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115 Cards in this Set

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Name the structure at the pointer

Is this sexual or asexual reproduction?
Structure at the point: Rhizopus zygosporangium (resting sexual structures; diploid cell zygotes within zygosporangium)

Part on either side: suspensor

Phylum: Zygomycota (bread molds/zygote fungi)
Name the kingdom and phylum. Point out the nucleus and pellicle.
Kingdom: Protista
Phylum: Euglenida

Euglenoids have pellicles, cell walls reinforced with protein making cell more flexible; mostly freshwater unicellular algae; motile w/ 2 flagella
Name the structure at the pointer
Point out the neck and venter. What generation is it a part of?
Archegonium (archegoniophores are specialized stalks on female liverwort plants bearing archegonium with a single differentiating egg)

Kingdom: Plantae
Phylum: Hepaticophyta: Liverworts

top to bottom: neck, venter, egg

part of gametophyte generation: sex organ produced by haploid gametophyte; produced egg and sperm fuse to form first diploid cell (zygote) of the sporophyte generation
Name the long fingerlike sac at the pointer

Name the red things inside.

Name this reproductive layer
long fingerlike sac: Ascus
red things inside: ascospores (8)
sterile hyphae (empty asci) : paraphyses
name: hymenial layers

Kingdom: Fungi
Phylum: Ascomycota (sac fungi)

Sexual reproduction in Ascomycota
-monokaryotic hypae from + & - mating strains come in contact, forming antheridia and ascogonia which fuse to form an ascogonium, with haploid nuclei from each strain intermingling inside
-dikaryotic mycelium grow from ascogonium and mingle with monokaryotic hyphae from each parent to form cup-shapes ascocarp
-each dikaryotic cell has nucleus from each parents that don't fuse immediately; the dikaryotic cells inside lining of ascocarp from asci and THEN zygote forms in each ascus from nuclei fusion (karyogamy)
-meiosis produces 4 haplois ascospores; mitosis then produces 8 ascospores within each mature ascus
-asci rupture to release ascospres which can produce new mycelium
Name the kingdom and phylum
Name this mass of hyphae
Kingdom: Fungi
Phylum Zygomycota (bread molds)

Genus: common - Rhizopus

hyphae and rhizoids (holdfasts) make up mycelium connected to upright hyphal filaments called sporangiophores (asexual reproductive structures). Sporangiophores end with a columnella that supports asexually reproducing sporangium which contain sporangiospores formed from haploid nuclei; spores are released into environment when mature sporangium matures and ruptures
Name these spores
Are they from sexual or asexual reproduction?
Point out the conidiophore
Conidia (Penicillium)

Fungi reproducing asexually to make clones in stable environment; no fusion of gametes - just mitotic production of clone cells

conidiospores (pinched off ends of hyphae) on a conidiophore (stalk)
Name these organisms.

Name their phylum.

What is their cell wall made of?
Diatoms - unicellular algae

Phylum: Diatoms (Bacillariophyta / Chrysophyta)

cell wall made of SiO2 (glass) arranged in overlapping halves
Name the phylum
Basidiomycota - club fungi
Name this cluster of sporangia.

Point out the indusium.
Sorus/sori (round stuctures_ - on undersides of a fern's fronds (Phylum Pterophyta); meiosis occurs and haploid spores are formed within these clusters of sporangia; first stage of gametophyte

the Indusium is the shield-shaped horizontal structure that is protecting the sporangia; a specialized outgrowth of the frond
Name the phylum.

What generation is pictured here?
Kingdom: Plantae
Phylum Bryophyta (mosses)

The gametophyte generation is pictured
What generation is pictured here? Name the phylum.
Gametophyte! Phylum Hepaticophyta.
Name the phylum.

What generation is pictured here?
Kingdom: Plantae
Phylum Bryophyta (mosses)

The gametophyte generation is pictured
Name the phylum.
Kingdom: Fungi
Phylum: Ascomycota (sac fungi)
Name the fern's compound leaf.

Name the underground stem.

Name the phylum.

What generation are you looking at?
compound leaf: frond

underground stem: rhizomes (horizontal)

Kingdom: Plantae
Phylum: Pterophyta (Ferns)

Adult sporophyte generation
Name the oval structure at the pointer.

What is produced inside?

What generation is it a part of?
Antheridium with flagellated sperm formed inside

Gametophyte (n) generation
Name the phylum and genus.
Kingdom: Protista
Phylum: Chlorophyta (Green Algae)
Genus: Volvox

Parent colony with daughter colony
Name the phylum.
Kingdom: Fungi
Phylum: Basidomycota (Club Fungi)

corn smut; plant parasite
Name these three chambers.

Name the phylum.

What generation are you looking at?
Sporangia containing spores

Kingdom: Plantae
Phylum: Pterophyta

Generation: sporophyte
Name the genus and phylum.
Name the structure at the pointer.
Kingdom: Plantae
Phylum: Pterophyta
Genus: Equisetum "scouring rush"

vertical slice through a strobilus.
blue sacs are sporangia
red dots are spores.
Name the genus & phylum.
Genus: Vorticella
Name this algae phylum
What is a lichen?
What kind of lichen is pictured here?
A symbiotic relationship of fungus and algae

Fruticose Lichen called Wolf Moss
Name the structure at the pointer.
Is this sexual or asexual? Point out the columella and sporangiophore.

asexual reproduction by zygomycota

interior sphere; stalk on the left of sphere
Name these red cells on the lichen slide
Name the green part of this lichen slide.
Name the phylum and genus.
Point out the basidium and basidiospores.
Name this reproductive layer.
KIngdom: Fungi
Phylum: Basidiomycota Genus: Coprinus

green tips: basidium
brown oval: basidiospores

hymenial layer
Name the phylum.
Name the phylum.
Name the phylum and the genus.
Name these organisms.
Name the phylum
Phylum Actinopoda
Name this yellow body.
Name the kingdom and phylum.
Name the phylum and the genus.
Point out the pseudopod.
Rhizopoda and Amoeba
Name the phylum and the genus.
Kingdom: Protista
Phylum:Dinozoa (Pyrrhophyta)
Genus: Ceratium
Name the chamber at the pointer.
Name the reddish structure at the pointer.

Fucus tips ( genus of brown algae)
Name the genus and phylum.
Name the chamber at the pointer. Name the small, red structures inside.
Fucus and Phaeophyta conceptacle (chamber), antheridia (red dots)
Name the phylum.
Name the phylum.
Name the rootlike, stemlike, and leaflike parts.
holdfast, stipe, and blades
Name the phylum.
Name the Phylum
Name the structure at the pointer.
Name the phylum.
Name the phylum and the genus.
Point out the chloroplast and pyrenoids.
Chlorophyta and Spirogyra

Zig-zag looking green thing
circular spots on chloroplast
Name the structure at the pointer.
Point out the contractile stalk.
How does this organism move?
Protista, Ciliophora, Vorticella (Ciliate)

the flagella-like structure
using cilia
Name the kingdom and phylum.
Protista, Foraminifera
Name the phylum and genus.
How does it move?
Protista, Sarcomastigophora,Trypanosoma
moves with 1+ flagella
Point out gemmae cups.
Hepaticophyta (Liverworts), Merchantia
Name the phylum and generation.
Hepaticophyta (liverwort) and gametophyte
What is this?
Name the generation.
Point out the indusium and sporangia.
Fern sorus
What generation is shown here?
Point out foot, seta, and capsule
(top to bottom) foot: meeting of brown and blue, seta: blue section, casule: giant globe

marchantia - liverwort
Name this cone-like cluster of sporangia.
What is the word for producing only one kind of spore?
Name the oval structures.
What is produced inside? What generation is this?
flagellated sperm
gametophyte (liverworts?)
Point out the archegonium.
Point out the ventor, neck, and egg.
entire stalk
(bottom to top) neck, venter, egg
Name the generation.

Name the structures at the pointer
Fern prothallium


Point out the sporangia and sporophylls.
Is this homospory or heterospory?
sporangia: blobular areas
sporophylls: leaf like region


Lycopodium strobilus
Point out the sporophyte and the gametophyte.
Fern young sporophyte

sporophyte: growing out
gametophyte: large shape
What is this?
Liverwort antheridia
Name the generation. Point out the neck, venter, and egg.
Liverwort Archegonia
(top to bottom) egg, venter, neck
Name the phylum and generation.
Pterophyta and sporophyte
What is this?
Pterophyta (ferns), horsetails
Name the phylum and generation.
Pterophyta and sporophyte
Name the phylum and generation.

brown structures: sporophytes
Name the generation shown here.

mature moss sporophyte with operculum, capsule, seta
Name the entire structure at the pointer.
Archegonium; femala moss gametophyte
Name the generation.
Point out operculum, sporangia, spores.
Point out megaspores and microspores.
What is the term used for producing two different spores?
Selaginella strobilus

megaspores are the big red ones
microspores are the small green ones

Name the generation.
Point out neck, venter, and egg.
gametophyte generation
Name these filaments.
Is this haploid or diploid?
Name these filaments.
Is this haploid or diploid?
Name the phylum
Pterophyta, whisk ferns
Name the phylum.
Lycophyta, Selaginella
Name the genus and phylum.
Point out the pellicle, macronucleus, and micronucleus.
Protista, Ciliophora (Ciliates), Paramecium
Name the phylum.
How does it move?
Point out the nucleus and pellicle.
Euglenida (Euglenophyta)
Name the kingdom and phylum.
How do they reproduce asexually?
What is the name of the asexual spore?
Kingdom: Fungi
Phylum: Ascomycota
Reproduce asexually by budding
name of asexual spore is blastospore
Name the phylum.
Name the generation at the pointer.
Phylum Anthocerophyta
Generation at pointer is gametophyte (the horn is sporophyte)
Name the kingdom.
Name the phylum.
Name the genus (and species).
Kingdom: Protista
Phylum: Apicomplexa
Genus and species: Plasmodium vivax - malaria
Kingdom? Phylum?
Algae (Autotrophs):
Rodophyta (Red Algae)
Kingdom? Phlylum?
Algae (Autotrophs):
Rodophyta (Red Algae)
Kingdom? Phlylum?
Algae (Autotrophs):
Rodophyta (Red Algae)
Kingdom? Phlylum?
Algae (Autotrophs):
Rodophyta (Red Algae)
Kingdom? Phlylum?
Algae (Autotrophs):
Rodophyta (Red Algae)
Kingdom? Phlylum?
Algae (Autotrophs):
Rodophyta (Red Algae)
Kingdom? Phlylum?
Algae (Autotrophs):
Phaeophyta - Brown Algae
Kingdom? Phlylum?
Algae (Autotrophs):
Phaeophyta - Brown Algae
Kingdom? Phlylum?
Algae (Autotrophs):
Phaeophyta - Brown Algae
Kingdom? Phlylum?
Algae (Autotrophs):
Phaeophyta - Brown Algae
Kingdom? Phylum?
Basidiomycota - Club Fungi
Kingdom? Phylum?
Basidiomycota - Club Fungi
Kingdom? Phylum?
Basidiomycota - Club Fungi
Kingdom? Phylum?
Basidiomycota - Club Fungi
Kingdom? Phylum?
Basidiomycota - Club Fungi
Kingdom? Phylum?
Basidiomycota - Club Fungi
Kingdom? Phylum?
Basidiomycota - Club Fungi
Kingdom? Phylum?
Basidiomycota - Club Fungi
Kingdom? Phylum?
Basidiomycota - Club Fungi
Kingdom? Phylum?
Basidiomycota - Club Fungi
Kingdom? Phylum?
Basidiomycota - Club Fungi
what is it?
live lichens growing on tree bark

symbiotic relationship between fungus and green algae and/or cyanobacteria
what is it
live lichens growing on rock

symbiotic relationship between fungus and green algae and/or cyanobacteria
what is it
fruticose lichens; wolf moss
what is it
foliose lichens
fruticose lichens
what is it?
bird's nest fungus

basidiomycota - club fungi
what is it?
Phylum Anthocerophyta
what is it?
moss; bryophyte
What is it? Phylum?
Plantae, Bryophyta: Mosses

What is it? Phylum?
What is it? Phylum?
Plantae, Bryophyta: Mosses

Sporophyte generation
What is it? Phylum?
Plantae, Bryophyta: Mosses

What is it? Phylum?
Plantae, Hepaticophyta: liverworts

What is it? Phylum?
Plantae, Lycophyta: Club Mosses, Lycopodium
What is it? Phylum?
Plantae, Lycophyta: Club Mosses, Selaginella
What phylum?
Fungi, Ascomycota - sac fungi

What phylum?
Fungi, Ascomycota
What Phylum?
Fungi, Ascomycota, truffles
Which Phylum?
Fungi, Ascomycota, Wood Ear