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40 Cards in this Set

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They are one ancient and large group of asexual eukaryote?
bdelloid rotifers
what is evolution
genetic change in a population over time.
How old is the earth?
4.5 billion years old
what gain energy they require from other organisms?
what are the largest living reptiles that show striking variation among island populations and influenced Darwin's view on evolution?
Galapagos Tortoises
Complex traits with a clear functional design are called?
what are homeobox genes
The code for developmental pattern along the main axis of most animals
Give three examples of vestigial organs?
whale pelvis, whale class II olfactory genes, tail and gill slits in human embryo.
what is Ontogeny Recapitulates Phylogeny?
Development replays evolution
What are the three essential ingredients for evolution by natural selection?
Phenotypic variation, heritability, differential reproduction of phenotypes and genotypes.
T or F
Polyploidization may lead to sympatric speciation?
Darwin's Finches Radiated due to Model II geographic speciation
There can be an evolved self-sacrifice for the good of the species T or F
Selection at lower levels is more powerful because there is greater phenotypic variation T or F
The overall level of male confidence of paternity in a society predicts residence patterns in preindustrial human groups. T or F
Suppressors of selfish driving genes do not allow the individual to proudce mendelian ratios in gametes True or False
Lemmings sometimes are bumped off cliffs as they undergo mass migrations in times of food shortage? True or False
Senescence is a part of a beneficial trait that has evolved because it enhances reproduction T or F
What decreases the 2 for 1 cost of sex?
Facultative sexuality and male parental care
Harem size is greatest in species that are what?
most sexually dimorphic
How many years ago did human agriculture appeared?
10,000-12,000 years ago
what can change their sex?
Sequential hermaphrodites
what is has a brain size of 612 cc
homo habilis
The only eusocial vertebrates
Naked mole rats (Kim Possible)
Females first
Protogynous hermaphroites
Most vertebrate asexuals have what or what associated with their genetic system and origins
Polyploidy or Hybridization
what is Holometabolous?
Wormlike, do not look like adults
What is Anisogamy?
Sexual dimorphism
What is Iteroparity?
many reproductive bouts
What is matrilocal?
Mother's brother important
What are pre and postzygotic barriers to gene flow and how are they important in speciation?
Pre and Post zygotic barriers to gene flow prevent individuals from different species from sharing genes. Prezygotic barriers do this before zygotes are formed. Postzygotic do this after. If hybrids are of reduced viability then prezygotic barriers may evolve to prevent females from producing low fitness offspring.
Hamilton's kin selection equation?
b/c > 1/r
b- benefit to recipient c- cost to donor r- relatedness through identity by descent.
if this equation is met you do indirect reproduction.
How are differences in gamete size related to the evolution of sexual dimorphism and particularly male and female differences in mating behavior?
Individual female gametes are scarce compared to male sperm, so males must compete for access to eggs. There is selection on males to develop traits that aid in this competition, and this competition leads to dimorphism.
How changing environment conditions reversed courtship patterns in Australian Katydids?
In australian Katydids males provide females with nutritious spermatophores when mating. in dry conditions these spermatophores are scarce, so females court males to get them. In good (wet) conditions spermatophores are more abundant, so males compete to give them to females.
Allopatric model I
barrier separates population
Migratory locust
two morphs
Population of earth
6, 912, 145, 011
The United States Population
311, 164, 273
The equilibrium theory of island biogeography
# species = balance of immigration on a regional scale vs. extinction on local scale
what is Gause's competitive exclusion principle?
Two species cannot coexist for an unlimited period of time on the same limiting resource (in the same niche)