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50 Cards in this Set

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What are the five characteristics that define life?

1. Life is organized

2. Life requires energy

3. Life maintains internal consistency/ interact with the environment

4. Living things reproduce and develop

5. Life evolves and adapts to the environment

How is life organized?

Atoms, molecules, cells, tissues, organs, organ system, organism, population, community ecosystems, biosphere

11 levels

*what is an atom?

The smallest chemical unit of a type of pure substance


*What is a molecule?

A group of joined atoms


*What is a cell?

The fundamental/ basic unit of life

Leaf cell

*What are tissues?

The group of cells with a common structure and function

Epidermis of a leaf

*What is an Organ?

A structure consisting of tissues organized to interact and carry out specific functions


*What is an organ system?

Organs connected physically or chemically that function together

Above ground part of a plant

*What is an organism?

A single living individual

One acacia tree

Define population

Several organisms of the same kind (or species) in a particular area

multiple acacia trees

Define community

Interacting populations in the same region

All populations in a savanna

Define ecosystem

The community plus the environment

(The living and nonliving components of an area)

The savanna

Define biosphere

the parts of the planet inhabited by living things and its atmosphere

The global ecosystem

How does life require energy?

To maintain organization and carry out life activities

Define energy

The ability to do work

Define metabolism

1. energy to build new structures, repair old ones, and reproduce

2. Sum total of all chemical reactions that take place in your body

1.what it does 2. Definition

Define photosynthesis

A biochemical reaction that enables organisms to harness sunlight energy to manufacture organic molecules (sugars)

Flowers using sunlight to survive

How does life evolve?

By evolution and adaptation

What are producers (autotrophs)?

They make their own food by extracting energy and nutrients from the nonliving resources

Plants, microbes, and also bacteria

Define natural selection

A process in which individuals with certain inherited characteristics ( like adaptation) contribute more offspring to the next generation then do individuals lacking those characteristics.

Only the best will win

Define genes

Made up of chromosomes that contain your DNA

What is DNA?

At genetics material consisting of a double helix of nucleic acid

Made up of: Adenine, Cytosine, Guanine, and Thymine

Deoxyribonucleic acid

What are decomposers?

They are heterotrophs better tan energy and nutrients from waste or dead organisms

Fungi and some bacteria

How does life reproduce itself grow or develop?

By reproduction and genes

What is homeostasis?

The process by which a cell or organism maintains the state of internal consistency or equilibrium.

What is evolution?

A change of the genetic makeup with modification of a population over multiple generations

What are consumers (heterotrophs)?

Get their energy and nutrients like eating other organisms, living or dead


How does life maintain internal consistency?


What is adaptation?

Traits that enhance an organism's ability to survive

What is taxonomy?

The biological science of naming and classifying organisms

Define species

A distinct type of organism

What is cell theory?

1.The ideas that all living things consists of cells

2. cells are the structural and functional units of life

3. all cells come from preexisting cells

3 thing

What are the three domains for all species called?

1. Bacterias

2. Archaea

3. Eukarya

What is prokaryote?

A cell that lacks a nucleus

Bacteria and Archea domains

What is eukaryote?

A cell that contains a nucleus

Only domain Eukarya

What are the four kingdoms within Eukarya?

1. Protista (amoeba)

2. Animalia (bee)

3. Fungi (mushroom)

4. Plante (tree)

With examples

What is the scientific method?

The general way of using evidence to answer questions and ideas.

What are the steps of the scientific method?

1. Observations

2. Ask critical questions

3. Develop the hypothesis

4. Perform controlled experiments

5. Interpret results and draw conclusions

1. How do you make observations?

Rely on what you see, hear, touch, taste, or smell, or they can be based on existing knowledge and experimental results.

2. How do you ask critical questions?

Trying to figure out how one observation correlates with another

3. How do you develop a hypothesis?

A hypothesis is a tentative explanation for one or more observations.

By testing it

4. How do you perform controlled experiments?

By collecting data or by carrying out an experiment, which is a way to test a hypothesis under controlled conditions.

5. How do you interpret results and draw conclusions?

By continuing to test the data , and deciding whether the evidence supports or falsifies the hypothesis.

What is a theory?

It is developed only when I have hypothesis that has been supported by consistent results from many observations/ experiments

Define sample size.

The number of individuals that he or she will study during an experiment

Define independent variable.

The variable that you arr manipilating; testing

The dose of experimental vaccine

Define dependent variable.

Outcome that is expected.

Affected by the independent variable

The number of children with the illness caused by a virus

Define standardized variable.

constant for all subjects in an experiment

The age of children in a study

Define controls.

An untreated group which is the basis of comparison

Why do you need to control in your experiment?

To show if the experiment actually made a difference or resulted in anything.