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86 Cards in this Set

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C1. How many domains of life are there? What are they?

3, Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukarya

C1. What are the first 5 levels in the hierarchy of life?

1. Biosphere

2. Ecosystems

3. Communities

4. Populations

5. Organisms

C1. In Latin, "science" means:

To know

C1. Discovery science has:

No hypothesis

C1. What are the steps of the scientific method?

1. Observation

2. Question

3. Hypothesis

4. Prediction

5. Experiment

6. No and Yes loops

7. Conclusion

C1. What did Jane Goodall observe

Chimpanzees and their behavior

C2. The building blocks of matter are:

The elements

C2. How many elements occur naturally on Earth?


C2 What determines the atomic number of an element?

The number of protons

C2 What determines the atomic mass of an element?

The number of protons and neutrons combined

C2. How many electrons can the inner most electron shell contain?


C2 How many electrons can each outer electron shells contain?


C2 How many elements are essential to life?

about 25

C2 What elements make up about 96% of the human body?

Oxygen, Carbon, Hydrogen, and Nitrogen

C2 What are molecules?

Substances that contain two more elements at a fixed ratio

C2 What makes up an atom's nucleus?

Protons and Neutrons

C2 What is an ion?

An atom with a negative or positive charge.

C2 What is an ionic bond?

When atoms take or give away electrons PERMANENTLY and then become attracted to eachother by their opposite charges.

C2 What is a covalent bond? Is it permanent?

When atoms share electrons and no

C2 Why do atoms bond?

Because atoms have a preference to have their outer most electron shell filled in

C2 What is an isotope?

When an atoms has more or less neutrons compared to its number of protons

C2 Cells are composed of ____-_____% water


C2 Why is H2O polar?

Because the electrons are shared unequally between the two types of atoms, taking more time to circle the Oxygen atom

C2 Hydrogen Bonds are:


C2 Cohesion means?

When alike molecules stick together.

C2 Adhesion means?

When not alike molecules stick together.

C2 The flow of water is tree go _____. What causes this?

Up, evaporation

C2 Hydrogen bonds have a _____ _______ surface tension.

unsually high

C2 Evaporation is a _______ mechanisms for organisms.


C2 Why does ice float?

Ice has a lighter density than liquid water because water expands when it freezes. buoyancy

C2 A layer of ice can act like what?

A lid or like a temperature buffer

C2 A solution is?

A liquid where two or more substances are mixed.

C2 A water solution is called?

an aqueous solution

C2 A solvent is the ______, while the solute is the ______

dissolving liquid, dissolving substance

C2 What determines an acid from a base?

An acid has a higher relative amount of H+ ions while a base has a lower relative amount of H+ ions

C2 What measurement do we use to measure acidity? What # is considered neutral?

pH, 7

C2 What are more harmful to the body, basics or acids?


C2 What do buffers do?

help stabilize pH levels

C3 Carbon can have up to how many covalent bonds?


C3 Methane is a ______.

Symmetric Hydrocarbon

C3 What are the 4 common functional groups?

1. Hydroxyl

2. Carbonyl

3. Amino

4. Carboxyl

C3 Macromolecules are:

large groups of molecules

C3 What are the 4 most important macromolecules?

1. Cabrohydrates

2. Proteins

3. Lipids

4. Nucleic Acids

C3 Cabrohydrates are:

Sugars/ energy

C3 Starch comes from:


C3 Monomers, Dimers, and Polymers for carbs are?

Monosaccharids, Disaccharides, Polysaccharides

C3 Sucrose is also known as:

table sugar

C3 Glycogen is from:


C3 Cellulose is the ______ on Earth

most abundant organic substance

C3 Lipids are _______ polymers.

not true

C3 hydrophilic is _________ while hydrophobic is ______

water-loving, afraid of water

C3 Categories of lipids include:

Fats, oils, waxes, steriods and hormones

C3 How do lipids react to water?

they don't react/mix

C3 What seperates unsaturated fats from saturated fats?

Unsaturated fats have a double bond between at least two carbon atoms in the hydrocarbon chain

C3 Hydrogenation means

Hydrogen atoms are artifically added

C3 Oils come from _____, fats come from _______

plants, animals

C3 Transfats can lead to

Heart Disease

C3 All steriods have what?

the same ordered four carbon rings

C3 Protein have how many different monomers?


C3 Protein monomers are called

amino acids

C3 Proteins are responsible for

Conducting the body's processes

C3 A bond between the carbon atom and nitrogen atom of two amino acids is called?

a peptide bond

C3 The human body has how many proteins?

about 30,000

C3 Denaturation is _______ caused by______

Give example

the unraveling or lose of shape of a protein, unfavorable temperature or pH changes.

Cooking steak

C3 How many levels of structure do proteins have


C3 Secondary structures of proteins contain two types of structure.

Pleated sheets and alpha helixes

C3 What are the two types of nucleic acids


C3 DNA has _______ while RNA has_______

two strands, one strand

C3 Nucleic acid monomers are called


C3 Nucleotide structures have three pieces

Phosphate group, sugar, and nitrogenous base

C3 Nucleic acids are a form of what?


C3 how many different kinds of nitrogenous bases are there


C3 Where do two nucleotides connect

at the phosphate group

C3 DNA's Thymine (T) turns into RNA's _______

Uracil (U)

C4 What are the two categories of Prokaryotic cells

1. Bacteria

2. Archaea

C4 What are the 3 things all cells have?

1. Plasma membrane

2. DNA

3. Ribosomes

C4 Protists are?

unicellular eukaryotes

C4 Viruses are not considered organisms because 2 things

1. They are not cellular

2. They cannot reproduce by themselves

C4 The most accurate model for the phospholipid bilayer is

the fluid mosaic model

C4 what is the superficial difference between rough ER and smooth ER

rough ER has ribosomes on the outside

C4 which is closer to the nucleus, rough or smooth ER

rough ER

C4 Vesicles do what?

contain and transport protien precursor molecules

C4 Golgi Apparatus does what?

Refines, stores and repackages proteins and send them to areas in and out of the cell

C4 Lysosomes do what?

act as internal cell disgestive system

C4 Only plant cells have three things

1. Cell walls

2. Central vacuoles

3. Chloroplasts

C4 Mitochondria do what.

Process the cell's energy