
Equal amount of solute and solvent
Animal cell in a hypotonic solution
- Lyses- (solution with high concentration of water goes to an area of low concentration of water (the cell) which overloads the cell with water, therefore, lyses the cell)
Animal cell in a hypertonic solution
- Shrivels- (water in cell which has a higher concentration of water moves to the area that have low concentration of water, shrinking the cell)
Animal cell in an isotonic solution
- Normal (equal rate of transfer of solute and solvent)
Plant cell in a hypotonic solution
- cell becomes TURGID
Plant cell in a hypertonic solution
plant cell in an isotonic solution
- Flaccid
Active transport
- movement of solute across a semipermeable membrane
- from an area of LOW SOLUTE concentration to an area of HIGH SOLUTE concentration
- Requires energy
Active transport (picture)
Key adaptation of vascular plants for acquiring gases, sunlight, water, and minerals
- Root hairs
- Stomata
- Lenticels
- Mycorrhyzae
Root hairs
- extend from root epidermal hairs
- Respiratory gases exchange with soil spaces
- provides and increased surface area for the absorption of water and minerals
Root hair process of acquiring water and gases
- water enters root hairs by osmosis
- water entry carries DISSOLVED GASES present in the soil
- diffusion of gases occur between air and soil spaces
- Dissolved gases are transported in the xylem, which also carries water and minerals to other plant parts
- Located on the bark of woody stems
- elevated dots or streaks
- Rupture of epidermis in stem caused by rapid growth of cell mass under epidermis
- rupture leaves spaces for gas diffusion
- small openings on leaf surfaces
- Stomata allow for gas exchange
- mutualistic association of fungal hyphae with vascular plant roots
- provide a greater surface area for the absorption of water and minerals
Plant adaptation for sunlight
- Size of leaves
- The arrangement of leaves on a branch
- Leaf orientation
- branching from the stem
Size of leaves
- important to reduce evaporative water loss
- smaller leaves will have less water loss
The arrangement of leaves on a branch
- the angle of leaves
- can maximize exposure to light and reduce shading of lower leaves
Leaf orientation
- vertical or horizontal
- horizontal maximizes sunlight in low light conditions but may be prone to more damage from intense light
Structure of a leaf
- The ground tissue in a leaf, called the MESOPHYLL is sandwiched between the upper and lower epidermis
- (upper mesophyll) PALISADE MESOPHYLL
- (lower mesophyll) SPONGY MESOPHYLL - where gas exchange occurs
Processes in leaves
- Oxygen and carbon dioxide are the respiratory gases
- Gases enter and leave the leaf through the STOMATA
- O2 and CO2 diffuse within the SPONGY PARENCHYMA layer, then to the PALISADE LAYER where most photosynthesis takes place
- Vascular bundles bring water and minerals to the leaf and carry away sugars produced there
Leaf structure picture
Stomata structure
- located on leaf epidermis
- stomatal pore is flanked by two guard cells, which regulates its opening and closing
3 cues believed to result in stomatal opening
- the movement of K+ from surrounding epidermal cells into guard cells followed osmotically by water and increased turgidity
- The depletion of CO2 in the air spaces of the leaves
- A natural circadian rhythm which is seen if plants are kept in the dark continuously
Mechanism if stomatal opening 1
- structurally, the portion of the cell wall closer to the stomata is thicker than the outside
- stomata open due to the reversible active accumulation of K+ in guard cells from surrounding epidermal cells ( where there is higher concentration of solutes, water follows)
Mechanism if stomatal opening 2
- at dawn, blue light receptors are stimulated in the membrane of guard cells
- this in turn stimulates ATP- DRIVEN PROTON PUMPS
to pump out H+ ions into the epidermal cells
- This then drives the uptake of K+ ions from the surrounding epidermal cells into the guard cells
- water follows by osmosis and the guard cells become turgid
Mechanism if stomatal opening 3
- the uneven make up of the guard cell cell wall causes buckling and the creation of an opening
- closing of the guard cells occur when K+ are lost from the guard cells and water leaves the guard cells making them flaccid and closing stomata
There are 2 types of vascular tissue in plants
- xylem
- phloem
Xylem has 2 types of conducting cells
- tracheids
- vessel elements
xylem's conducting cells...
- conducts water and minerals from the roots to other parts of the plant
- the nuclei of these conducting cells are dead at maturity
Xylem Composition

Mature xylem tissue contains:
- vessel elements
- tracheids
- sclerenchyma
- parenchyma ( the only living cells in mature xylem tissue)
In addition to transporting water and minerals, Xylem is also used for plant
Composition of Phloem tissue
- Sieve elements
- Companion cells
- also contains sclerenchyma and parenchyma
Sieve elements
- the nuclei of sieve elements break down at maturity and only the cytoplasm remains
Companion cells
- the cells retain their nuclei and their nuclei may help control sieve elements
Function of phloem
- transport of organic compounds (eg. carbohyrates and amino acids)
- may transport either direction (up or down)
Mechanisms by which water and minerals enter plant roots

Water and minerals can travel through a plant by three routes
- transmembrane route
- symplastic route
- apoplastic route
Transmembrane route
- out of one cell, across a cell wall, and into another cell
Symplastic route
- via the continuum of cytosol ( little pathways through cells)
Apoplastic route
- via the cell walls and extracellular spaces
Absorption of water and minerals by root cells
- most water and mineral absorption occur near root tips where epidermis is permeable to water and root hairs are located
- Root hairs account for much of the surface area of roots
- after soil sollution enters the roots, the extensive surface area of cortical cells membrane enhances uptake of water and selected minerals
Transport of Water and Minerals into the Xylem
- The endodermis is the innermost layer of cells in the root cortex
- surrounds the vascular cylinder; the last checkpoint for selective passage of minerals from the cortex into the vascular tissue
- water can cross the cortex via the symplast or apoplast
- the waxy Casparian strip of the endodermal wall blocks apoplastic transfer of minerals from the cortex to the vascular cylinder
water absorption in plant roots picture
Mechanism of water and mineral movent
- two theories
- root pressure
- transpiration-adhesion-cohesion
Root pressure theory
- the force required to push water up the xylem is due to the osmotic movement of water from the soil into the roots
- pushes xylem sap up the xylem, and when cut, xylem sap comes out the top
- unfortunately, the pressure exerted is only enough to lift xylem sap up to 2 meters
transpiration-adhesion-cohesion theory
- relies on cohesion of water and the process of transpiration
- water evaporates from a leaf (transpiration) via the stomata
- this causes water deficit at the leaves
- columns of water are pulled up the xylem by the cohesive forces of the water molecules
- this pull is transmitted throughout the entire plant
- transpirational pull is facilitated by COHESION of water molec. to each other and ADHESION of water molec. to cell walls
- therefore, transpiration supplies the pull
Factors affecting transpiration
- Available light
- Temperature
- Relative humidity
- Air movement
- Availability of water
- Atmospheric pressure
Available light
- increased rate of photosynthesis causes increased sugar levels leading eventually to opening of stomata and loss of water (increased transpiration)
- higher temperatures leads to increased evaporation and increased transpiration
Relative humidity
- Increased humidity (high concentration of water in the atmosphere) leads to a decrease in transpiration
Air movement
- wind around the leaf increases transpiration
Availability of water
- if water is limited, guard cells will wilt and stomata will close decreasing transpiration
Atmospheric pressure
- lower pressure results in increased transpiration
how the products of photosynthesis are be transported in vascular plants
you'll see
Phloem sap
- an aqueous solution that is high in sucrose
- travels from sugar source to a sugar sink
Sugar source
- an organ that is a net producer of sugar, such as mature leaves
Sugar sink
- an organ that is a net consumer or storer of sugar, such as a tuber or bulb
Transportation of phloem sap by diffusion is
not adequate
Products of photosynthesis are transported by
2 theories on how phloem sap is transported
- cytoplasmic streaming theory
- pressure or mass flow theory
Cytoplasmic streaming theory
- says that materials flow from one sieve element to another along a concentration gradient
- is moved within the sieve element rapidly from one end to the other by cytoplastic streaming
- no evidence to support this theory
pressure or mass flow theory
- involves changes in turgor pressure that allow a mass flowof wter and solute along a TURGOR PRESSURE GRADIENT in the sieve tubes
pressure or mass flow theory 2
- sugars transported into phloem cells have a high osmotic activity
- water follows into the sieve tubes raising turgor pressure
- neighboring sieve elements have LOWER TURGOR PRESSURE and therefore sugar and water will be forced into these sieve elements by turgor pressure
- when sugars reach metabolically active areas of the plant, SUGARS ARE REMOVED from the sieve tubes and turgor pressure drops as follows