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45 Cards in this Set

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- Returning waste products to the environment
- balancing of solute and solvent levels in the body
Most abundant waste products for animals
- carbon dioxide
- water
- ammonia
Main function of excretory system
- Maintain solute ion concentration
- maintaining water balance
- Removal of toxic wastes
Excretory waste in animals and which organs handles them
- Carbon dioxide: handled by gills/ lungs
- Nitrogenous wastes: handled by special excretory organs such as kidneys
Why is water a waste product for many animals?
- animals that live in fresh water environment have a higher concentration of water in their body, they need solutes
- solutes are at a premium in these environments, they need to keep as much solutes that are filtrated from the water or taken from the food they eat. water is then mostly flushed away
- the movement of water
- through a selectively permeable membrane
- from the side with low solute (high solvent) to the side withe higher solute (low solvent) concentration
- does not require energy
Osmotic pressure
- the tendency of water to move by osmosis into a solution
- the greater the difference in concentration, the greater the osmotic pressure
Tonicity (solutions)
- Isotonic
- Hypotonic
- hypertonic
Tonicity effect on cells picture
- Regulation of body water content
- Regulation of the concentration and distribution of ions and other solutes
- is the process of maintaining an appropriate balance of water and salts in the body fluids
- Removal of waste (excess) substances from the body
- may involve removal of water and salts
- excretory organs are often involved with osmoregulation
Water loss in terrestrial animals (humans)
- Urinary system (kidneys) - (50%) - 1500 ml./ day
- Perspiration (skin) (30%) - 900 ml/day
- respiratory system (lungs)(15%) 450ml/day
- Digestive system (faeces)-(5%) 150 ml/day
- Total 3000 ml/day
Water replacement in mammals (humans)
- Food and drinks (90%) - 2700 ml/day
- Metabolism (10%) - 300 ml/ day (cell respiration produces water as byproduct)
Nitrogenous waste products in animals
- ammonia
- urea
- uric acid
Nitrogenous waste pic
Ammonia (NH3)
- Origin: breakdown of proteins
- Toxicity : high
- Solubility in water : high
- Most common habitat: aquatic
- Example of organism: fresh water aquatic animal
- Origin: synthesised from CO2 and NH3
- Toxicity: medium
- Solubility in water: medium
- most common habitat: aquatic and terrestrial
- Example of organisms: fish, mammals, amphibians
Uric acid
- Origin: synthesized from CO2 and NH3 and other molecules (nucleic acids)
- Toxicity: low
- Solubility in water: poor
- most common habitat: terrestrial
- Example of organism: birds, reptiles, insects, humas
Toxicity and solubility of nitrogenous wastes
- ammonia: high toxicity, high solubility
- Urea: medium toxicity, Medium solubility
- Uric acid: low toxicity, low solubility
Excretory Processes In

Unicellular organisms
Fresh water unicellular organisms
- Diffusion of nitrogenous wastes
- Need contractile vacuole to remove excess water entering by osmosis
Salt Water Unicellular Organisms
- Diffusion of nitrogenous wastes
- Environment is isotonic or hypertonic so they not have to excrete water
Excretory Processes In

- has an excretory system composed of a network of tubes or canals that open to the outside of the body
- within these canals are FLAME CELLS which are comprised of clusters of beating cilia
- The flame cell cilia propels fluid through the canals to the outside and function to regulate water content in planaria
- The number of flame cells can be adjusted dependent on the salinity of the environment ( less flame cells when saltier)
Excretory Processes In

- have a closed circulatory system, because of this, very specialized structures have evolved for waste disposal
- Blood vessel and excretory structures have an intimate relationship allowing direct exchange of waste material from the blood to the excretory system
Excretory Processes In

Each segment of the worm has a pair of its own excretory organs called:
- Metanephridia or just nephridia
Excretory Processes In

Earth worms

- Ciliated funnels that collectct coelomic fluid and open independently to the outside
- Blood capillaries wrap around these nephridia as they go to the outside
- As the fluid passes down the tube wastes are removed from the blood and goes into the tubes while salts and other substances (e.g. glucose) are reabsorbed into the capillaries.
- Because these organisms live in a moist, wet environment nitrogenous wastes pass out as urea and dilute urine in large amounts
- Up to 60% of its body weight is urine per day
Excretory Processes In

- Insects have special organs for excretion called Malpighian tubules
- This excretory system concentrates the waste into solid matter and reabsorbs precious water
- They live in a dry terrestrial environment and nitrogenous wastes are excreted as uric acid
- The malpighian tubules are blind sacs between the midgut and hindgut and is bathed directly with by blood from the open sinuses of the animals body
- Numbers of malpighian tubules may range from 2 to 100
- Fluid is absorbed at the closed end of the tubule and makes its way to the other end.
- During this passage uric acid is precipitated and water and salts are reabsorbed in the intestine
- Fluid waste is passed to the hindgut and combined with digestive wastes then to the rectum where large quantities of water is reabsorbed while semi-solid uric acid is expelled
Organs of the human excretory system
- Kidney
- Ureter
- Urinary bladder
- Urethra
Human Urinary system
- bead shaped organs found on either side of the vertebral column in the thoracic/ lumbar region
- they control the composition and volume of blood
- maintain blood pH
- Remove nitrogenous wastes
- take urine in the kidney to a storage organ, urinary bladder
Urinary bladder
- storage organ
- large muscular organ that stores urine
- can hold up to 800 ml of urine but is generally stimulated to empty when capacity is between 200-400 ml
- a small hollow tube that leads from the urinary bladder to the outside through which urine is expelled
Structure of the human kidney
- about 10 - 12 cm long by 2.5 cm thick
- reddish brown organs
- have a concave side medial to the vertebral column
- this concave side has a noth called RENAL HILUS through which blood vessels, nerve and lymph vessels enter the kidney
Human kidney pic
Human Kidney part 1
- The ureter also exits via the renal hilus
- The kidney is composed of a tough, transparent fibrous outer coat called the renal capsule
- This serves to protect the kidney from trauma and infection
- Below the renal capsule is the renal cortex which is a granular layer within which blood vessels contact kidney tubules
- Below the renal cortex is the renal medulla which is the inner layer of the kidney
- This is arranged in pyramid like structures which contain the collecting ducts that empty into a central cavity, the renal pelvis
- The renal pelvis is where urine accumulates before leaving the kidney via the ureters to the urinary bladder
Human kidney part 2
- The vascular portion arises as follows
- The renal artery enters the kidney in the renal hilus and branches into the interlobular arteries
- The interlobular artery then carries its blood to afferent arterioles
- Each afferent arteriole goes to 1 Bowman’s capsule
- The afferent arteriole then divides many times to form a tangled network of capillaries within
- Bowman’s capsule called the glomerulus
- The glomerular capillaries reunite to form the efferent arterioles which exits Bowman’s capsule
Human Kidney part 3
- The kidney is unusual in that this network of capillaries exits Bowman’s capsule as arterioles not venules
- Most capillary beds enter on the arterial side as arterioles and exit as venules
- The efferent arterioles that have exited Bowman’s capsule then form a peritubular capillary network around the convoluted tubules (including the loop of Henle)
- When these capillaries reunite they form the interlobular veins which drains into the renal veins and eventually into the inferior vena cava
Kidney and nephon pic
the structure of a nephron and it’s anatomocal relationship with the associated vascular network
- The functional unit of the kidney is called the nephron (about a million in each kidney)
- the nephron consists of tubular and vascular portions
- The tubular portion is comprised of the glomerular capsule (Bowman’s capsule) which is in the cortex of the kidney and the following sections
- The capsule leads to the proximal convoluted tubule
- Proximal because its close to Bowman’s capsule and convoluted because it is twisted in coils
- The proximal tubule when it dips into the medulla becomes the descending loop of Henle
- The loop of Henle bends after descending into the medulla for a while and then rises as the ascending loop of Henle towards the cortex again
- When the ascending loop of Henle reaches the cortex it then turns into the distal convoluted tubule
- The distal convoluted tubule then merges into the collecting ducts of the medulla
- The distal tubules of several nephrons connect to single collecting duct
3 Processes are involved in the production of urine
- Glomerular filtration
- Tubular reabsorption
- Tubular secretion
Glomerular filtration
- filter all components of blood except blood cells and most proteins into Bowman's Capsule
- Filtration is a passive even and relies on hydrostatic pressure created by the beating of the heart
- The pressure within the glomerulus is greter than the fluid pressure within Bowman's Capsule and components of blood are filtered into the capsule
- This filtered fluid is called FILTRATE: comprised of water, glucose, amino acids, vitamins, sodium, chloride, potassium and other ions as well as nitrogenous wastes such as urea and uric acid
Glomerular filtration

What is filtered from the blood from the glomerulus into the Bowman's capsule?
- Waste products (e.g. urea)
- water
- salts
- amino acids
- vitamins
- Happens mostly in proximal convoluted tubule
- Materials that are reabsorbed:
- salts actively reacbsorbed
- vitamins actively reabsorbed
- 99% of the water is reabsorbed by osmosis
Tubular secretion
- Actively secretes substances from the blood into the tubules
- These include substances such as : H+ ions, ammonia, potassium, creatine, and a number of drugs e.g penicilin
- Tubular secretion controls blood PH by the active secretion of Hydrogen ions into the PCT, DCT and collecting ducts
- It removes toxic materials from the body
Hormonal control of urine volume and composition
- ADH - from hypothalamus/posterior pituitary
Increases the permeability of membranes to water in the distal tubule and collecting duct, allowing more water to be absorbed by osmosis.
- Aldosterone – from adrenal cortex
Increases reabsorption of sodium and secretion of potassium in distal tubule and collecting duct.
Increases reabsorption of water by osmosis